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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Has the show been randomly cutting to commercials for anyone else?
  2. People choose to watch it, that's fine. I don't understand it, but it doesn't frustrate me. Now, the people who want to turn this personal and make it some sort of fandom D measuring contest, that's the frustrating part. You're only a fan if you do exactly what I say you should do. As for the Pegulas, yes, I'm very comfortable in saying that they want to turn things around for both teams. I think they've officially reached the end of the honeymoon period that came with buying the teams though. Things are going to turn sour very fast unless they learn how to hire the right people. And I don't mean this as an indictment of Boterill, but I'm officially on board with the idea that they need an experience hockey/NHL person in that president role. Give it a different title, do whatever they want, but they need that experience hockey ops person.
  3. I'm never going to suggest that someone can't be critical. That's all the deserve right now. The thing that's driving me mad right now is that the attitude around this fanbase right now is probably the most toxic I've ever seen it, yet they keep going back for more. It's the exact thing that kept the Bills in the state they've been in for so long now. They suck, yet people keep going back and watching. At some point the people need to send a message that all of this is not acceptable, otherwise the teams continue to operate business as usual. It becomes a never-ending cycle of *****.
  4. Blah blah blah, masochism. I get it. But yeah, you're not a fan unless subscribe to a set list of rules. There are no exceptions. The arrogance of being a fan of ***** is truly something to behold. I am an out of market fan. I'm not sure what others situations are. But I have to put down money in order to watch a Buffalo team. The thought of paying in order to watch something that is guaranteed to disappoint is not something I want to sign up for anymore. I've had enough recently of paying an assload of money for something with zero return.
  5. Why are you still watching? I don't get why people willing sit through something that they know will make them miserable. This season has been lost for months now. You might as well find something else far more worth your time. And I don't mean to single you out on this one. I see so many comments lately about how horrible the games are and I will never understand why they keep watching, especially at this point in the season.
  6. It has to be Banner in control since Hulk was scared to come out anymore.
  7. They're still being very tight lipped on anything Hulk related.
  8. Or the guns are just for show and intimidation. Just like how they were standing in a sea of mannequins to make it look like there were more of them. They know how to put on a show.
  9. I just have a hard time picturing that after all of these years, there's another group in their immediate area that they're not yet aware of. At least with the Whisperers, they're migrant. Marking roads and attempting to toll them suggests that the group is settled and not moving around.
  10. He jumps prior to the hit, so there's no way I'm calling that legal. But anyway, as for Clendening, if he had ever actually been looking up ice in the first place, I might get behind that overused "admiring the pass" angle. He telegraphed that drop pass and paid for it. The problem wasn't that he wasn't looking while making the pass, it was that he wasn't looking at any point even before making the pass.
  11. The second those rating started being mentioned in ads was the final nail in the coffin for them ha I guess any value. Studios can game the system in the opposite direction of what you’re seeing now. It’s just another system that’s in someone’s pocket.
  12. One letter that can do the work of two others? Why don't we axe both S and K instead?
  13. This makes me wonder which shows, if any, actually did better or at least well after a big turn over in cast. I'll ignore the many iterations of SNL over the years since that is the nature of that show. I was never really into Parks and Rec at all, but I know they had an early shakeup. So what shows out there were completely established, then had a big cast change and still kept on chugging? The only obvious cast change I can think of off hand was the mother change in Fresh Prince, but I wouldn't classify that as major.
  14. Im not so sure I buy the “avoidable” angle they pushed so hard there. The only way to avoid it is to give up his position and let Soderberg go. There was no hit there that wasn’t going to hit the head, whether initially or secondarily. The point of impact was completely down to chance.
  15. Hes not admiring the pass. He was looking back there the whole time before and after the pass. He’s the defenseman in talking about with the previous post. He’s carrying the puck up ice while looking backwards the whole time. This might be the first ever case where they should suspend someone for stupidity.
  16. all things Stan Lee in that movie were amazing. I usually hate applause in movie theater, always seems a bit cheesey. But the applause in my theater for the marvel intro was great. As for thr movie, I’m with you on your other post. I enjoyed it, but I can’t quite put a finger on it, but something just felt off. The movie felt a bit different than most of the other marvel stuff.
  17. I just want to know which battery company was the first to tie this day into checking your smoke detectors. I’d love to see just how big the spike of 9 volt battery sales is. The battery racks are always cleared out around here.
  18. Sure they do, but that trade was not made for today. So only looking at this season to evaluate it is kind of pointless. The Sabres knowingly passed on what he could add right now in exchange for a couple prospects (I’m including the draft pick there) and cap flexibility a year or two down the road.
  19. The second I saw the cast I knew that one was DOA. And somehow it still managed to be even worse than I expected.
  20. Color me unimpressed. 35 players in the NHL are currently at or above a point per game pace (I'll ignore the three guys who have played <5 games). Last year only 24 hit that mark (again, ignoring those who barely played). If each of the players in the top 10 in scoring averages 1 point per game the rest of the season, those top ten will have on average 7 more points than last year's top ten. I'd venture a guess that a lot of players already have a career season going as of today. Right off the top, I know Kucherov does. And several more will by the end of the season. Congratulations O'Reilly, you're scoring more just like every other player in the league.
  21. I had my knee scoped 8 years ago. When I went in a couple days later to get the stitches out, the nurse said "take of your shirt so I can remove the stitches". So yeah, sometimes it's helpful to have this stuff marked.
  22. I thought I had seen something at some point recently where they were working on a Married with Children spinoff that would center around Bud. I'm guessing it was one of those conversation starter things though that quickly fall apart before going anywhere. As for Batman 66, they did an animated movie or two right before Adam West died that were in the spirit of that show. Looking at the IMDB page, they had West, Ward, and Julie Newmar. They also had William Shatner as Two-Face and he seems like a perfect fit for the feel of that show.
  23. Did the re-launch on Comedy Central hold up? I got distracted from it when the new ones were airing and I never actually went back to watch them all.
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