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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Twitter ruins everything. Brain cells die each time a word is shortened. As for the team, there's so much analysis of why things are working right now. At this point, I don't really want to think about it. I just want to sit back and enjoy the ride.
  2. I’m just pissed that they don’t allow enough characters for the horse names. I had to leave mine at “Sarah Jessica P”.
  3. They better keep this going. I met my wife shortly after they were eliminated from the playoffs in 2011. She’s been down in the dumps lately and getting sent packing due to being a jinx probably wouldn’t help.
  4. I was somehow lucky during my youth and only had two big sports injuries. Unfortunately, both were during practice.
  5. Please tell me there's a "if he dies, he dies" or a "I must break you".
  6. That was Selmon Smith. Didn't he post some reviews of other kids movies too?
  7. It's not from spoilers, so I'd have to go back a couple years in order to know that there weren't people under there. It's tough to undo that much time. But anyway, they upped the creepy factor quite a bit with the scenery of that episode. I'd imagine that worked quite well for those clueless about the comics. And for the record, Jesus is still alive in well in the books, so that was something I definitely did not see coming. Someone had to die though, and it wasn't going to be Aaron since they had already announced him for Talking Dead. It was either him or Eugene, but given the circumstances, that death wouldn't have had much shock value to it.
  8. I really wish I didn't know where the story was going. The creepiness factor of that whole episode would have been really good.
  9. They got outbid for it, but they weren’t interested in spending much money for the rights back at that point. So yeah, it was essentially a voluntary thing on their part. And OLN/Versus was the same channel as NBCSN. It was Comcast owned and then rebranded after their merger with NBC.
  10. It’s way more simple than that. Espn shows no hockey because they don’t have the nhl’s tv contract and make no money off of the game. But theres a very very important question to be asked here. Why is someone who hates espn so much actually watching espn?
  11. I had the same exact thought tonight. I don’t know how long this scoring will last in the league, but with an even decent PP it feels like they could average 4 goals a game.
  12. We forget about this stuff after about 30 seconds so I have a hard time picturing anyone caring enough to bankroll it. More than likely, Chipotle tried to buy her off with a decent raise and then the whole thing disappears quickly. I wonder where that money comes from though, what exactly is the line between their corporate structure and any local franchisers. Did this thing actually get much attention? I only saw it here, but I haven't exactly been paying attention to any news over the past week.
  13. That's way too much of an uphill battle for her. They're the ones with the deep pockets and "you didn't handle this situation properly" is a nice vague reason that they can easily hide behind. Her best bet right now would be to hope she starts to get some positive attention and then to be able to cash in on that with a better job. She clearly cares about her work enough, being aware of who they were, so someone will reward that.
  14. I'd imagine it goes way beyond Kessel. I feel like the entire Pittsburgh organization has had our number over the last decade. It even goes as far as Crosby getting that gold medal winning goal on Miller. Kessel's numbers cross over to other teams, which may be why it doesn't stick out as clearly to me as Crosby/Malkin.
  15. I'm still waiting for celebrities to show up in any of these zombie shows/movies as the reanimated version of themselves. Bill Murray in Zombieland came closest, but they need to take it to the next step. Fear the Walking Dead was the best opportunity with it starting in LA at day 1 of the outbreak. The lockdown at the basketball arena was the best chance.
  16. It kind of looked like a roman numeral 12 on Daryl's back. He had earlier scars from his abusive father though, so that's what the "2" was from. C Thomas Howell as the random Hilltop messenger was kind of funny and random.
  17. No one's going to take a shot at watermelon?
  18. Except for the part where he's Swedish.
  19. I will possibly have a friend coming up from SC and then also buy a ticket for my mom for Christmas. So I'll have one row in that arena filled up pretty well.
  20. I hope that tent with fast travel is worth it. I just picked that up right as I turned off the game last night. Does anyone know if any animals you may have stowed on the horse will still be there after a fast travel?
  21. And I'll probably still get to go for dirt cheap prices for the two games they play down here in NC. I bet I wind up paying slightly over dirt cheap price though since I have to get one fairly soon as a christmas present.
  22. And they actually won the one game where they should have lost because of bad goaltending. Was it Montreal where Ullmark was pure trash and got pulled to start the 3rd? It's not to see how quickly this thing is progressing. Now hopefully they can keep it going through this middle stretch that can usually break down so many teams.
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