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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Just out of curiosity, is there really a need to update the thread title constantly? Why not just keep it simple?
  2. Thats when I reload my most recent save point
  3. Rask for Niederreiter. Is that a case of either team selling off their future for a shot at today? This idea none of the so called hockey deals are made at this time of the year, it needs to die. Seeing that same exact response to any suggestion of trades is getting tiresome.
  4. Does anyone know if your honor level can change the cut scenes at all? I've tried to keep mine pretty high and that matches pretty well with Arthur's general demeanor in most of his interactions (other than when he announces his return to camp). I'd love it if he would instead be a dick in a lot of the cut scenes if he had low honor, but I'm sure that's tough to program into the game.
  5. It's not that I'm down on the second season so far. I think you pretty much nailed it by saying it's not as good as the first. It's funny that you mention their ages though. I know what they're supposed to be, but I do lose track of that at times. I'm assuming that's because Cobie Smulders is so much younger than the rest of them.
  6. I just needed the arrow kills and the quality didn't matter. That spot near the trapper was the only place I've ever run into them. Fortunately it is pretty consistent.
  7. It's probably the shotgun. You need to check out the animal ahead of time to see the quality and then get them with a headshot. There's an almost endless supply of perfect pelts as long as you use the right weapon and land the right shot.
  8. I was messing around with some of the challenges (gambler, hunter...) and one called for winning blackjack 5 times after doubling down. The thing that drove me crazy there was how slow the damn thing was. At least with poker you can skip the hand if you fold. Blackjack? You're forced to sit through the whole thing. I wound up doubling down on basically every hand just to speed up the whole thing. Hell, one time I split queens and then doubled down on both of those hands. My other adventure this weekend would have people very worried. One challenge called for killing a bunch scavengers as they picked on a corpse. The problem was that you had to actually shoot them in mid-bite or else it wouldn't count. I wound up killing two deer near a pond, then walking back and forth between the two picking off the vultures and crows. I wound up with a massive pile of dead birds at each spot before I finally got enough. Then a little later I had to do another challenge of killing 8 consecutive animals with small game arrows. I circled around that same pond a few times taking out any duck I could see. There were so many dead birds around that pond once I was done. Arthur is going to grow up and become a serial killer if I have to keep doing stuff like this. There was one other one that called for killing 5 cougars with arrows. That one was a serious pain in the ass. Cougars only seem to show up in one single spot. Once you actually find one, you're in a quick scramble after being thrown from your horse to quickly spin the camera, find the cougar, then get an arrow off.
  9. The wife and I started watching a show on Netflix called Friends from College. The cast caught my eye (Keegan Michael Key, Fred Savage, Cobie Smulders), so I gave it a shot. The first season was really good, but it has fallen off in the second season. I kept asking myself the whole time I was watching how they would take this story beyond one season. I guess I was right.
  10. Punisher season two was released today... which means you can expect to see it canceled in a couple weeks.
  11. I'm blanking on their name right now, but I've been having them show up a bit more lately (currently in Chapter 4). My personal favorite was when I started a camp fire to craft something. You walk up and threaten me? Yeah, that always ends well.
  12. I would have thought him to be higher than a 3rd pair d-man, but at 28, he's probably already on the down slope of his career. It's amazing how early they get there in today's game.
  13. I wanted to stop and check it out after I killed those idiots, but I wound up wanted and had to hightail it out of there.
  14. What about Hunwick if/when Scandella sits out a game and they're the extra pairing in practice?
  15. See, I'd be scared to say a single word. If I did say something, it might make him kick back to the "right to remain silent" part, restarting the whole thing.
  16. I did find a random body hanging one time. I stopped to check it out but then some crazies ran out of the woods and attacked me. I'm guessing it wasn't part of the serial killer quest.
  17. I had one show up relatively early and haven't run into it again since then.
  18. Are you required to read a person their rights when making a citizens arrest? I'd love to see how tangets EII would go off after just the first sentence.
  19. I wish the game kept track of how many rabbits have been killed when they stupidly run straight into my horse.
  20. I just watched it now thanks to John's link. I'm not so sure I'd call it a fake line change. It seems more like a player biting on what he thought would be a drop pass, creating the opening.
  21. He dominated against his own age but didn’t quite show that same level against older opponents. That feels like an analog to making that jump to the pro game. I’m not so sure any of that means he’s ready right away, at least not for the role he was thrown into from day one. But hey, all part of “the plan”.
  22. Carve up the AHL the same way he carved up the NCAA? Seeing as how it didn't happen at the lower level, I'd say it's a pretty tall order for it to happen at the higher level. But let's pretend for a second that he would be some sort of juggernaut down there, he's at a point right now where a little stretch of that down at that level could actually do wonders for his head. But anyway, as I said earlier, I'm sure they made some guarantees to him and to back out now wouldn't sit well with the agents and prospective signees.
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