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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm not really sure how you missed the fact that I acknowledge the time jump in every single sentence in that short post. Eugene sabotaging the bullets shouldn't have any impact on him going back to making them after that. Yes they'll have less of them over time and they'll be lower quality, but at the very least Alexandria is going to still have a supply. The story has hovered around Hilltop primarily, so we really haven't seen all that much from the other places.
  2. Eugene was making bullets for the Saviors and you'd have to imagine he's still doing that now. Those would wind up going to Alexandria, but you'd have to think that someone from Hilltop would have picked up the skill over the 6 or so years. It's all going to depend on exactly when the fallout between the communities happened.
  3. I feel like if they follow their pattern of calling up the more seasoned guys, it's either O'Regan or Nylander time. I'm too lazy to look up which position might need the call up, but I'm leaning towards O'Regan probably getting the call.
  4. Was that letter actually mailed to him? If yes does that reach the level of mail fraud?
  5. Knowing her, she'll go undercover as Alpha herself, after killing and skinning her. She'll figure out how to graft on Alpha's face so that it functions like a real face. Either that or she weekend at Bernies her in order to wipe them all out. I realize what they were trying to do, play off the confusion of her childhood, but it didn't come across all that well. Daddy's got a beard, now he doesn't have a beard, now he has a beard again... it took a little too much thought to figure that one out.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised to see much of this ultimately fall onto his manager. Being there in person that night doesn't look so great. What I'd love to know though is how anyone who was in the know on this plan would think it was a good idea to be doing tv interviews (or was it just one with Good Morning America). You're just begging for people to tear apart your story, giving the police more to work with as well.
  7. My only issue with that movie was that in order to make a strong female hero and their new over the top comedy style, they turned Scott Lang into a bumbling moron. Marvel has a strange trend lately of dumbing down their characters for the sake of comedy. That should make for an odd lead in for what looks to be a big role in the next movie for Paul Rudd.
  8. I won't call it heartbreaking, but all of the circumstances around how Pat LaFontaine left (the first time) were pretty uncomfortable. And then of course after all of that, he wound up getting that next/last concussion pretty quickly.
  9. So you're saying you've never mixed up the two before?
  10. Now let's pretend for a second that it was an actual attack. We either have two individuals trying to pass themselves off as insanely racist Trump supporters or Smollett lied about that portion. So either way you have someone trying to frame the MAGA crowd. Of course, this thing will quietly go away and we'll never know get the full story on all of it.
  11. One of the main complaints about the Sabres in here over the course of the year is their inability to score goals. I have not watched the Islanders at all, but if you're telling me that they're scoring even less than Buffalo (in more games played), I can see how that will be an immediate red flag to just about anyone in here.
  12. I hate bringing it up because I'm so sick of that topic, but looking back on the Vanek trade, it could have been so good for Buffalo had they not turned that draft pick into Lehner. And no john, please don't turn that into an explanation of why draft picks should never be traded. I'm sure we can come up with plenty of examples where it worked out just fine.
  13. Has Seinfeld finally made it to the airwaves up there?
  14. I'm amazed that it took this long for it to happen. Then again, I thought the reason for banning them would be that they're sick and tired of having to clean up the damn shells all the time. Wait, who am I kidding? Those shells sit on the ground untouched for years.
  15. It was driving me crazy when Greta Van Fleet started getting airtime around here. Every single time a station would play them, it would be immediately after a Zeppelin song. Yes, lazy radio station, we get it.
  16. It's pretty key for treasure locations and on how to find some of the more rare animals. Some will have better memories than me, but I'm never going to remember exactly where I bumped into that badger a couple weeks ago.
  17. I wonder if anyone actually finds those without using the internet.
  18. I just wish I could figure out why it took them so long to realize that Ullmark deserves more playing time. Along with that change, hopefully Hutton can return to his typical form if he starts getting the ice time more consistent with his career role. It give me some level of hope that this coaching staff can evolve and not stay locked into what is clearly not working.
  19. I'm too lazy to dig through the history of deadline rental deals, or even to figure out how much of a timeline would be a relevant comparison to today's NHL. I do wonder though how often the #2 goal scorer in the league has been moved in a deadline rental situation. My gut feeling tells me that you're undervaluing the value of a trade. I fully expect them to hold onto him and sign an extension shortly after the deadline, but in this hypothetical world where they would trade him, I think you'd have a fairly competitive market for his services. That probably nets at least a pick and one/two NHL ready prospects.
  20. I never found a single character on Parks and Rec to be even remotely likeable. It worked for Ron, but beyond that, everyone else was just plain annoying. Some day, I want to learn the full life story of Creed.
  21. I just watched this one. If he gets anything, I kind of hope Raffl gets half of that for the punch to the back of the head and the subsequent dive. What Malkin did needs to be stamped out of the game, but so does everything Raffl did there.
  22. We're right around the same place. I don't think this is a spoiler, but I'll warn you just in case. Have you encountered the legendary gator yet?
  23. Apparently his NMC/NTC (forget which one he had) did carry over even after the deal. I guess we'll stick with that because I was almost going to have to call you the Rebecca in that Sam/Diane comparison.
  24. This Sam and Diane thing you guys have going on right now is getting to be a bit strange. I'll let you two figure out which one you are.
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