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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I went to the first one and that pretty much took care of it for me. I have no real desire to go to another one. I actually wound up selling off the tickets I had to a BU-BC game at Fenway a few years later. Maybe it's different in the baseball stadiums, but the football ones are just too big for hockey.
  2. I guess "The Dragon and Tennile" doesn't really have a good ring to it, but if that was my last name, *****, I'm using it.
  3. This reminds me of a good one from Thanksgiving this year. My aunt asked me if they have Starbucks in Florida.
  4. So you've been handed an easy out for these sales and you don't take it?
  5. I'll load up my pockets with pennies and use all of them at the self cashout machines at any store. I'm pretty sure that I'm the reason why the machine we have in our office self-serve snack/drink kiosk no longer accepts change.
  6. I never carry much more than $20 on me. When I'm close to running out, I head to the ATM and get another $20. The wife is the same exact way. We actually had a really nice streak going last year where we never went to an ATM for about 6 months. She's a teacher and they tutor some a couple kids after school for cash. We set that cash aside in the house (no, not in the mattress) and took a $20 when we needed it. The whole thing was perfect and I hate that the streak died. This year we've had the exact opposite from that tutoring gig. The parent's always pay her with a check so instead of avoiding the ATM all together, we wind up heading to it far more frequently. I know there are other check cashing options available now, but I'm not on board with those yet.
  7. Finally something useful in this thread. I never followed closely enough to break down or rank Queen songs, but I have to throw one out there. That scene in Shaun of the dead where they fight off all the zombies to "Don't stop me now" is so ingrained in my head. If that one's implanted too just like apparently everything else, well then I don't want any part of any of this anymore.
  8. I love the idea that Dundon wanted big change but then they made internal hires at both GM and coach. That’s some huge culture change right there. And last week there was a comment from Dundon that they want scoring and will never draft a defenseman in the first round as long as he owns the team. I better get to as many games as I can because they won’t be here much longer if his cluelessness remains in control. Fortunately Buffalo is in town twice this year.
  9. He doesn't appear to be injured at all in either the video or the news follow-up story. But what if he was paralyzed? What if he died? What if he was my son? Some day we'll stop judging some fake scenario and instead deal with what actually did happen.
  10. And the part where you suggest that no resistance shown during 4 seconds of video means the kid did not resist? Might as well take that to the next logical step.
  11. The video also doesn't show the kid stealing anything. Even more proof that the kid is completely innocent.
  12. This whole thing reminds me of some of the parents my wife runs into as a teacher. No matter how many mistakes the kid makes, the parents will always deny it and argue that the kid was right. Their little angel can never be wrong. It's not possible. They can ignore reality all they want, that's fine. But it will never change the fact that their kid is an f'n moron.
  13. Hell, you don't even see the kid hit the ground. But yes, let's completely condemn the entire police force across this country based on 3 seconds of limited video.
  14. I don't think it's very likely that there is something that reflects poorly upon the team, but I'm not going to ignore the possibility. I really hate throwing out hypotheticals, but basically the situation that would reflect poorly is the whole mentality of "they'd terminate a guy with <insert issue here>? why would I want to sign there when they don't take care of their own?".
  15. He would have become a prime buyout candidate as they got closer to to the end of that 3-4 year window. What has happened today is far from ideal, but it's definitely shaping up to be a blessing in disguise. It will depend on what the story is when it eventually comes out, whether or not it reflects poorly on the team, but right now, it's found money.
  16. I'm too lazy to do the math, but yeah, the prorated portion of however long he was with the team this year counts towards the cap.
  17. Is that razor wire on the side of the boat where they attempted to board?
  18. The great one wasn't a guy out there trying to draw penalties. Throw a little extra into a check on Yandle at some point, fine, but I'm not hunting him down and taking his head off based on what may as well have been a pillow fight.
  19. Verify probably wasn't the right word. Overstate/understate, there's going to be some base estimate somewhere with some science to it. Tom knows some more detail on it, so I'm curious what they might be. It would be even more information to show just how brutal it was.
  20. How do they verify these numbers? I don't mean to question them in any way, but they are truly mind numbing. I think even the sickest of minds would have a hard time coming up with a realistic way to wipe out so many people.
  21. That play was a rat being a rat. Skinner has always been a guy who draws penalties and he did exactly what he has always done. There's no need for retaliation when a guy weakly hugs your goal scorers head for a few seconds. If that's what we call running someone today, the game really has become soft. But then again, there's no need to run someone for tripping your star player either, but that's how Florida responded for some unknown reason. The whole thing really was insignificant in this game. This was a game where a team quit after a fluky penalty shot goal a period after the so called hit. They folded the same way the did against Philly. Hopefully we don't run into too many more games against last place teams.
  22. Here in NC, their random plates all follow the same pattern. They have a block of three letters followed up by four numbers. So they're all "XXX-nnnn". One day I saw "EAT-8008" and got a good laugh. I've also seen "EAT-8009", so that first one was just a product of their random generation. I also saw LADYBONR on an NC plate one day and I have no idea how the state actually green lit that custom plate.
  23. Is Melrose finally done with ESPN? I always wondered how he managed to keep a job with them for so long.
  24. It's a light on the sewage treatment plant.
  25. I really wanted Dahlin to get a third point. They had just shown the stat about the youngest defensemen to get 3 points in a game, so it would have been funny to see him do that on back to back days. I guess technically he would have needed two entries on that list.
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