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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It does make for very good band music at a college sporting even though.
  2. I'm just about ready to see if the same thing happens if you take out that guy searching for Gavin.
  3. You don't mess with anything even remotely related to Carol.
  4. There's an oil rig east of Valentine. I setup a camp there and then wondered around for a while. Badgers show up constantly, you just have to wait for a pristine one. They're fast as hell too. Anytime my horse gets freaked out by a snake, I immediately jump off and try to kill it. I wind up following the trail for a while before actually get to it. Yesterday was the first time I actually ran into a rattlesnake actually acting like a rattlesnake. I walked towards some herbs to pick them but then the rattle went off. That's probably the first time I ever bumped into one while on foot.
  5. I really wasn't sure how a bunch of people walking around in human skins was going to translate to tv, but so far they've done a really good job making them creepy as hell. Alpha stumbling forward and then suddenly stopping? Really good. And Daryl shooting out knees to weed out the whisperers? I'm liking this so far. It should be interesting if Carol ever finds out that Daryl's using Henry to interrogate Lydia.
  6. Were they selling it in other colors? It would be typical of today's sensationalizing to completely ignore that possibility. edit: And I'm offended because it's like a reverse Batman cowl and that's just plain stupid.
  7. You can also hold out hope that they find a good use for the unexpected cap relief they got. It may very well be a blessing in disguise in a couple years.
  8. When you have 8 different stations, sports or music videos are bound to slip in there somewhere.
  9. The label for Deadpool is pretty clear and it's "Marvel". Whether or not they figure out how to role that and X-Men into the same world, they clearly fall into that loose classification. If they netflix shows can exist along with all of the branches of the Avengers, so can the style of Deadpool. I wonder if ultimately they do keep it separate but then label it as "Marvel: Avengers" vs. "Marvel: X-Men".
  10. Let's ignore for a second the position of any upcoming team on the schedule. This is the point where they need to string together a few wins. Lately the pattern has been win one, lose 2-3. That very quickly drops you down the standings. It needs to end.
  11. I love this time of year. If anybody players are missing from a practice, they're automatically being traded for each other. And if there's a scout at a game, well then clearly that team is about to make a trade with whoever they're watching. We always hear that x scouts are in attendance, but have no idea if or how that number differ from any other day. There are scouts up there every single game.
  12. That's where you create a new brand name to use for the stuff that doesn't fit that Disney family friendly vibe. They use the ESPN name for their sports stuff, and the Marvel name for the comic stuff. I don't see why they couldn't divide their streaming service up into sections. With the vast amount of stuff they're going to own the rights to, the streaming service will be far more than just so called Disney movies/shows.
  13. So how exactly is this a defense of your stance that players are overrated due to team results? Hell, Dahlin has been in the league for a grand total of half a season, feel free to explain how that reflects poorly upon him. This team's current issues really boil down to two things. There's the lack of secondary scoring that we've been harping on for a while and then there's the so called starting goalie who can't seem to stop a beachball anymore.
  14. Do the shows on the streaming services actually use the ratings system? I can't say that I've ever noticed them.
  15. One good season for the team and now they're spiraling down the drain. Is "hey, they made it once" really the standard you want to use for your rating scale?
  16. I don't think I'm going to bother with it. I can't picture that show without him. I know they tried to build her up over the last couple seasons, but Frank Underwood was still the entire show.
  17. He had 96,000+ in a little over 16 years. You have 13,000+ in just shy of 2 years. You're not going to like how the math works out on that one.
  18. Thanks to you, I just learned that Fulton Reed went on to become Foggy Nelson from Daredevil.
  19. The wife and I started Making a Murderer this week. We are about 4 episodes in and it’s truly amazing just how stupid these people are. If this is “slightly below average” IQ is, I do t even want to know what the truly stupid looks like.
  20. And on top of that, the more layered and complicated the story is, the more likely that it is false. Yeah, stereotyping is bad, but I'm completely comfortable in saying that the people who actually go around beating up people who are black/gray/green/purple/gay/transgender/ambidextrous, they're not usually the brightest bulbs out there. Your story should probably stop a bit short of them writing a 2000 page manifesto right there on the spot as they're punching you with the other hand. And there's the real take home on the whole thing. If they're punching you with one hand while writing with the other, all because you're ambidextrous? Seems a tad bit hypocritical to me.
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