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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think there could be more of a long term potential with Vesey. I see him as a lesser version of last year's Skinner. They'll see how things go and then decide whether or not they want to bring him back for more.
  2. You do realize there's far more than just one, right? I'd move the Patriots to Siberia.
  3. Of course, but listing that would be like including "breathing" on your daily to-do list.
  4. It's a shame he didn't get there earlier. The reactor would be all taken care of.
  5. Yolo bought one spying device and got one free! And before anyone asks, I have two of those spying devices in my house. It's not high on my list of concerns.
  6. I think you're giving them too much credit on Billy. I get the impression that they're doing this a bit on the fly and they don't have much in the way of plans that bridge across seasons. Billy's redemption was so rushed thanks to the complete lack of any character development. If they were planning on going that route, that could have at least planted a few seeds in season two, but there was nothing. He ultimately wound up being one step above the cannon fodder that was Gary Busey's kid this season. I don't want to make it look like I didn't enjoy the season, because I did. The interactions between their main characters have been a blast, but they could gain from developing a few background characters as well. There's a few too many red shirts in this show. They'd probably gain from killing someone out of the main group next year (I saw this assuming Hopper will be back).
  7. I want to post the Frank Drebin "there's nothing to see here" clip, but there really is nothing to see here.
  8. I'm convinced there are only two reasons for this so called event: 1. Inventory reduction (aka: getting rid of crap) 2. Getting Amazon's monitoring equipment into as many homes as possible
  9. So you haven't read the story? That's fine, but that's exactly what they're hoping for, headline outrage. Bond is retired and someone else has been given his title. Then he gets drawn back in. There is no story here at all. It's not the controversial recasting that some are hoping for.
  10. The whole thing isn't even original within the Daniel Craig movies. Bond is out of action and has to get pulled back in? They did exactly that in Skyfall. This whole version just has him replaced within the agency. The funniest part about any uproar about this casting is that I'm willing to bet that one of two scenarios happen. Either one, she's killed incredibly early, which is the spark for his return. Or two, she's the villain.
  11. She'll have probably an even smaller role than she had in Captain Marvel. But hey, anything to make a few headlines.
  12. Here's the thing that bugs me. If closing the gate kills the mind flayer, how was it even there in the first place? They closed it in season 2, so it should be dead at that point. Is it the Russian experiments that leave another gate open just enough for it to remain alive? If that's the case, we'll see it back again next time. I hope that's not the case though, I'd like to see a new kind of monster as the big bad next season.
  13. I was listening to a radio conversation about this where they said she is a "British actor who is african american". Ummm yeah, that's not how that works. I guess dual citizenship would make that possible. I don't know.
  14. It wasn't a statement about you. It just made me think about the tackler in the video. It's a nice reminder to not act like an idiot because all it takes is one other idiot for things to go too far. No matter how douchey Willow was acting, that other guy is very lucky to not wind up in handcuffs.
  15. So you'd be the guy in the video that did attack him. No matter how much the guy was asking for it, that one has to qualify as assault, right?
  16. The same exact move that the flayed pulled off a few times. Hmmm.....
  17. I worry that the scope of this show has become too big now. We now have Russia and a good number of main characters living off in a completely different are (did they say where?). This show is at its best when it's a bunch of crazy things happening in a small rural town. Even with an upside down wormhole connecting them to Russia, there's no way anyone should be setting foot in the USSR on this show.
  18. I know people are really put off by their service and price, but it couldn't have been any easier for me. I called and told them I was looking to change since my contract was up. They put me on hold for a bit and then immediately offered to cut my price down to right around $70 without a new contract. I might top that through a combination of streaming services, but it would take more work than it's worth. The price change is only for a year, but once that's up, since it's not a new 2 year contract, I can just repeat the process. Maybe I just lucked out and got the right person, but I don't have any complaints.
  19. I'm at the same point in the show. The Russian thing in general seems like an odd fit for this show. I know these kids have been through a lot, but trying to break into a room guarded by foreign military types armed with massive guns seems a bit over the top for them, especially since all of this is brand new to two of them. Speaking of the Russians, I like the terminator vibe from the guy chasing Hopper.
  20. I'd love to see thoughts like this truly put to the test. But unfortunately (actually, fortunately), GMs are typically fired before that can ever happen. If 8 is too high to take a defenseman, what does Murray do if he's presented with the first overall pick with Dahlin on the board? There's clearly some line where a stupid rule like that gets thrown out the window. It's the same thought I had immediately last year when I heard the Tom Dundon quote that the Hurricanes will never draft a defenseman in the first round as long as he owns the team. That comment conveniently came out right after they had finished second in the draft lottery. With him though, I genuinely think he just might be so stupid as to force the GM to take Svechnikov over Dahlin.
  21. I do think that it was mostly a case of Murray not placing anywhere near as much value on the defense position. It goes beyond the drafts. Look at all of his moves while he was here. He focused very heavily on adding scoring. He never traded for defense. Any d-man he did acquire, it involved a defenseman going back the other way (Myers -> Bogosian, Pysyk -> Kulikov). Other deals actually depleted our D numbers (McNabb -> Fasching/Desluariers, Zadorov in the O'Reilly deal). Only one trade lead to a net gain in D (Gorges for pick). He also didn't pay any serious attention to the position in free agency. Take a look at this list, he never looked beyond the bargain bin: Meszaros Strachan Benoit Donovan Sanguinetti Colaiacovo Franson Fedun Falk It's a very short time frame, so it's definitely possible that he would have turned his focus to the D once the offense was fully established, but completely neglecting it for those three years is a big part of why he's gone.
  22. That's what counts as taking a shot at your former team nowadays? Those comments are even more tame than our daily plenz/JohnC slap fights in this thread.
  23. Get the popcorn ready. There's clearly something larger in the works. It pretty much has to be Ristolainen, but with McCabe still unsigned, he jumps right up to the top of the possible trade list too.
  24. And then there's all that cash he was always handing out to the entire family, even Buck.
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