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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Pork tenderloins might be my favorite of what I've done in the sous vide. I've yet to try something even remotely complicated and stick to the stuff that takes 1-2 hours. So it'll be some sort of marinated tenderloin and it always turns out great.
  2. I love all the letters and phone calls I get, warning me that the factory warranty on my car is about to expire and I should buy an extended warranty. So wait, you're telling me those factory warranties that expired 5 years ago are about to expire and I need to pay you a bunch of money right away? Where do I sign up?
  3. I went to my 8 year old nephew's baseball game last week while we were up in Boston. It's very much a beginner league. When a team is in the field, their coach calls the balls and strikes. The weather that day was horribly, rainy and cold. For some reason they decided to play even though they had to relocate to a grassy area because the diamond was unplayable. Thanks to those conditions, pretty much no one got a hit all game. It was 0-0 going into the last inning. Somehow the nephew's team managed to load up the bases with only one out. The other team's coach decided to call every single pitch a strike once that happened. The last kid up was a beginner who barely even knew how to hold a bat. He struck out on a called 3rd strike that was about a foot above his head. The kids really didn't care who won or lost (neither team did that day), but you're never going to learn the game with that coach out there. This other story isn't really a bad one, it just makes me laugh. I'm not a basketball guy. I never watch a second of it, but I'll hear the chatter about players. I've never really understood the common one I hear about certain highly rated young players who can't shoot. I would have thought that would be the thing they'd focus on the most. Then I started working out at a local YMCA. It had their treadmill area on a balcony that overlooked a basketball court. So I'd see a bunch of youth games/practices while up there. A bunch of these kids (up to maybe the early teenage years) would be out there doing a bunch of crazy dribbling moves. Most of the time it looked like they were trying to humiliate the defender. Then they'd pull up and take a shot... air ball. Now I totally get it.
  4. Here is the description of that goal from a USA hockey recap: Seriously USA hockey? You describe that as "pouncing on a loose puck"?
  5. My personal favorite is that they pulled it from a manuscript from 1992. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a re-print of a page filler story they threw in golf magazine 20+ years ago. Ok, re-print's not the right word, but whatever you want to call the internet version of that practice.
  6. No matter how much I miss tv theme songs, I still find myself quickly skipping over them when I watch something like Cheers on netflix.
  7. That whole Yandle-Skinner thing is a bit of you reap what you sow. Turtling has always been a big part of Skinner's game. He's out there trying to draw penalties, that's his style. So when that actually happens, teammates are going to stop and leave him to his game.
  8. You know all those times where a specific poster has chimed in here with something asking how two of our draft picks got that generational label? There's your answer.
  9. It's not a true hack until you just get it over with and cut the balls off. Today years old?
  10. I'm still surprised that his name is even in the equation. It seemed like he was strongly connected to Seattle the whole time. I wonder if that expansion being pushed back a year changed everything there.
  11. I'm pretty sure I have some old Far Side books buried somewhere in the house. After reading through this thread, I'm going to have to go find those.
  12. Maybe we can eventually get Alex Winter as the villain in one of these Wick movies.
  13. Are we seriously playing this game again where we tell people whether or not they're real fans? It's incredibly arrogant so think that everyone should think exactly the same way you do. Seriously folks, drop this petty line of BS.
  14. The only way it could have been better is if he immediately hid behind Chara.
  15. His old "dive into the legs of an oncoming checker" move didn't already point you in this direction?
  16. Well that and more than half of them were dead already.
  17. I'd actually replace that with Infinity War. Maybe it's something so simple as having the Empire Strikes Back approach where the bad guys win, but at least for me, that movie blows Endgame out of the water.
  18. My entire experience with the show is wondering "how do you pronounce that name" when I see people talking about it online.
  19. Endgame was ok. It was probably a good movie on it's own, but it was next to impossible to follow-up Infinity War. Avoiding any spoilers, here's what really sticks out to me: 1. One major suprise 2. I absolutely hated what they did with one character. His reaction makes sense, but they took it too far. 3. The rules they established for the main plan in the movie really didn't make much sense, especially with what happened in previous movies. I'm willing to accept it for the sake of the movie though.
  20. Thanks, now I'm having flashbacks to that overtime "now do you believe" game against Ottawa. Connolly was a true stud in that game. Oh what could have been without a few shots to the head.
  21. That's why the rush to judge all trades always drives me crazy. Most of the time, one team in a deal is not making that trade for today. All of the major team sports have that kind of trade. I'm not going to attack or defend a deal, but it is clear that our side of the deal is not yet defined. Botterill made a change, made some space, and now he needs to put in more work, as you've suggested, to get some fruit from that tree.
  22. Wait, the pope is on twitter? I hate the internet.
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