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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have the full thing sitting on my DVR. I'll get to it if I ever find the free time.
  2. There are so few people in sports that we can compare to him. The only thing I can come up with is to imagine if Michael Jordan had dominated the league when he came back with the Wizards. Nostalgia rules the day when it comes to sports and yesterday was a nice throwback to a more entertaining time in golf.
  3. I'd love to hear that conversation between Tiger and Rory as they were walking to the 18th green. I want to know what made Rory decide to take off and run out of there.
  4. It sounds like a good "rent it and watch it at home" movie. I'm curious to see it, but it won't be in theaters.
  5. You occasionally bump this one thread and never post much anywhere else. So yeah, I think it’s safe to assume there is something more to this.
  6. I’d offfer an 8th option, but I’d be infringing on DCTom’s material.
  7. Nope, just another case of someone jumping over to a parallel universe after the "Opposites Attract" video stopped getting airtime.
  8. I'm maybe 4 episodes into the second season. It's crazy how Marty is essentially starting a new battle every single episode. He's fighting a war on about 15 different fronts at this point.
  9. I thought he was too busy drooling over Paula Abdul.
  10. How did I miss this in my earlier post? Glover would be required to use his Lethal Weapon catchphrase multiple times.
  11. When did it become a wolf anyway? I always remember it as the crackhead 4th pig brother out for revenge.
  12. Does Cooper seek out the lowest point for the purpose of the shot or does the cameraman seek out the highest point for the sake of the equipment? I would guess that both options are just about as likely. But that's the fun thing about the internet. We could spin it however we'd like and an entire legion of sheep would believe either option.
  13. I hate the constant Pittsburgh comparisons, but that really is what you need to aspire to be. If you ever reach the point where you're completely set at the top end, it makes everyone else that much better. They've had a revolving door of fill ins over the last few years that have overachieved. We absolutely need Mittlestadt to pan out because that gets us there. The one thing they never had though was a blueliner at the level of what Dahlin is supposed to be. There are a bunch of what ifs, but things could get really fun really fast if a few things go our way.
  14. I would watch if they decided to team up Arnold and Danny Glover and have them defend the retirement home.
  15. They've shown the shot on the news a few times where a section of one of the highways is currently a river. I forget if it was 40 or 95. They didn't really say much about the depth of the water, but it was a really cool shot.
  16. I have absolutely no complaints about it. I was a bit distracted yesterday, but when the end credits rolled, I immediately thought "wait, already?". Some AMC shows are much better with cliff hanger endings than others.
  17. And that's the craziest thing of all. Gretzky was never actually in the draft. Not that he's a comparable player, but just imagine if that Swiss team that Matthews played for joined the NHL and was allowed to keep him. Better yet, imagine if that Swiss team sold him to some independent league team in Vegas and that team was allowed to be the expansion Golden Knight squad.
  18. This one really didn't do much for me, but it flew by. That has to be a sign of great tv.
  19. This thread has died horribly at least 8 times, yet here it is, heart still beating. Why can't the Muntz effect bring something cool instead?
  20. I'm with bbb on this one. But then again, maybe once Wayne showed up, they instead just started hyping people as the next Gretzky (no, not you Keith). But then with Crosby, they needed to start using a different reference.
  21. There's no doubt that there has been a boost in elite NHL ready talent. Even with the 2017 draft, we have now heard the generational talent label applied to 5 players over 5 years (yes, Eichel had it as well). Something's clearly developing here. The thing that really amazes me about it is that only one of them is Canadian. The world as a whole is starting to produce top tier NHL talent. It has to be killing Hockey Canada to see all of those non-Canadian flags in the top 5 of the last couple drafts. It goes really well with your last point there. This game is poised for a big time boom period, if only the league can figure out how to stay out of the way of it.
  22. This generational talent label really needs to go away at this point. It doesn't matter how good these players are. If the first pick every single year is generational, the term has lost all meaning.
  23. I heard an emergency alert yesterday that used two more catchy phrases to go along with "turn around don't drown". I can't believe they've come up with three different rhymes all for the same message. To be fair though, I'm not so sure rhyming "away" with "away" actually counts.
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