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Everything posted by shrader

  1. They spun it as him wanting out, but the truth was that they wrote him out because of the planned spinoff. They fooled everyone and they deserve a big thumbs up for pulling that off.
  2. I figured out that it times out eventually. My guess is that I've been dumb enough to follow the tracks in the wrong direction. So instead of following it to where the animal is, I'm following it to where they started from. From what I've seen, I can't quite tell if there is a direction to it or not.
  3. The plan for multiple movies pretty much shoots that down though. I stumbled onto an interview online with Gimple after the show last night and they've apparently been planning this for a long time. They had originally targeted the middle of last season to write him out, but then plans changed. This whole thing, marketing Rick's last episodes, has been one big elaborate plot that's been in motion for a long time. I'm actually amazed that they were able to keep those plans quiet until now. Hindsight's a wonderful thing, but now you can see how heavily they've foreshadowed it for a while now.
  4. Does the whole eagle eye thing with hunting get any easier to deal with? I haven't had much luck with it so far, but I've only just messed around a bit so far. The trails just seem to end and then there's nothing in sight.
  5. The whole thing feels like a bit of a cop out. They have to be taking him very far away or else he'd never stop trying to get back to Judith and Michonne. But anyway, I get that he was on the other side of the bridge, but wouldn't they at least try to recover the body at some point? Or at least try to spot him from a distance to confirm he's dead and then put him down (assuming a blast wouldn't destroy someone's head)? And then, of course, the helicopter flies in during broad daylight and no one notices it? The rest of it was fine, but the helicopter stuff really takes it too far.
  6. I can’t wait to get out of this snow storm. The. I’ll know whether or not I need to adjust my brightness settings.
  7. It looks like my setup has the channel as 365 instead of 365-1. I don't know if that matters and I also have no clue how, if possible, to change it.
  8. I was flying to Vegas a couple years ago and thanks to some flight cancellations/delays, we wound up having the spend the night in LA. We got into the hotel thereat around 1am pacific time, so needless to say, we're completely exhausted at that point. As we walk into the room, the sink is detached from the wall and there's a bag of tools sitting next to it. We were so damn tired that we almost said screw it and kept the room, but that bag of tools made me think it was very likely someone would be back to either do more work or to at least pick up the bag. So we had to go back to the lobby and get a new room. I don't ever plan on being randomly redirected though LA again in the middle of the night, but if I do, I'm not going back to that hotel. Of course, I don't even remember the name of it. Ahhh crap, wrong store.
  9. I'm caving later today. Now I just need to be sure to charge the controller ahead of time since I haven't played a game on the PS4 in a while now.
  10. I was at a Home Depot one day and I watched some guy yell at truck in the parking lot and then smash in his windshield. I never felt like going back after that. To make matters worse, the lumber I bought broke before I could actually use it.
  11. During the movie I was thinking "I can see how he became a senator", but then I realized I was mixing him up with John Glenn.
  12. I saw it this weekend. It didn't really do much for me. It felt like it moved across the full time line of the story in a completely random fashion. One thing I did like though was how every space scene was so claustrophobia inducing. edit: Also, you really didn't want to be any of the likeable astronauts in that movie.
  13. When I said I wanted to see a few close losses and OTLs instead of regular losses, I didn't mean that they had to do nothing but that.
  14. And they'll just move on from one character to the next after this. Just wait until they realize that Harry Shearer voices Dr. Hibbert even though he's not black. And on top of that, he's modeled after Cliff Huxtable, so look out. Bart is voiced by a woman, Maggie's baby sounds done by an adult... Outrage!
  15. I only DVR them for those times where I get home 30 minutes or so into a game. Then I can catch up pretty quickly. If the game's already over before I get to it, I pretty much always know the score already and won't watch. Anyway, I may try to call them and weasel a few bucks out of them. It's worth a shot, especially with all the money they bleed out of their customers.
  16. No death could have lived up to the level of awesomeness that was Mike. It would have been fun though to see how he would have taken down Uncle Jack in the finale. But who am I kidding, they're all dead long before that point if Mike was still around.
  17. I'm guessing he doesn't. I'm guessing they show a long drawn out series of events of him getting back to Alexandria, but then it's all just one big hallucination. He dies right there on that rebar.
  18. My DVR has mysteriously stopped recording the games (DirecTV). The same thing happened last year, but it's a pain now because I actually want to watch them. It records them maybe 50% of the time, but I have no idea why. I was using some random code that I got from one of these threads a few years ago.
  19. He needs to work a bit on his cross ice passes to Eichel on the PP though. He was jamming him consistently last night, not allowing for the one timer.
  20. I just walked by a rack of the game in Target and somehow kept walking. I have no idea how I did that, especially since it’s been kind of a crappy day. Dawk, did you ever play any of the Batman Arkham series on ps3? I’ve heard that the spiderman game follows that style-wise very closely. And those were some great games.
  21. I'm not sure when I'll get it, but I will definitely be playing this game at some point. I buy maybe 1 or 2 games a year and it usually takes a random moment of boredom to actually make the purchase. I haven't read or watched a single thing about this game in the last couple months, but I completely trust that they've put out a solid game.
  22. I'm not there yet on the whole turn the corner talk. They're showing signs, but I think they're still just approaching the intersection. I'm still not sure whether they'll continue to head straight or finally make the turn. There are a couple things I still need to see from them. These may sound contradictory, but I do need to see both: 1. I want a few extended winning streaks, 4-5 games or so. Hopefully they're in the middle of the first right now, but I need to see more. 2. I also need to see some close losses. This team has lost so many games outright in the last few years. When you're trying to race for the playoffs, being able to take some of those losses into overtime is so huge. Even if you still lose them, you're stealing points. Lose a game by 3 or 4? You have no chance of stealing anything.
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