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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You get that gunky buildup around the opening of the bottle if you refrigerate them. It's not pretty. That's what happens with Frank's anyway.
  2. I'm pretty sure there was stuff earlier in the week about him regularly posting "rumors" and then deleting them pretty quickly. I'm too lazy to look, but I bet the one posted upthread has already been deleted.
  3. My neighbor watched the original with his 5th grader son last week. Each day after school, the kid cuts through my backyard on his way home. There's a drain in the back corner and I'm going to tie a red balloon to it on friday. I can't wait to see the reaction.
  4. Those people will probably be feuding with the helicopter group, slowly bridging into the Rick movies.
  5. I had a feeling that was him beating on some 18 year old, so I looked up the other guy. I couldn't have been more wrong. The other guy, Angello is a year older, 6 inches taller, and 25 pounds heavier (who knows if that number is up to date).
  6. My wife found $2 in a grocery store parking lot one time and she wanted to take it to customer service. $2. I told her that if she's really that opposed to keeping it, she should just leave it on the ground.
  7. I completely slept through everything last night, so I can't imagine that the wind was all that strong.
  8. I have a hard time imagining those kind of sustained wind speeds for an hour or two. To get them for over 24 hours? Crazy.
  9. 5? Wow. A house behind us has 2 and they're pretty loud. The younger one is under 2 years old, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with his barking. It's a real shame that he's not a puppy anymore because good god that dog was cute. I never thought of that possibility. I'm guessing that wasn't the case though because the woodland there is town owned.
  10. I was one of the first 10 or so houses in a new construction neighborhood. There was a stretch of about two years where people were dealing out of the undeveloped lots way in the back. That was a little uncomfortable but luckily it we knew it was a short term thing, once even one house went up in that immediate area, they were finished. And it definitely wasn't someone sneaking in to steal construction equipment because they were always way back beyond where any work had started.
  11. They took an old coke bottle and turned it into a gatorade bottle. Speaking of that, the woman in the truck specifically mentioned that they're looking for oil. So that means they do in fact have a magic oil refinery at the field. I'm sure that keeping that up and running is yet another skill in Al's arsenal.
  12. It was nice of them to completely recycle Gabriel's backstory this week. "We'll use a rabbi this time. No one will notice."
  13. Western Atlantic... isn't that the US?
  14. Jokes aside, there's a bit more to it than that. At this stage in his career, it may very well be a forced retirement. Even for roster fodder like Hunwick, any organization would be smart to handle it as professionally as possible.
  15. It does make me wonder though. If you you were forced to permanently wear a mask, but it gave you the voice of James Earl Jones, would you do it?
  16. So who is dreaming the Cinnabun portions of Better Call Saul?
  17. I was going to say, a teaser trailer for a Jessie Pinkman movie and the word "B word" is never once stated? Shame on you, netflix. edit: Ha, we have a filter that changes it to B word?
  18. The first one was such a mind F. The only way they'll ever be successful with this is if they find a way to recreate that feel. You're suggestion is one approach. Part of me wonders if they'll just say that the characters themselves are the matrix and not real. They need some sort of crazy twist or else they're destined to fail. I have zero faith in it.
  19. I hate the fact that someone actually gets paid to create the trash found at this link. Is there seriously nothing better to do with one's time than to recap twitter posts?
  20. Everybody wants some
  21. Mine doesn't auto-record any of this stuff, but every so often I'll see something like "NJ Devils recap" on my list. Sometimes I hate my DVR.
  22. The NHL network must have had a Sabre theme on Friday. I watched Dave Hannan’s 4OT goabtwo different times that day. I’ve got this Mogilny special on the DVR too. I’ve seen parts of it in the past, it never the whole thing.
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