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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm the exact opposite on this one. The most recent season was garbage. They had done a nice job in the prior season or two building up certain people and then they completely threw everything out the window and rebooted the show. Sure, some of the newbies are good characters, but not enough of them. I'm also not all that crazy about this current incarnation of Morgan. But hey, at least I can count on him revealing his 85th alternate personality soon enough.
  2. Now there's an interesting possibility for the original post. The double "s" misspell of the name makes it sound reasonable.
  3. Isn't Kesler completely broken at this point? I seem to remember something about potential career ending surgery. If they're suggesting taking on a cap hit in exchange for assets, I might understand it, but it's odd to see that option on the same list as Duchene. Edit: I should learn to read posts from plenz. Difficult, I know, but there might sometimes be value to them.
  4. Short of a big free agent who has worn the number his entire career, I would not want to be the guy who wears that number here.
  5. They'll be the first team to ever win 98 in a row but not win the Cup. Don't ask me how that's possible. They'll find a way.
  6. They've been doing pretty well with the solo stories, so maybe there's hope here. If they really are spinning off and rebooting, there could have been potential to tie it in with the Joker movie, but I don't know how they can pull that off with the age difference for Phoenix. Even with the reboot, I hope they follow through on some of the backstories they teased in Batman vs. Superman. There's potential in seeing some of Jason Todd's story play out in movies. It would definitely be unique when compared to all previous incarnations of big screen Batman.
  7. If he didn't have another year left on his contract, I'd ask if Halak would be interested in coming to Buffalo this time.
  8. Please tell me there's a body bag reference at some point.
  9. I missed the first ever in class exam I had in college because I was at my grandfather's funeral. On my first day back on campus, the professor set up a time in the afternoon to take the exam. That morning, I went to the weekly TA-lead discussion session that was a part of the class, not realizing they were passing out the grading exams. I explained my situation to the random girl sitting next to me and she handed me her exam after the class. It was a huge class, so the professor used 2 or 3 different exams. The one she gave me wound up being the same one I got. So yeah, I nailed that one. And before anyone asks, I was too clueless at that stage in my life to realize that I could have nailed more than just the exam.
  10. Are we now at the "make completely random comments about Ralph Krueger" portion of the thread?
  11. I wonder how many people right now are thinking back saying "I remember that guy" and claiming to be the person who won him over.
  12. My brothers and I were unusually obsessed with the Dorf videos when we were kids.
  13. Leagues never seemed any fun to me. I only played in one for a single summer and there were way too many sandbaggers and it completely ruined it. I only won one match that entire summer and even that one wound up not counting. I won the first 4 holes of a 9 hole match. I then won the 5th, but the guy told me a score lower than what he actually got. I didn't bother calling him on it since it really didn't matter at that point and I didn't want to look like a dick. On the 6th hole, the siren goes off and the day was over. Since the match wasn't officially over, they didn't count it.
  14. If they replace him in every camera shot and press conference with a poorly drawn cartoon, I can sign up for that. Kay ooger!
  15. I was watching the movie last weekend and found myself think about how the two of them pretty much just stand still during that entire fight. Now this video pops up. I'd say they didn't get the kill shot right. Something about the angle of the view doesn't really show Kenobi giving up quite as well as it did in the original. Now can they re-do it without 3PO?
  16. I have a hard time finding anything worthwhile for the purpose of evaluation from his short stay in Edmonton. It was one lockout shortened season with a broken franchise. He was also an assistant for some of those previous years of suck.
  17. I think we need to look at this from a different angle. At this point, who hasn't been crowned as the favorite for the job? I love how tight lipped this organization is with this stuff now. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they went with someone who has barely been mentioned, if at all... anything to expose the "monkey throwing crap at a dartboard" approach to all of these media reports.
  18. This one's not a particular shot, just something I always got a kick out of. Back when I was in college, one summer I set a personal goal of birdieing (is that how you would spell it?) every hole on the course. I played a ton that year. I'd go out early in the morning and walk 36 holes 3 times a week. Anyway, I wound up missing out on that goal by a single hole. So what did I do in my very first round the following year? Birdied that hole. That same year, I was out by myself late in the day. My mother played in a women's league one day a week, and I'd go with her and then speed around the whole course while it was mostly empty. It started to rain around maybe the 12th hole. For whatever reason, I always liked playing in the rain. I liked the extra challenge of keeping clubs, gloves, and hands dry between shots. A couple more hole in, I birdied the 17th hole to pull to -1 for the day, something completely unheard of for me. On the 18th, I sent my drive right down the middle. Then the lightning siren went off. It was late enough and very clear that the storm was going to be there for the night, so I never got to finish that last hole. That would have been the only time in my life I broke par. And then there was the time I passed out at the bar after drinking a single beer...
  19. While we're playing the what if game, what if Keefe is their guy and they can't do a thing while the Marlies are still in the playoffs?
  20. I thought they had fixed that years ago when it happened in a Detroit game (back before the challenge rule). So when I heard that one the other day, I was shocked. I guess they can't allow it due to the rare circumstance where the puck off the mesh is missed, then play resumes for about 5 minutes before a goal is scored. Even that, you'd think should have an easy work around. Allow the replay up until the point where the puck leaves the offensive zone. Edit: But hey, we are talking about the same league where you weren't allowed to review a play where the puck went through the outside of the net.
  21. I doubt it's my best ever, but I'd call it the most satisfying. My old boss when I was living in Boston was a member at Brookline Country Club. He would take me out there a few times each summer. One of the holes is completely straight with a big downslope about 250 yard from the tee. Everything felt as good as I've ever felt as my driver connected and I knew I had a good one. I didn't realize just how good it was though. The ball landed right at the start of that downslope and rolled forever. I don't remember the exact length of that hole, I want to say 450, but my ball stopped exactly at the 100 yard marker. I've got the scorecard buried in my bag and I can look that one up later. I've probably never come within 50 yards of that shot with any other tee shot in my life. The best though, was probably my boss's "holy ****" remark the second I hit the ball.
  22. Has there been any story/quote out there to suggest that Gronborg actually talked to any NHL team?
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