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Everything posted by shrader

  1. If both Hunwick and Beaulieu are going to get starts over Pilut, it's time for him to go back to Rochester, regardless of whether or not he's better than them. Thanks to the scheduling oddity, he now hasn't played a game in two weeks. I know he's not the typical rookie, but that's not good for any 23 year old. Beyond that, there's really nothing to be gained from carrying 8 d-men. If you don't intend on playing him, send him down and then recall him any time when you do want him in there.
  2. If that show clicks for you, you will fly through the whole thing. I watched the full two seasons in about a week. Could not turn it off.
  3. My personal favorite was my very first encounter with a gator. I was riding through the swamp and my horse freaked and threw me off, pretty much right into the open jaws of a gator. My response: "This game has gators?"
  4. She was flirting and it went completely over his head.
  5. At this point, I'm worried about anyone who went to Cornell.
  6. I can barely get any fish to show up there. I may try it again some other time with a boat. I wonder if even a single gator in the water somewhere may mess with your chances.
  7. People coming in at right around 10k posts per year might want to tread lightly on comments about having no life.
  8. I've always loved how the men's lacrosse players get the big helmets but the women only have those caged goggle things. Even those are fairly recent. It has never made any sense to me.
  9. Converting a career backup to a starter. It doesn't seem to work all that often. I can't think of too many recent success stories. The most glaring recent one was Scott Darling, now serving as the backup in Charlotte. They're career backups for a reason. Now add to that the fact that Hutton is 33 years old. There was very little reason to think he could stay at his early season form for the long haul.
  10. I've seen those bottom two pairings reversed in other places, so I don't hope you get your hopes up too high. Also, once Nelson is back, we will have reached a critical moment. They're not carrying 9 d-men. I'd fire the GM on the spot who decided to do that. Nelson is a prime candidate for a conditioning stint, but after that, someone has to go. We've seen nothing from this management group that suggest they're going to move any of the waiver eligible guys. That only leaves one defenseman left to be sent to Rochester...
  11. At least you were actually there when that chant made sense. The current batch of students saying it don't have the slightest clue why, yet they continue on like the sheep most college sport fans are.
  12. The beanpot games themselves always seemed a bit pointless to me. Sure the atmosphere was great, but when you have a 23 year stretch where only two schools win it, you start to wonder what the point is. It's crazy now to look at the results and see that Harvard and Northeastern have won the last two. BU has won 30 of 66, but not a single player on their current team has won it. You don't hear that very often.
  13. Is that actually on CBS now or is it still just on their streaming service?
  14. I had one strange thing happen in that swamp the other day. I'm assuming it was tied into them, but I have no idea what actually happened. I was fishing for the legendary in there and when I left, my horse was suddenly spooked by something and a strange single mysterious note played. Arthur said something like "...was that", but when I looked around, I didn't see anything. It was super foggy too, so it's very possible I just missed something. Oh, and I bagged the legendary jaguar yesterday. That was a serious pain in the ass. Damn thing must have killed me at least ten times without even getting a single shot off. Somehow I actually managed to sneak up on it the last time. I wasn't messing around at that point, so I blew it's head off with the only explosive rifle round I had. I enjoyed seeing that headless jaguar on the back of my horse as I took it to the trapper.
  15. I ran into the hanging victim trap again last night. So it's something far more disturbing than those Murfree people. The attackers looked like zombies. This time I was able to stick around and shoot down the body. It had a note talking about a group of people called the Night Folk. I hope I run into them again because there's potential for creepiness there.
  16. I used to go every year, but it's been about 10 years now. I'd love to come back home for this one (haven't been back since 2014), but I can't make it happen. Funny story, the last time it was in Buffalo (I missed that one), Dave Chappelle was in town and he wound up hanging out with some friends of mine. They're a group that has been going to all of these for well over 20 years at this point and that is always their favorite story.
  17. Jacques Lemaire was a hall of fame player and then killed the NHL as a coach. Does that count? Seriously though, I don't know if his coaching career counts as elite, but he was definitely near the top of the game for a while. Then there's Bob Gainey. Again, I don't know if you'd label him an elite coach/GM, but he was definitely one of the bigger names for a while. Steve Yzerman has quickly earned the elite GM label. It doesn't fit your coach criteria, but he's definitely worth noting. And this one's completely different, but Bobby Orr runs one of the more prominent NHL player agencies.
  18. You realize that bots can't actually respond, right?
  19. The wife and I are going to a Sandals resort in Jamaica in April. That'll be the first time I've left the country other than that short trip north to America Jr. They're a bit pricey, but we wound up getting a few deals thanks to a connection. I'm sure there's better stuff out there, but unlimited drinks and food, plus not having to work for a week? Sign me up. And on a side note, I thought my brother was the only person who ever went to Slippery Rock.
  20. you [yoo; unstressed yoo, yuh] pronoun, possessive your or yours, objective you, plural you. 1. the pronoun of the second person singular or plural, used of the person or persons being addressed, in the nominative or objective case: You are the highest bidder. It is you who are to blame. We can't help you. This package came for you. Did she give you the book? 2. one; anyone; people in general: a tiny animal you can't even see. 3. (used in apposition with the subject of a sentence, sometimes repeated for emphasis following the subject): You children pay attention. You rascal, you! 4. Informal . (used in place of the pronoun your before a gerund): There's no sense in you getting upset.
  21. Here's one other note from that show that is probably interesting to only me. In the episode where they went back to Cambridge, they mentioned a couple places that aren't open anymore. One of them was the bar where I met my wife.
  22. Not lazy enough apparently. The truly lazy person (me) stops reading the thread title after the second word.
  23. I sense a bit of guilt by association in one case here, based on the original story, but we'll never get the full details. Either way though, yes, codes of conduct are what they are and I'm willing to accept that it was warranted in both cases.
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