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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You'll love the 90 minute interview with Jay McKee’s shin guard.
  2. Dustin is by far the most entertaining of the kids. I could live with him and Steve getting their own spinoff.
  3. I wanted to say Prognosis Negative, but that's the one that Jerry hated.
  4. Isn't the upside down full of them?
  5. I should have added a ? As long as someone lists Q-Bert, I'll give them credit for the answer.
  6. I just finished RDR1 this weekend. 2 inspired me to go play it again just to get even with Dutch.
  7. Brandine Follow up question: Name his kids
  8. Thanks, now I want to see Bruce Campbell on this show.
  9. It's not just the main cast. I'm pretty sure not a single person died at any point, not live anyway. The few deaths even referenced (helicopter pilot, kids' parents, the guy Sherry killed) all happened in the past.
  10. Safely is an interesting choice of words to describe this half season. Am I missing some details or did they not kill a single living person in this entire run of episodes? I can't think of a single character, not even a random in the background who was killed either by human, walker, or nuke. Even the freshly dead were killed before we first encountered them. How is that even possible on these shows?
  11. 7 of 11 or whatever the hell her name is... now there's a character I never thought I'd see again.
  12. Ha, I just watched this one last week. Technically just about everyone is the answer to the question.
  13. You folks have inspired me to pick up a nice ribeye for tonight. I'll be going the sous vide route.
  14. I think there could be more of a long term potential with Vesey. I see him as a lesser version of last year's Skinner. They'll see how things go and then decide whether or not they want to bring him back for more.
  15. You do realize there's far more than just one, right? I'd move the Patriots to Siberia.
  16. Of course, but listing that would be like including "breathing" on your daily to-do list.
  17. It's a shame he didn't get there earlier. The reactor would be all taken care of.
  18. Yolo bought one spying device and got one free! And before anyone asks, I have two of those spying devices in my house. It's not high on my list of concerns.
  19. I think you're giving them too much credit on Billy. I get the impression that they're doing this a bit on the fly and they don't have much in the way of plans that bridge across seasons. Billy's redemption was so rushed thanks to the complete lack of any character development. If they were planning on going that route, that could have at least planted a few seeds in season two, but there was nothing. He ultimately wound up being one step above the cannon fodder that was Gary Busey's kid this season. I don't want to make it look like I didn't enjoy the season, because I did. The interactions between their main characters have been a blast, but they could gain from developing a few background characters as well. There's a few too many red shirts in this show. They'd probably gain from killing someone out of the main group next year (I saw this assuming Hopper will be back).
  20. I want to post the Frank Drebin "there's nothing to see here" clip, but there really is nothing to see here.
  21. I'm convinced there are only two reasons for this so called event: 1. Inventory reduction (aka: getting rid of crap) 2. Getting Amazon's monitoring equipment into as many homes as possible
  22. So you haven't read the story? That's fine, but that's exactly what they're hoping for, headline outrage. Bond is retired and someone else has been given his title. Then he gets drawn back in. There is no story here at all. It's not the controversial recasting that some are hoping for.
  23. The whole thing isn't even original within the Daniel Craig movies. Bond is out of action and has to get pulled back in? They did exactly that in Skyfall. This whole version just has him replaced within the agency. The funniest part about any uproar about this casting is that I'm willing to bet that one of two scenarios happen. Either one, she's killed incredibly early, which is the spark for his return. Or two, she's the villain.
  24. She'll have probably an even smaller role than she had in Captain Marvel. But hey, anything to make a few headlines.
  25. Here's the thing that bugs me. If closing the gate kills the mind flayer, how was it even there in the first place? They closed it in season 2, so it should be dead at that point. Is it the Russian experiments that leave another gate open just enough for it to remain alive? If that's the case, we'll see it back again next time. I hope that's not the case though, I'd like to see a new kind of monster as the big bad next season.
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