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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Why stop there? Let's hand ownership over to Teddy and anoint him the king of hockey. That's the only way we can even come close to pleasing the small cult of fans he has around here. I'm pretty sure he would have ended world hunger if the Sabres never fired him back in the 90s.
  2. I can see how I forgot about that portion. He had the interim tag the previous season when Lindy was fired. But either way, that was mid-tank, so I still won't count that as a serious hire. His replacement wasn't either, that one was pure PR.
  3. It looks like they haven't really advanced things too much. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm surprised that the graphics look the same even though it will be on the newer systems.
  4. The "seasoned" portion might be in question a bit, but your description there pretty much fits the Bylsma hire. So I don't really see a pattern here of hiring inexperience. The only other was Rolston, but that was just an interim position. Now if we want to apply that inexperience hire comment to the front office, now we have a pattern. I'm with you though, I think the next one definitely has to be very experienced.
  5. The popular theory is going to have to be Maggie. The underwhelming choice would be Alicia from Fear. They were all over the radio waves for a while, even if it was 6 or so years ago.
  6. This one's very specific to where I live... That 2-3 day window where weather is absolutely perfect for lounging on the porch, right before the pollen and the humidity quickly take over.
  7. I just don't get why someone would call in a favor to save this guy, if that is in fact what happened. Why would you waste any capital to save such a small fish? It would be like me calling in a favor with one of the mods to save that kid who used to post reviews of the Smurf movies from a ban. A complete and utter waste of a favor. I think I know exactly where responses to this question will go, but it should be interesting to hear them.
  8. They pretty much have to. They can't exactly start a big fire outside to keep warm while they're surrounded by that massive walker herd. It would be kind of funny if they never showed back up ever again because they migrated somewhere completely different after the winter. That wouldn't make for good tv though. It sounded like a female voice to me, but I can't see any way of figuring out who it was. People will hear what they want to hear though, so it should make for some fun internet theories over the next couple months until they release a trailer for the next season.
  9. Father Not the Father... that nickname needs to stick
  10. Not at all. That’s really the only negative I have for him. If I’m looking for a whipping boy, I’m not starting with the guy who nets nearly 40 goals, even if it’s in a contract year. Mine would be whoever didn’t realize this season was going off the tracks until it was way too late. For me, this is whole season boils down to one of two possibilities. They either didn’t realize everything was crumbling, or they did but had their eyes set on a year or two down the road. I’m not too crazy about either, but that first one terrifies me.
  11. He already left Tampa. His "team advisor" role is just another way of saying "hey, I'm technically still under contract. But yes, he's pretty clearly going back to Detroit. I've said that from day 1. That would be exactly what I was hinting at when I said it would spare us from another divisional rival starting their rebuild.
  12. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I can't remember the last time I've seen such a unified response from almost everyone on this. It seems like everyone short of family and friend is so against this guy. I can't see this working out too well for him and landing new roles. He's poison for at least a few months anyway. I don't know how long that lasts.
  13. I know he's not really a free agent, but if they really wanted to throw a boatload of money at someone for the president role, there's a guy by the name of Steve Yzerman who I would gladly give a couple islands in the Pacific. It also would spare us from another divisional rival just starting their rebuilding process.
  14. Does that guy currently exist in higher level hockey coaching world at this point? I don't pay much attention to that side of the game, so I really have no idea who the big names are, whether it's coaches or front office guys.
  15. We bought our couch a little under 4 years ago. In the last week or so, something went wrong in the springs. I figured we were pretty much out of luck, but for the hell of it I called the store yesterday hoping there was a warranty covering it. Without even asking to check it out, they quickly ordered the new springs and have set up a time with a tech to replace them. I went in expecting to be screwed and needing a new couch, but instead we're taken care of. Pleasant surprise. That said, we had some issues with customer support with this company back when we initially bought the couch. We never wound up receiving replacement pillows that they were supposed to send, and I eventually gave up on it because it wasn't worth the hassle to get a couple throw pillows. So I won't believe that these springs will be delivered until they're actually sitting at my door.
  16. If we want to talk about the right player to wear the C, that's fine, but we really need to stop throwing the name of any of the kids out there. It's a completely subjective cutoff, but at this point, if I'm handing that out to anyone, it needs to be someone over the age of 25. There needs to be at least some wear on the tires. I don't care how ready anyone may look, it's time to stop throwing these guys to the wolves.
  17. That last one would just be plain odd. I feel like they want to keep developing the dynamic between Negan and Judith, so that would mean Michonne leaves without the kids. If they actually did that, it would vault Michonne up to the ultimate villain status in my mind. The only thing she could do that could possibly be any worse is letting Carol adopt them.
  18. The whole thing would have been an absolute circus if it ever got in front of a jury. The thing played out way too publicly. They'd go through about a thousand potential jurors before filling even 5 of those seats.
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