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Posts posted by shrader

  1. He had a monstrous 7 shots on net in 25 games......prolly the worst player on BU.  A big, gigantic dope. 


    ;)  :(



    Shots on net aren't a good measurement for a defenseman. I'm more worried about his lack of physical play and the countless opposing forwards who skated right around him as he tripped over the blue line.

  2. I'm not saying that Biron didn't hurt the team. He definately did, but it wasn't just him. The whole team sucked for a long time.


    Random BU guys in the NHL or AHL right now:

    Tony Amonte

    Shawn Bates

    Sean McEachern

    Jay Pandolfo

    Mike Pandolfo

    Keith Tkachuk

    Scott Young


    I guess I can live with the two we have for now.

  3. I don't think it's fair to say that Biron really hurt the teams playoff chances over the last two years. Simply put, the team wasn't good enough. The trade deadline deals last year were a big part of elevating the Sabres up to contender status.



    One quick request for Darcy Regier, add another BU forward to the team so the Drury-Grier-_____, BU line can be complete.

  4. Kind of hit and miss......no mention of Derek Roy, Paul Gaustad, Jason Pominville, Pat Kaleta, Mark Mancari, Branislav Fabry, Artem Kryukov, Jakub Hulva, Maxim Sheviev, Michal Vondrka, Michal Valent, Andrej Sekera, Denis Denisov, Martin Cizek, Mike Card, John Adams, Calle Aslund, Thomas Morrow and Pavel Voroshnin.

    and there may be one more.....  :unsure:

    I feel like Peter Griffin rattlin off all those crap shows that Fox cancelled.  :angry:



    Scratch Tom Morrow off that list. The word prospect doesn't fit him at all. He's terrible and will never be signed my this team. His first year at BU was bad, but his second was even worse. Next season, his junior year, he'll probably be benched for 75% of the games.

  5. Wow definitely going to have to see this. It's showing at the IMax here. Gonna do that I think.



    I think this movie would be amazing in an IMax. I may have to check that out in the next few weeks.


    Anyway, I saw the movie last night, absolutely loved it. My only minor complaint was that I didn't like Bale's Batman voice. It just didn't sound right.


    I don't remember ever seeing Gary Oldman playing a good guy. That was different, but good.

  6. Crosby will end up in New York, Chicago, LA or Detroit. You can count on that. It'll be Patrick Ewing to the Knicks all over again. :doh:



    If Detroit won the draft lottery, you'd know its rigged. In any weighted system, they would have to be one of the biggest longshots.


    He won't end up in Chicago. That organization is a joke and they would never intentionally put a Crosby in that owner's hands (I forget his name).

  7. I'd love to see them turn this thing around and have some of the best softball batters try to hit off of the best MLB pitchers. I'm willing to bet the results would be very similar. These people are used to their own sport. If you gave them some time to adapt to the other game, they'd be able to hit.

  8. It's a shame he listed Taylor Quiet in those line combinations.


    As for the draft lottery, I saw a proposal a few weeks back that said each team would get 4 balls. If they made the playoffs in the last 4 seasons, one ball would be taken away. Another would be taken away for having the #1 overall pick in the past four years. There were other conditions, but I forget. I'll try to dig up the link. Anyway, in this system, the Rangers would've been one of a few teams with the best shot at the #1 pick (it'll be rigged to get Crosby in NY). The sabres would've had 3 balls.

  9. I think his point was  Manning and BRady went head-to-head 3 times

    in the last 2 years and the score is 3-0 in favor of Brady....I can't see

    how Brady is not ahead of Manning..


    I hate it when this argument comes up. Last time I checked, there are 10 other guys on the field at the same time as the QB, not to mention the other 11 guys out there when the team doesn't have the ball. Crazy thought, but those guys influence the outcome of the game too. Of all the mainstream team sports here in the US, I'd have to say football is the biggest team sport. I know I phrased that poorly, but what I'm saying is that an idividual performance will have a greater impact in baseball, hockey or basketball than it does in football.


    I believe that Manning is the better quarterback. Brady plays on a better team with a better system.

  10. 1. Not enough (ie. zero) entry level jobs in my field

    2. Boston

    3. EXPENSIVE! With the same salary back home, I'd be very comfortable. Here, I end up making maybe $200 a month after all the bills.

    4. That's my goal. Whether the market improves or not, I should have a place once I have 2-3 years of experience.

    5. Nothing really comes to mind right away, so I'll say this: Once I move back, quality of life has to improve. :doh:

  11. We're not like other boards  :doh:


    Welcome to the wall.



    Based on what I've read over the last few months, yeah you are. The one huge positive that comes to mind immediately, though, is that other board is full of Patriot fans, with maybe 2 other Bills fans. I've put up a good fight, but there is no winning in that situation.

  12. I just registered today and from my experience on other boards, I would never even think of starting a thread like this one. Anyway, since it's already been started, I might as well make my first post in here. No other thread seems like the right place anyway.

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