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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm pretty sure I have some old Far Side books buried somewhere in the house. After reading through this thread, I'm going to have to go find those.
  2. Maybe we can eventually get Alex Winter as the villain in one of these Wick movies.
  3. Are we seriously playing this game again where we tell people whether or not they're real fans? It's incredibly arrogant so think that everyone should think exactly the same way you do. Seriously folks, drop this petty line of BS.
  4. The only way it could have been better is if he immediately hid behind Chara.
  5. His old "dive into the legs of an oncoming checker" move didn't already point you in this direction?
  6. Well that and more than half of them were dead already.
  7. I'd actually replace that with Infinity War. Maybe it's something so simple as having the Empire Strikes Back approach where the bad guys win, but at least for me, that movie blows Endgame out of the water.
  8. My entire experience with the show is wondering "how do you pronounce that name" when I see people talking about it online.
  9. Endgame was ok. It was probably a good movie on it's own, but it was next to impossible to follow-up Infinity War. Avoiding any spoilers, here's what really sticks out to me: 1. One major suprise 2. I absolutely hated what they did with one character. His reaction makes sense, but they took it too far. 3. The rules they established for the main plan in the movie really didn't make much sense, especially with what happened in previous movies. I'm willing to accept it for the sake of the movie though.
  10. Thanks, now I'm having flashbacks to that overtime "now do you believe" game against Ottawa. Connolly was a true stud in that game. Oh what could have been without a few shots to the head.
  11. That's why the rush to judge all trades always drives me crazy. Most of the time, one team in a deal is not making that trade for today. All of the major team sports have that kind of trade. I'm not going to attack or defend a deal, but it is clear that our side of the deal is not yet defined. Botterill made a change, made some space, and now he needs to put in more work, as you've suggested, to get some fruit from that tree.
  12. Wait, the pope is on twitter? I hate the internet.
  13. Your definition of "recent years" is very interesting. Earlier you said movies from the last decade or so and then included Godfather 2 (1974). Now you've just included 2007, 1995, 2007 again, 2006, 1995 again, a wide widow for Tarantino, and 1998 all as recent. I'm also not trying to pick a fight here, but I find it interesting. I think all to often we think of a movie as recent only to realize that it came out longer ago than we realize. Nothing on your list outside of the most recent Tarantino stuff is younger than 10 years.
  14. I've been waiting to hear anything about that one before making a decision. So we're up to two positive responses in this thread. At this point, I probably won't see it in theaters, if it's even still there in two weeks, but I'm definitely curious. I really hope DC can keep their positive trend going, because I'm far more familiar with their stuff.
  15. When will Melnyk release that forensic report on Karlsson's achilles injury?
  16. I love that fact that I'm completely lost on all this tech talk, but I'll still cave and buy the system 2 or so years into it's run once they make a new GTA, Red Dead, Batman, or Metal Gear game that I absolutely have to play. I would have included Final Fantasy on that list as well, but the last few, particularly the last one, underwhelmed significantly.
  17. ***** happens type stuff as opposed to end of the world type stuff. Keep that beer flowing.
  18. Anything I saved went into unexpected medical costs this year. But hey, that caused additional savings. That fits right in with the American way I'd say, thinking you actually saved 50 cents because you bought that on sale oversized jar of peanut butter that you otherwise wouldn't have.
  19. They'll drop the backwards compatibility because it winds up being too expensive. They always do.
  20. That guy just comes off as odd casting to me. If they were going for a "completely non-threatening bookwoom" look with the role, they nailed it. Maybe Fran Moff Tarkinton had that feel too back in the day, I don't know. At least with his age, he looked like he had actually been there before.
  21. VIII felt like it could have been a Spaceballs sequels at certain points. Opening the movie with a prank phone call to the first order?
  22. Their ages are all a mystery, but wouldn't he have been dead by the time she was born? She can't be any older than Kylo.
  23. I liked VII. VIII just didn't build on it very much. It's perfectly fine to not like a movie without "taking it too seriously". As for the humor, they may have had it to some extent in the first ones, but it was never jammed down your throat like it was in VIII. It's fine to go to that well occasionally, but they camped there and then never left. I don't know, maybe when you have someone like Harrison Ford, who oozes charisma, delivering those lines, nothing ever feels forced. Hell, Finn almost had the heroic sacrifice too until Rose stopped him. That part never made any sense to me. Let's cancel out one kamikaze attack by turning it into two. Killing him off right there would have worked really well with his whole arc in that movie... from coward to hero.
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