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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Why do I get the feeling that both Carol and Ezekiel won't make it through this season and the kid will be left with Daryl?
  2. They already have two spare forwards on the roster. There’s no need to call up anyone to replace Thompson.
  3. I’ve seen 5-0 losses where they’re not out played anywhere near as badly as they are right now. This one is a disaster.
  4. Larsson is #1 on the team in short handed ice time per game, doubling the amount of time Rodrigues gets. That's your answer right there.
  5. I was trying to sell the legendary coyote pelt and didn't want to lose anything, so I immediately reloaded my save file. I probably should have checked the loot first for the hell of it, but I didn't. I've killed two of the legendaries so far, the coyote and the fox. It's nice that you can just shoot the hell out of them without worrying about damaging the pelt. The coyote was particularly fun. I was following the trail and I wound up crawling between a wagon that was pinned up against a wall. As I got to the end, the coyote was sitting right there. I didn't want to risk it running off, so it also go the same shotgun to the face that the trapper got. I'll try to bring more appropriate weapons when I go after the bigger animals eventually, but for now, this works.
  6. The only issue I've had in St Denis so far was when I accidentally hit the wrong button and blew the trappers face off with a shotgun.
  7. What if the value of playing on Eichel's line is the fat 7 year contract it could earn him on the open market? The only thing that guarantees is skating with Eichel during his contract year.
  8. The building is definitely mic'ed strangely. I remember back at the home opener I was watching to see what kind of reaction Eichel would get on the heels of being named the captain. On tv, that reaction sounded exactly the same as for every other introduction that night. Now maybe it was tepid, but I have a hard time believing that the crowd reacted exactly the same way to Eichel as they did to whichever of the Nelson/Beaulieu combo was playing that night.
  9. Still not as bad as someone else who doesn’t have the slightest clue what a spoiler is.
  10. I'd imagine that the bait is pretty much a necessity for getting some of the smaller animals. I never see those things until they're running away from me and at that point good luck landing a shot.
  11. I hate that moment when I check the scoreboard at around 6 on a saturday to see what time the game is, only to find out that it was at 2PM.
  12. How well does the bait work for hunting? I've been messing around with that portion of the game a bunch lately, but I'm dumb and just keep following them around endlessly. I was chasing some elk around a pond the other day and when I got back to my horse, there was a bear slowly approaching it. That was my first lesson about how if you shoot the thing too many times, you can't salvage anything from it.
  13. This show can never have too much Carol. The way things are shaking out right now, she may very well be the lead of the entire show and that's something I would gladly welcome.
  14. I'd love to know what happens if you actually choose the other option.
  15. Dear rich people, You should eliminate a major source of revenue. Love, EII I wonder if they'll respond to your letter.
  16. The controls are incredibly complicated though. How in the hell are you supposed to know what the button does?
  17. I think if the college game was a bit more accessible around the US, you would get more people into it. The smaller arenas combined with a fairly high skill level makes it very friendly. You're generally right on top of the game and can get immersed pretty easily. I haven't been out to any of the arenas out west which are larger, but I'd have to imagine it's similar out there. It's not going to happen though, unfortunately as there's only so much talent to go around. Still, fan interest at that level would then funnel into the NHL level. And that leads to another big reason for why it isn't as popular. College hockey has grown a ton in recent years, but still, the average American does not have any access to the main feeders for the NHL. So there is zero familiarity with these players as they break into the pro game.
  18. I'll have to try that out later today. I'd imagine it's a bit tricky to get close enough to an animal to actually pull it off. I'll even go as far as to test it out on a rat or something just for a moment of stupidity.
  19. You have to learn a whole new method of transportation to play hockey. I always get the feeling that this turns people away. People like to watch the games that they can play. Learning to skate is something that a lot of people either don't have access to or don't want to put in the effort.
  20. Sadly you can't skin them or pick up the carcass. I didn't even realize it was a horse until it wouldn't let me do anything. Then I actually looked closer and said "oops, hope it wasn't mine". I haven't even thought about lassoing any of the animals until now. I'm going to have to do that. I wish I had tried it with the giant turtle I nabbed yesterday, since that seems like a perfectly crazy image.
  21. I don't like playing the trade proposal game. There's way too many details that go into it. That said, if he pulls off the strong second half again, that definitely ups his value. Teams will think they can get a full year of that from him. But then again, if strong second halves extend into the playoffs, that completely changes my view on the whole thing.
  22. I was playing the very early mission the other day where you rob the train. In the middle of the fire fight, I wound up failing the mission because "your horse has died". That was kind of weird seeing as how the horse had absolutely nothing to do with the mission. It was left behind at a place where you were forced to leave it as part of the mission. I hope I don't run into that too often. And speaking of horses, I was hunting some deer last night. I followed them around for a while. Then I took one out from a long distance with an arrow. When I walked up to skin and collect it, apparently I had killed a random horse instead. I hope that wasn't some secret rare horse that I can now never catch.
  23. At this point, I expect him to do exactly what he did last year and have a very strong second half. That'll be enough to get a decent return for him when they trade him in the offseason. At this point, he is what he is.
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