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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I had a similar experience at the old Buffalo while waiting for someone. I did the usual kid thing of hitting the coin return button on a Breakout machine and the quarters came pouring out. We were kings that day, playing the game non-stop. I've always gotten a good laugh when I see people who always test those buttons and check the coin slot on vending machines, even though it paid off big time for me that day.
  2. Missing both Sheary and Pominville doesn't help with the secondary scoring issue either. I'll stick to my guns though with the thought of adding another center somewhere during the year. I'm not sure who that would be, but there is enough talent on the lower lines where adding in one piece could light that fire under their *****.
  3. So how long did this hunt for a Galaga machine take?
  4. Now if only he had said that during the game instead of after. Either he said it and they didn't listen or he never did. I'd say we're still in the coach growing pains stage.
  5. The Mount Washington hotel up in NH has a room that looks almost exactly like that. I would have asked if that's where this was, but I don't think they're a place that has changed names.
  6. Carry to the line, attempt lateral pass directly through defender. Wash, rinse, and repeat. It wasn't just him either, it was the whole team. If the only zone entry you attempt isn't working, you need to change it long before there's only 5 minutes left in the game. The other thing that has been a constant the full year is that they're still not getting any secondary scoring. They've had flashes, but it's fairly consistent at this point. They could really benefit from adding a mid-line center later in the year, depending on who is available. Mittelstadt could really thrive in a role similar to that Roy-Afinogenov-Vanek line back when they were kids drawing 3rd line matchups.
  7. ...and then it bounced back into the middle of the fairway
  8. I had an uncle who owned a Ms. Pac-man machine. I was always horrible at Pac-man games, but there was nothing more satisfying than opening up the unlocked coin area and hitting the little lever that got you the next game.
  9. My dad was the expert at hitting the smallest possible targets. He'd hit tee markers, the broken tee box, the container full of dirt to repair divots, even though they were directly behind his back. His best though was a story a friend and I still laugh about to this day, probably about 25 years later. There were two parallel holes and they had just planted a row of trees between them. They were about as wide as a pencil at that point. Anyway, he's in the rough next to them, trying to play down a line parallel to the trees. He hit the ball straight right, it somehow hit one of those saplings, and it ricocheted directly back into his shin. My friend and I were on the ground laughing as he screamed out obscenities. We hadn't even noticed yet that there was a guy on the other hole. He was directly in the line where he would have been hit if the tree hadn't gotten in the way. He was laughing his ass off too, as a ball could go down that same line 100 times and it would never hit a tree. I'd love to go back to that place sometime to see what those trees look like now.
  10. I'm on the opposite end of that time range, but I lost many quarters to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game. I miss those days of crowding around a machine and waiting until someone drops out. I also tended to flock to pinball machines for whatever reason.
  11. Did you seriously just say that this was the same exact hit? I can't until Eichel takes a slashing penalty and you compare it to the stick work of Tim McCracken.
  12. I've been in wolf country a bit more often lately and nothing is more annoying than the way the camera spins a bit as the horse freaks out.
  13. Maybe some of our canadian posters can chime in, but I'd imagine that McDavid is marketed hard all over that entire country. It might decrease a bit if he was playing in an american market, but as long as he's with any of their 7 teams, he will be the face of the game up there. The american factor for Matthews would probably play into his profile up there a bit, to the point where he'd have to be in one of the 2-3 mega markets up there to get the press.
  14. That and it also ignores the second part of the headline. If you’re going to read it the way he did, the two have to at least be taken together. That second act, there’s no debate, is an arrestable offense.
  15. To be fair, the Sabres already had their qb in house when Boterell took over. It’s so much easier when you are already sure with your top guy. And no, the bills did not tank for 19 years. They were actually trying for a good portion of that run, which makes it so much worse.
  16. I thought I saw a play on the name Rasmus for him at some point earlier today when I was reading something. They can use it for him since Ristolainen already has "Risto".
  17. Was it changed at some point? Here is the headline I see: That doesn't say she was arrested for having sex.
  18. No doubt. We never used the orange ones so I don't really know how well they froze. The one wild card a tennis ball has going for it is that it can absorb water, which leads to some fun when frozen.
  19. A frozen tennis ball can definitely do some damage too. We use to leave them outside and they definitely became more rock than tennis ball.
  20. Move always wondered what they would do with a name that already ends in those letters. Wiley-ey? And then there’s a name like Smith. I suppose it has to be Smitty, but I’m not crazy about nicknames that actually lengthen a name. Yeah ah I know, great topic after the 10th win in a row.
  21. Call me crazy, but I'd say it's peeing on the tree and then threatening to kill the cops' kids that gets her charged. The rest is just arrest report filler.
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