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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I can't think of a single show I'd want to see come back. I miss the era of sitcoms, but I don't think many of them would be able to live up to their old days if they came back today.
  2. Now typically I'd be all about some barbecue sauce after smoking those babies outside all day. But since we all have to work before the game, I'm thinking it'll have to be something much faster involving Frank's red hot.
  3. It's nice for once knowing that you should probably turn the game off after the second period, but it's for the exact opposite reason than it has been for the last few years.
  4. I can't wait to hear who you would cast as Sloth. Here comes two! I wonder what @Deep Voice has to say about this.
  5. It only mentions two prospects, so sadly there really isn't all that much information. Well, at least I hope that's what it is as opposed to there only being two guys worth mentioning down there.
  6. Good lord, just about everyone in the tribute video is dead.
  7. When I think of their best commercials, only one thing comes to mind: No no no
  8. "Pregnant or fat" was always one of my favorite games to play at a bar back in the day. The answer tends to be pretty obvious given that we played it at a bar.
  9. I think Murray's biggest sin may have been that it appeared that he didn't have any interest whatsoever in building up the blue line. Beyond Guhle, he typically went forward early in drafts. He made only one single trade with defense in mind and that was Gorges, another case similar to Moulson/Okposo where the game was moving away from that type of player. The rest of his deals either moved one D for another, or purged any young depth that may have been in the system. And don't get me started on the bargain bin shopping he did each year for the blueline (Falk/Franson/Fedun/Carlo I'mTooLazyTooFigureOutHowToSpellHisLastName). He very clearly wanted to build from the front first, which will never work unless you've already got a stud or two on defense. I don't really fault the Moulson one though, at least in terms of handcuffing them financially. Up until right around now, they were never a team that was approaching the cap ceiling, so his money never really got in the way. The cap will start to get interesting after this year, but that deal's off the books at that point. Okposo is a different story, but I think they'll figure it out.
  10. I used to go to a sports bar where one of the tvs was always messed up. Everything had a blue tint to it. Then one day a Boise State game was on that tv and it finally worked perfectly.
  11. I'm in 110 I think. I'd have to check the tickets to be sure. I wear what I'm pretty sure no one else has, a Mike Grier jersey.
  12. Mom not quite sure how the suggestion of trades winds up equating to trade away all of the top picks/prospects in some people’s minds (not you darin). As plenz suggests, there’s to so called hockey trade. Hell, a big part of the resurgence this year falls squarely on the shoulder of 2-3 trades made this year (I’m very hesitant to include the Sheary deal, but I will). That so called developing your own that John linked to? A recent trade acquisition and free agent signing. Having a few extra draft picks played zero role in that.
  13. Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Whatever it takes to please the mind of an idiot. So im confused. If the memories are implanted, why would you trust them? It must be fun playing both sides so you can continue your crusade of idiocy.
  14. You dad sounds like most of the posters in this thread.
  15. Nylander is an interesting name to see pop up. If he can make the jump, things definitely get a bit more interesting. With the core they have, even just a couple of these 50/50 prospects hitting will take the team to the next level.
  16. Trading those first round picks is a bit tricky. The San Jose and St. Louis ones are still tied up in conditions right now. The Sharks can keep their pick this year if they miss the playoffs. It's not likely that they miss, but it is still possible. The Blues can keep their pick this year if it is top 10. Right now, that is looking like a very strong possibility. The Sabres' first round pick could be the only one that is in play. Teams aren't going to be too crazy about picks where they don't even know which year they will be from... and that is before Buffalo probably tries to throw conditions of their own onto the deal. Well either way, at least we can both agree on the need for help at the center position. Tage really is the best hope for secondary scoring this year at this point.
  17. This team will go nowhere as long as essentially all production comes from one line. If Reinhart/Skinner are able to generate steady offense in Jack’s absence (a huge if), there is absolutely zero harm in throwing him on a new line when he gets back. It’s not like it would be permanent. You see if he can spark a second line and if not, you move him back. He won’t auddenly lose his chemistry with those two if he’s away from them for a couple games. Then there’s the Pittsburgh model of throwing the big guns together during a game when a goal is badly needed. There’s absolutely nothing to lose in the big picture by testing this out. Again, it’s all one huge if. And quite frankly, I don’t see them producing consistently while he’s out.
  18. If those two are able to score a bit more without Jack, it’s pretty much a given that they should experiment and see if Eichel can kickstart Thompson/Sheary.
  19. Only in today’s NHL does a player have to defend himself for having his shot deflected up into an opponents visor.
  20. Well there's your problem right there. You think they actually accept dollars at MeadWay.
  21. It'll be funny thinking about people wasting their time with those votes, thinking they can actually stop the Toronto machine.
  22. I used to think that drinking and driving referred to any liquid whatsoever when you were behind the wheel.
  23. I'll probably see Aquaman this weekend. The previous post is the first comments I've actually seen for that movie. It'll be nice to go into one completely blind for once, having no clue what any reviewer said.
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