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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Was it just the title or something? I just looked up the cover art for Caddyshack 2 and it has 10 people on it. One is Chevy Chase and the rest weren't in the first movie. Did you always confuse Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz while watching Ghostbusters?
  2. So what exactly did Alpha use that cut through the woman's spine like butter? I don't usually care about stuff like this, but that was a bit ridiculous.
  3. Did your father lose his shins in the war and have his feet surgically attached to his knees too?
  4. I hope Al Bundy is decent enough to make his way out to Wanker county for the funeral.
  5. To me, he'll always be Side Show Luke Perry.
  6. I turned it on at the start of overtime. That last music was some fun hockey. And then the ref slightly trolling the crowd with the call on the replay was pretty funny.
  7. That was pretty much my exact thought when I was typing my post. The demographics of NHL players is so vastly different than the other leagues. Those three are pretty much completely american while the NHL is going to be what, 20%? edit: I should walk back the "completely American" part a bit, particularly for baseball.
  8. Most of us are only familiar with the stories within our own market. I'd be curious to see how often it happens with other teams. I feel like we have plenty of stories of the exact opposite as well. My guess is our rate isn't any different than what is typical around the league.
  9. Berglund's still not playing anywhere in the world, right? I think that's more telling about his situation to where very little of it was about Buffalo.
  10. Ignoring any of the politics in all of this, was there anyone who actually thought Trump got into the discussion of the sale of the Bills for anything other than publicity?
  11. That makes me think of the show that aired along with Monk, Psych. That one's loaded with pop culture references, but they're all from the 80s, during the youth of Shawn and Gus. It makes me wonder how a show like that will age 10 or so years from now once that target demographic approaches their 50s and beyond.
  12. Have Dunder Miflin quickly fall apart without him. Maybe that is what happened, the show lost so much steam that I really don't remember much of what I did watch.
  13. Scrolling through the players, Compher is really the only one that could be a very nice help. Still, looking through all of that, I still make that O'Reilly deal in a heartbeat. The rest of the list does a nice job of condemning the end of the Regier tenure as you suggest. They didn't really give away all that much in those deals. But at the same time, I think the Regier approach would have served us much better through the tank than Murray's. Darcy was at least loading up on assets while Murray was overspending all of those assets. The drafting portion of that analysis really starts to lose me, epecially when they start out by saying with the 60th pick they could have taken someone who went 19 picks later. Ok, sure, they may have lucked out and made that right pick, but they also could have taken any of the 18 other guys who went within that window. That's far more likely than landing on the one guy in the entire wide range who has thus far amounted to anything. The "what if we picked this guy instead" argument is always too loaded with hindsight. Hell, since the team selected Brycen Martin at 74, I have a hard time believing they would have taken Point at 60th. He offers these arguments in the story, so I'll give him credit for that, but it still always bugs me. Sure, they would have had a few more bodies to work with, but looking over the rest of the picks they did wind up making over that time, I don't feel too confident that they would have made the right one. Let's not ignore that side of the equation.
  14. Are they running on a different schedule up there in Canada? The price increase was a little while ago down here (which by the way was before shows were canceled). You did have me checking my email right away though. And did it actually mention Titans because that's a part of DC's streaming service, isn't it?
  15. Have you tried restarting your computer? Perhaps testing to see if it works in the bathtub?
  16. It really was a perfect episode to end on. Scrubs managed to boot theirs in the same exact way.
  17. I have no issue with where South Park is today, but I kind of wish they ended it a few years ago with that season finale where Stan became ridiculously cynical and the Marsh's moved away. That would have been a great way to awkwardly end the show when no one expected it.
  18. It's definitely troubling. The talking heads lately seem to be mentioning growth, but I don't think that's what I've seen. There was a slight surge followed up by complete and utter collapse. Sure some are young, but there are others who can't use that excuse anymore and those are the guys where you start to wonder if they're able to carry the weight of all of this.
  19. I absolutely loved the bait and switch they pulled to start off this season. It's really the only thing I remember though. The seasons are far too short with too much time in between. I realize that's the best they can do with their schedules, but nothing about that format leads to memorability.
  20. It does make you wonder how much his numbers would drop if on a weaker team like Buffalo... and that's ignoring the difference in the developmental process between the two teams.
  21. It's kind of odd to focus on the 3rd round of any given draft though. I'll take your word that he was rated highly but fell. But anyway, at that stage in the draft, every single team passed on him a couple times. Hell, even Tampa passed on him 3 times and has nothing to show for the three players they did take. If they thought he was going to be what he looks like he could be now, they're not waiting to make that pick.
  22. Disagreement in general does not mean that you have no respect for that person or that you think they have no right to express said opinion.
  23. That's why these streaming services are so great. I can see how someone would have fallen off of Breaking Bad if they had to watch that on a weekly basis. That pilot was balls to the wall, but then it slowed significantly for the character development episodes. Getting to watch all that development in one sitting as opposed to stretching it out over a month or two? Sign me up. That's how I watched the show since I only had basic cable when it originally aired. Better Call Saul is good, but with how long it's drawn out, I really wish I had just waited for the entire series to be finished before watching it.
  24. I can understand that some people may not have been thrilled with the ending of Breaking Bad. Anyone who wants to call it the worst though, those people really need to stop exaggerating for the sake of making a point. The words start to lose meaning if you call that the worst.
  25. And here's to hoping that some of that passion finally pays off next year. I hate saying it in February, but it is going to be a very interesting offseason. Botterill has at least shown that he's not afraid to make actual deals that go beyond just prospect swaps or discount bin shopping in order to build his team.
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