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Everything posted by shrader

  1. When my power went out yesterday, my mom asked me “the electricity comes from the power plants, right?”. You’d be amazed at what people don’t know.
  2. My power went down for about two hours earlier today. There’s a great sign about a day ahead of any actual storm getting here.
  3. I just gave you the confused face and your number didn't change. Edit: And then I changed it to the crying one and it still didn't change.
  4. I look forward to finding out how we winds up back with Tuco. Back when he was introduced in Breaking Bad, my immediate thought was that I wanted far more of him in the show. We were robbed of that way too quickly.
  5. Trust me, I'm well aware of this. I think I could make that same exact post in pretty much every single thread if I really wanted to. I've missed most of the coverage of the hurricane headed my way simply because I can't stomach any news program anymore. You've been around your fair share of irrational women. Do you really need to ask that question? I might as well throw some actual sexism into the discussion.
  6. I still love it. Gus will do whatever he wants to Salamanca and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it. And he's telling him as much when he literally can't do anything.
  7. I'm amazed at how much support she has gotten even though any time they show the clips, it's nothing but her yelling. The problem is that most people were biased by hearing the word "sexist" before the story itself was actually presented. Just about every story is presented that way now. We get the opinion piece before we get the story itself.
  8. I hope it stays on that southern path. I have no choice but to pick up some very expensive medications and store them in my fridge. I'd rather not have to deal with the possibility of losing those due to an extended power outage. I know there are ways to make sure they stay cold, but I don't even want to have to mess with it.
  9. That speech to Salamanca was my favorite part of the episode. I love seeing how cold and dark Gus is. My lasting images of him from Breaking Bad are mostly from his Pollos Hermanos front. Here we get much less of that and he's all out evil right now.
  10. There would be building inspections at a new location. Sure, you could say that the basement is intended for something else, but people would know it's there.
  11. That would be a nice little twist. Everyone things she's either dead or there was some nasty breakup, but they always have a way of pulling something out of left field. I suppose another option for secret legal counsel could be Howard. Money issues could lead him down a different path.
  12. My mother-in-law is supposed to by flying in on friday. Sometimes a hurricane is a good thing.
  13. The phone call bit was interesting. Did he mention a timeframe for when that call would be made?
  14. How many times I need to and how many times I actually do are two completely different numbers
  15. I really don't know what to expect out of this one. For some reason I thought they were doing a prequel, but now I see that isn't the case for this show.
  16. And at one point that movie was written as a Lethal Weapon sequel. I could definitely see Riggs in the whole sandwich board opening to that movie.
  17. It'll be a romantic comedy, telling the story of how he met Holly.
  18. All I can picture when I think of six flags is the Empire ad (I think it was them) with Art Wonder dressed up as that guy.
  19. I vividly remember the title of this thread as the Muntz Effect when I first read it. Between that and Tweedle Dee/Dum dildo hats, clearly something crazy is going on.
  20. I remember this thread being good for a few laughs. But now I find it incredibly pathetic. Nelson strikes again!
  21. But more important, is the dancing old guy still alive?
  22. It sounds like you're talking about starting from scratch though. You can't really do that with a well-established park.
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