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Everything posted by shrader

  1. My lasting imagine from that game was a shot of the bench late in the first period. They looked deflated and defeated already. The second I saw that, I knew that game was done. Nothing after that surprised me one bit. It's going to take a long time to remove that mentality from this team. It's been going on for so long now, it almost feels like it is pure luck to break free from it. Of course, if they figure out how to bounce back in game 2 bruin-style, things can look completely different very quickly. 5 minutes with an extra skater at the end and they still can't even put together a single serious scoring opportunity.
  2. I understand that with so many changes we need to wait a bit to see it all take shape. I’m just not sure I have the stomach to watch while I’m waiting.
  3. Johnny English? I loved Mr. Bean, but I never saw any of these movies. I had no idea it did well enough to get two sequels.
  4. And let's not forget how Shanahan moved from New Jersey to St. Louis via restricted free agency. He wasn't leaving a winning situation, but he definitey chased the dollar signs.
  5. Do you think you would have had those same thoughts before you got all that experience? I really can't fault a kid for looking for all the money so early in his career.
  6. But does losing suck more than getting paid less money than you think you're worth? There really is no right answer to that question. It's different for everyone and it changes over the course of your career.
  7. I've said it several times in the past. It's usually about football though, but it happens for just about everything. People are more than happy to tell other people how to spend their money. But anyway, if we want to be more specific, let's just say it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out exactly who Shanahan is talking to with a comment like that one. I haven't actually seen the comment itself, but I trust K9 enough that he's not just making something up. That whole Nylander thing actually scares me a bit, seeing as how his brother is a Sabre. If he ever gets his career going, does he wind up trying the same thing?
  8. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Leafs. I get a kick out of it any time a retired player suggests a current player take a little less money. It happens all the time and it's always ridiculous. As I said, it's always a hell of a lot easier to say it when it's someone else's money and not your won. This one gets a few extra points since it also happens to be coming from a front office guy of the same team as the suggested pay cut.
  9. I wonder if Shanahan ever took a little less money for the good of a team. It's always easy to say it when it's someone else's money and not your own. Based on the way that Red Wing team used to write checks back in those pre-cap days, I'm guessing there weren't many pay cuts to be had.
  10. I was half expecting the woman from the office to walk in on them while they were eating at that diner.
  11. Dictionaries evolve based on the way people use or misuse words. I hope that one you're quoting also has entries like "selfie" and "lol". Ask the scientific community how they'd use these words and that's what I'll stick with.
  12. It drives me crazy each time I hear it. Babies do not have a gender.
  13. A poor showing in the Ryder Cup? That's all the proof I need. Tiger is back.
  14. It started already? Sweet, I have an unexpected surprise waiting for me on the DVR.
  15. I don't know. I'd say they really captured the essence of a flushing toilet. Here's a great Hurricane story for you. Last week during the coverage for the storm out here, apparently someone actually complained to one of the tv stations about them using the Hurricanes' secondary logo in their coverage. They didn't like something negative like that storm being associated with the team. That person had absolutely no clue what the origin was for the team's flag shoulder patch.
  16. I have a hard time seeing anything happen that Gus isn't aware of. He always knows.
  17. I doubt it's a publicity move. They already use just the word Dunkin in all of their promotional stuff, might as well make it official.
  18. 1. Make Werner likeable 2. Have Gus order his death Boom, even more to establish how cold and business-like Gus is.
  19. The story says they want to be a "beverage-led company", but how do you dunk a beverage? The only thing I can think of where you dunk a beverage is one of those car bomb shots.
  20. I can't see it. They didn't hire the first interview because he showed a likelihood to talk about his exploits. Now Werner just did the same exact thing. You can't kill the crew but let him leave and expect him to stay quiet.
  21. Make my lawn even more green, invest 98L!
  22. I'm torn on that one. If they did the job perfectly, you'd think he'd like to keep them in his back pocket in case he ever needs something else. They're definitely done for at this point though.
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