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Everything posted by shrader

  1. So would that make all of Better Call Saul a part of his dream too due to the few Omaha scenes? edit: Oh, and the funniest online theory I've seen about Breaking Bad is that Walt's meth caused the Walking Dead. It's a funny thought and apparently they've actually thrown a few easter eggs into the show to play with that idea. Lately I've been throwing on an episode or two of Cheers while I wind down my gym workout on a treadmill. It's a great way to add on an extra 30 minutes or so without even realizing it.
  2. Sadly the guy you'd learn the most from (X Benedict) left a couple years ago. They've lost too many people like that. But anyway, back to the original question. If you're looking for a little more depth and more topics, obviously they'll have that at the hockey-focused board. If nothing else, I'd say give it a shot and see what you think. And an added bonus for trying that out, it might give you a slight break from John and plenz's slap fights in here.
  3. I think that usually the people who get pounced on by the group tend to deserve it. But yes, a few people get far too emotionally involved all while posting way too much. If you can weed through that, it's still valuable. If someone is able to wade through the Bills side here (note: I can't), they can easily get through that place.
  4. Just don’t show up and immediately act like an a-hole 24/7. There’s a bit of that going on lately.
  5. I really don't have any complaints about yesterday. The only thing that bugged me was Connie roaming through the corn field with no sound playing seemed a bit hokey to me. Yeah, we all know she's deaf, but it didn't really seem necessary.
  6. That's a part of their trade for Jurco. There's probably some games being played protect an asset or take into account money issues.
  7. I could see McCabe as a candidate too, whether it's now of in the offseason. That's another middle of the pack guy who is going to have some good value in the so called hockey deal.
  8. Well, from this answer, I can be happy in knowing I will continue to be completely unaware of who he is and what he's doing.
  9. I'm sorry but I have to do it every time I see the name... Well, you made a long journey from Milan to Minsk, Rickard Rakell.
  10. On that note, I think they revealed Alpha a bit too early. A little bit of a cloud of mystery around their big bad leader could have gone a long way.
  11. But are they jobs that anyone would even care about? Seeing as how most of us had no clue who he was anyway, I can't help but wonder if those jobs would be any different than what he had already.
  12. Wasn't there talk about him wanting to be in Florida or at least it being interested in playing down there? That's the wonderful thing about this time of the year, so much information floating around and we have no clue which is a smokescreen.
  13. I just got to the episode of Punisher yesterday with the gym fight. That was my first ever case of "did they really need to show that" with this show.
  14. Whatever random show I wind up picking on Netflix usually winds up better than either option.
  15. I just hope a fight or two doesn't give you any level of satisfaction after another 6-2 loss.
  16. The team is already carrying 85 defensemen on the roster and you want to bring up another one? Maybe we can strap some goalie pads on one of them and finally find someone to block a few pucks.
  17. All the video star had to do was hand over tree fiddy.
  18. Or maybe he is a better fit with the junior program where he originally found his success. There's no shame in that, some guys may just fit so much better teaching at that level. That's why I'll be very curious to see where Dave Hakstol settles in after his firing in Philly. His program was an absolute beast during his time at North Dakota. I don't know what jobs are available, but the schools should be lining up for his services.
  19. You want an exact moment where the deflation and defeated mentality started for this team? It's the loss to Toronto right after the streak. They threw everything they had out there and it wasn't good enough. That was the beginning of the end and it's that soft mentality that is the truly worrisome part. They so badly need that grizzled vet who can also produce out there on the ice. They need that Drury type, the mentally strong guy who can be slotted into a secondary role and thrive
  20. I've never seen it, but that's because I stopped watching these games probably about a month ago. The game in Raleigh was my final straw. Football as a whole lost me maybe 5-6 years ago and I'm starting to get to the point where I worry that hockey will do the same. I'm too tied into one team and that will never change. The prolonged period of suck has made it very easy for me to just throw something else on tv instead of wasting my time.
  21. They just announced the cancellation of both Punisher and Jessica Jones yesterday. Jones will get one more season, but that's only because that was already in production.
  22. At the same time, if bullets are a precious resource, why let the 7 year run around with them?
  23. Pronger was an over 35 contract. Those are the only contracts where the team is stuck with the hit if the player retires (unless they pull a Pronger). All other contracts, with retirement, the cap hit is gone. That's based on the age when the contract was signed, so it has no impact on Okposo's contract. 35+ contract retires: the full cap hit stays on the books for the life of the contract (same applies for buyouts) normal contract retires: the cap hit goes away, but any potential re-capture comes into play edit: If, for whatever reason, Okposo retired after this season, the Sabres would be hit with a $1 million each season over the last 4 years on his deal. So that's $5 million in cap savings. That re-capture hit goes up slightly for each year he plays, but it never goes north of $2 million.
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