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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm two in right now and I'd say the slow pace is definitely there through them both. At least it give me the chance to shut it off for the day and not get sucked into watching the entire season in one sitting.
  2. Wasn't Steve at one point the dean of a community college as they were attempting to make a spinoff show?
  3. It's crazy how little direction this show has at this point. It died with Madison.
  4. There must be some modern day version of this Ted McGinley thing. I'm sure someone can think up an actor who has killed off multiple tv shows within the past 20 years.
  5. I just got an email from Directv offering me a $3 amazon gift card for filling out a survey. I hate surveys in general, so the offer of a massive $3 won't convince me to fill one out.
  6. The show starting to get stale really doesn't have much to do with Jefferson though. Steve left after the 4th season. If anything, going stale was probably due to the same thing it always is with shows that rotate around a family, the kids get too old too fast. Me personally, I enjoy the dynamic between Al/Jefferson better than that between Al/Steve. I forget if they ever actually hit on it, but I forget why Steve even lived in that neighborhood in the first place. Jefferson? Ok, he fit right in.
  7. Why isn't Disney spreading these out a bit more? That's three of them in a very short period of time now since they also had Dumbo a few months back. Also, it feels a bit strange to got to "live action" versions of a musical that has nothing but animals. Let's take an animated movie and just animate it a slightly different way. There's one big thing that bugs me with those movies. The wife and I saw Alladin a week or two ago and it had such an auto-tuned sound to it. I had the same exact thought with a few others in the last two years too. Now maybe the cartoons were like that as well, but I don't notice it since the visuals are completely fake too. I'm not the target audience for the movies anyway, but that sound is really distracting for me. Sure, you'll need it for certain actors, but there should be a decent number of people in these movies who can actually sing.
  8. If it makes you feel any better, you managed to add a different level of confusion for me. I thought Motzko was still with St. Cloud and I had no f'n clue as to how they fit into anything.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's almost every company's target demographic.
  10. But why even let it get to that point? They've risked alienating their best player and this whole process will be remembered in 5 years when Aho hits UFA status, if he's still with the organization. And the rest of the players in that locker room see it as well.
  11. I think that love of Blue is going to slowly die off. There's way too much available today thanks to the micro brew explosion. It'll always be there, but once you have an entire generation of drinking who have been exposed to the current market, the tastes are going to shift. Of course, Labatt will start to make other options as well.
  12. I'm really confused by Carolina's approach on this one. Waddell comes out and says that he's surprised that the offer wasn't for more. So in other words, you think your player is worth a lot more money than you're willing to give him. Why would you publicly admit that? It can't make you look very good in the eyes of your own players and it places an even bigger bullseye over your head for all the other teams to aim at. It might take some time, but that whole thing is going to explode and it's going to be very ugly.
  13. It's very front loaded with a signing bonus and roster bonuses. I believe the deal has him getting $21 million over the next 12 months. So that will be the sticking point right there, the immediate cash going out the door. The rest of the term really has no impact. Since it's signed, it is what it is at this point. The rest of that contract would actually fit nicely into the Dundon model, paying very little over those 4 remaining years.
  14. I really wouldn't put it past their owner to let him walk. He's a meddler and if he really does not want to pay the cash involved there, particularly the signing bonuses, he won't pay. Any other team and this is a no brainer. But that's the thing about that saying, it doesn't apply to those who actually do have no brain.
  15. It has to be the case. Even if it's not the bigger deal we're hoping for, it will at least be something along the lines of how they moved out Bailey and Baptiste over the past year or so.
  16. Step 1: Introduce Dwight Step 2: Never show him again Step 3: Step 4: Profit
  17. at a couple weeks shy of his 24th birthday, he literally is a man among boys. I can’t imagine there’s anyone older than him out there who isn’t holding a whistle. He’s the guy who damn well better look good out there or else you’re giving up on the guy. I don't really know how much there is to take away from him at these camps at this point.
  18. I don’t know how that team can survive long term with him being so cheap. Each move takes it to a new level.
  19. I’ll be curious to see if we do start to get some player movement tomorrow. I feel like that second day is where the teams really start to settle in on the trade talks they’ve had.
  20. They went way over the top selling him on the broadcast. They pretty much said greatest American goalie of all time. They really need to tone it down a bit. And now watching Krebs walk out? That’s painful to watch.
  21. The Canadiens need to return Youppi! to his/her/its rightful home.
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