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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I want an extended montage as he's assembling a new Lucile. They need to work in that same "you're the best around" song from Karate Kid.
  2. The Hilltop is kind of screwed. They lose doctors left and right and they've managed to have 4 leaders leave the show this season (yes, I'm counting Gregory). Daryl pretty much has to take over there now since I'm pretty sure there's no main cast left in that community. I can't wait for next week to see how they actually plan on following that up. Last night's show was what they typically do in the finale. And thanks to AMC's annoying practice of forcing you to watch the show taking over the time slot before seeing the next episode's previews, I did not get to see those previews.
  3. Immedeiately called up and sent back down, that’s got emergency recall written all over it. I guess it really doesn’t matter though since they’re not building towards anything at this moment.
  4. Is there an actual name out there for someone who is making this suggestion? I can't wait until the native americans want in on this one and most of those descendants of the slaves have to leave along with all the white people.
  5. I'll hold out hope that any fan who decides to make the trip can go and thank him for additional cap space that was used for a key addition.
  6. I'm mostly lurking over in these parts, but man, where was this kind of attitude during the long-running issues with The_Dude? John, I'm not sure if you have any idea what I'm talking about, but just to be clear, I don't mean this as any kind of shot at you at all.
  7. That's John McCain? Wow, his look sure did change over the years.
  8. I wonder if they'll choose a different kid to have something horrible happen to this time around in Stranger Things.
  9. There's the perfect example of someone going way above and beyond anything that is expected. All too often, we label someone as a hero simply because they did the right thing. While giving someone the Heimlich while they're choking at McDonald's may meet the lesser definitions of hero, it's not exactly a move that screams "hand this guy the key to the city".
  10. Thanks. I figured that someone must have been interested in him, but I never saw a story. The kid is still only 25. I fully expect to see someone roll the dice on him in the next couple years.
  11. My favorite part about that site is looking at the trending names and trying to figure out why. Usually it's a trade, but every now and then there's a completely random guy listed. Yesterday it was Nail Yakupov. A few months ago, Maxim Afinogenov was in the top 10.
  12. It's a seasonal game too. Kids in the south (or those in the Caribbean) can play it year-round, but the northerners are reduced to spring/summer. Kids are going to develop their talents much more quickly in a sport they can play year-round.
  13. He's definitely a name that has been floating around in my head since the deadline. I just worry about any player who has a noticeable drop in scoring this year even though scoring is up across the board. I could see them rolling the dice on a guy like him though, but I think it might be contingent on freeing up the Okposo money. I don't think there's much of a chance of that happening though.
  14. He'd be good if he wasn't going to draw an Okposo contract. That's going to be a lot for a guy with declining numbers. It's such a hard role to fill, finding that guy who isn't about to fall off the cliff.
  15. They wouldn't dare do anything to her at this point. After last night, they're done for a while when it comes to killing off any children. That whole thing loses its importance if any more follow it.
  16. I've been on this horse for a while, but the piece this team could really benefit the most from is that 30 something veteran leader who still actually produces. I haven't yet looked around to see who could be available in that role, but it's that guy like Justin Williams as been in Carolina since he returned. And I don't mention him as a guy I'd target if available, but that's the type of role this team needs to fill.
  17. One also gets to learn from two likely hall of famers. That's going to be a big asset for him moving forward.
  18. Have they done any for other players? This recent trend around sports in having tribute videos is kind of an odd one. I get if if we're talking about a guy who was a local icon. Even with the way he left, you do one for a guy like Hasek in his first game back. Rob Ray with Ottawa (not sure he ever actually faced us)? Sure. Ryan O'Reilly, a guy who was here for three very forgettable seasons? No thank you. I hear the Taylor Fedun tribute earlier this year was a real tear jerker.
  19. Lydia has been really good too. She's miles ahead of the other team actors who have been on this show. Then again, she was given a lot more to work, starting off right away with the Daryl interrogation. In terms of upcoming deaths, I couldn't imagine them putting Carol through yet another loss of a child. It would give us the added bonus of getting killing machine Carol back, but man, she can't buy a break.
  20. That commercial issue really hurt the episode. It seemed like each time they were giving back story on Michonne’s friend, it cut out. I never really knew what their deal was.
  21. And the cut away is about as awkward as possible. AMC is going to get plenty of complaints.
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