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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Jokes aside, there's a bit more to it than that. At this stage in his career, it may very well be a forced retirement. Even for roster fodder like Hunwick, any organization would be smart to handle it as professionally as possible.
  2. It does make me wonder though. If you you were forced to permanently wear a mask, but it gave you the voice of James Earl Jones, would you do it?
  3. So who is dreaming the Cinnabun portions of Better Call Saul?
  4. I was going to say, a teaser trailer for a Jessie Pinkman movie and the word "B word" is never once stated? Shame on you, netflix. edit: Ha, we have a filter that changes it to B word?
  5. The first one was such a mind F. The only way they'll ever be successful with this is if they find a way to recreate that feel. You're suggestion is one approach. Part of me wonders if they'll just say that the characters themselves are the matrix and not real. They need some sort of crazy twist or else they're destined to fail. I have zero faith in it.
  6. I hate the fact that someone actually gets paid to create the trash found at this link. Is there seriously nothing better to do with one's time than to recap twitter posts?
  7. Mine doesn't auto-record any of this stuff, but every so often I'll see something like "NJ Devils recap" on my list. Sometimes I hate my DVR.
  8. The NHL network must have had a Sabre theme on Friday. I watched Dave Hannan’s 4OT goabtwo different times that day. I’ve got this Mogilny special on the DVR too. I’ve seen parts of it in the past, it never the whole thing.
  9. Singles i don’t know a thing about the movie itself, but the soundtrack is great.
  10. They’re investing a ton of money into tv shows for that streaming service. It was one thing when Marvel made the Netflix shows with characters they hadn’t used yet. Now they’re spinning of characters from their movies and using those bigger, more established actors. I’d love to see how the budget will compare to the more typical shows.
  11. All that's missing is a maple leaf. I think this is the rare case where the navy blue has worked out well for us. I don't think the gold would look right with the royal blue.
  12. We need to expand a bit on the definition of "legitimate QB" that is being used in here. If a practice squad guy eventually turns into a good backup, I'd call that a victory. Is there a list of Frank Reich-type guys out there who started out as practice squad guys. And yes, I know Reich wasn't, I just use him as an example of the elite backup.
  13. How many different incarnations of this drink have there been at this point? It seems like a new version pops up every year or so.
  14. If you're looking for something good for you, Burger King probably isn't the best place to be looking.
  15. The gas has gone bad at this point. I don't know the science of it, but I suppose they could say that a large pool of the stuff would survive longer than a smaller supply (picture a single ice cube melting faster than a full bag of ice). But that still leads to the same exact problem soon enough. We can just add this one to the list of confusing decisions the writers have made since they decided to reboot this show. One other note, I pray that Max Headroom's first move is to destroy every single one of Al's cameras. That gimmick needs to die fast.
  16. We have a guy who sits in the driveway in his fancy sports and revs the engine all weekend. He's far enough away that I don't really hear it, but apparently a lot of people are just about ready to kill him. The comments about him overcompensating for something are getting to be pretty funny.
  17. So let me get this straight, now that they've found these oil fields, they magically have the ability to refine it at will? And don't get me started on this whole movie making thing they continue to force down our throats.
  18. Street parking is surprisingly under control in my neighborhood. Unfortunately for me, the guy across the street is the only one who has cars out there every night. He’s a cop though, so I don’t think anyone dares to call him out on it. There’s nothing that brings a routine eye roll out of me more than each time I see the cop car parked directly in front of the fire hydrant. I feel like he may he may have gotten a message from someone though, at least when it comes to blocking our driveway, or any driveway. The last couple times the boat has not been in their usual spot.
  19. Parking a boat directly across from my driveway every single day and then continuing to do so after the HOA told them no boats on the street.
  20. I just wish he could change his first name.
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