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Posts posted by shrader

  1. Unless that reporter called Lindy from the West Coast, that article is 3 hours old.  McKee's agent was on GR about an hour ago and said he was going to try to go to Carolina and made it sound more like he had a flu.  I would expect someone more closely related to the Sabres to get the story before TSN would.


    I don't believe the "he's definitely out" story one bit.  Not yet at least.



    TSN regularly edits their stories without updating the time. They originally posted the story about McKee's health issue in the 9am hour, that's where the the time at the top of the article comes from.

  2. Is it ok to assume that this guy is a forward? Obviously he's a marginal talent at best since he's stuck in the AHL. One possible reason for not wanting to go to Buffalo is that we are very deep at forward and this guy knows he would never get his break here.


    Yeah, that's not the reason, but its better to pretend that it is.

  3. Lindy will keep this train rolling.  Notice he ran Jillson out there on defense during a crucial 3rd period penalty-kill...Trial-by-fire yes, but also a nod to the way the kid played.  I think Ruff had an inkling it would not be the last time Jillson dresses for a game in these playoffs, so he might as well put him in the lion's den. 



    It really wasn't trial by fire. At that point, Tallinder was out and Lydman was in the box. Jillson had to see ice time on that penalty kill.

  4. we as buffalo fans seem to need to thicken up our skin a bit, who freaking cares if an opposing team fan says something like that, sheesh, not like we do not say the same thing about dolphin, jets. patsie fans, let it go folks, the scoreboard is where it matters...or was this just a veiled way to just start another sabres thread?



    I think pretty much all fans need to thicken their skins a bit. I've been seeing so much of this whining about no respect a lot lately. These people need to start watching the damn game and get over themselves.

  5. The thing that bugged me the most was where he complained about there being a week off between games. It has to happen at some point. This isn't the NBA where they're playing game 3 of the conference finals out east and game 5 of the first round out west (ok, not this year, but you get the point).


    Yes, Buffalo-Carolina should've been friday's game, but that's all I'll agree with.

  6. I would assume that there are guards outside that room that Chloe was in. The thing is, Miles (that is his name, right?) is what, 2nd in command right now? He can go pretty much anywhere he wants to in that building.


    Keep in mind that I missed a lot of this episode because of the Sabres game. If they showed the outside door of that room, I didn't see it.

  7. Didn't they have one of the highest payrolls?





    Looking at the NHLPA website, that team was built very strangely. You have about half of the roster making ~$2 million+ and the other half is all closer to the minimum (not that all of these guys were there at the start of the year). Anytime I watched the Rangers this year, other than the first line, I always had "who the hell are these guys" thoughts. Renney did a good job this season (other than the last week or two) and deserves to be #3 in the voting for this award.

  8. Excellent article...


    Real shame what happened to Travis Roy, but it is great to see someone who still keeps fighting and inspiring others....and Drury seems like one heck of a friend.



    It's great seeing Roy all over the place at hockey games here in Boston. The guy always looks so happy, which is something you probably wouldn't expect from someone in his situation.

  9. Oh yeah they were great.  The mentioned Forsberg 35 times in the first period and refered to "Craig Drury and Jay McKay"

    Nice job boys.



    There's no way McNab made that error. He does color for Avs broadcasts and should be very familiar with Drury. I did hear McKay at some point (not sure who said it). It almost sounded like he was going to say McCabe and then quickly caught it.


    The Canadian dollar thing was ridiculously annoying and pointless.

  10. Baseketball..the entire scene at Brittany's house.

    "C**k. Beer?"

    "Man, this place looks liek a Dockers commercial."

    "Oh I am so jelaous of you."

    "No, it's not like HORSE!"



    Mentioning Trey Parker and Matt Stone made me think of the scene in Team America where Kim Jong Il started singing "I'm so ronery". I don't remember laughing that much in a very long time.

  11. That should be fun.  Last night's show was indeed better.  My wife and I were discussing whether Henderson killed Evelyn and daughter and they just didn't show it (too emotional, disturbing and not central enough to plot anymore) or if he let them off.  My guess is the former as they did, after all, know the truth.



    It's just like last season with that terrorist kid. He was handed over to Marwan and then never seen again. Evelyn and her daughter are dead. Henderson was going to kill them earlier, of course he'd do the same now.

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