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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Even worse, I think just about every late 20's woman on this floor is pregnant. This buidling is going to be pure hell in a couple years.
  2. It's bad enough that the people outside my office are already the most annoying people the world has ever seen, now one of them brought her 4 year old son in today. I know he's 4 because he's been telling people nonstop. The damn kid has been screaming, yelling, and running back and forth in front of my door all damn day. I wish I had a land mine or something to put out there. Sure, the blast would kill me too, but I don't really care anymore. If you see anything on the news tonight about a 4 year old in Boston thrown out the window from the 9th floor of a building in Boston, yeah, that was me. Seriously though, I understand why people might have to bring a kid into work, but would it be too much to ask for that person to actually watch the kid and try to control his behavior?
  3. He has already seen it. There were quotes from him in an article a week or two ago.
  4. A minor argument with what you just said, but what the hell: http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdispla...pid%5B%5D=16000 78 games in 2001-2002. 82 games in 2002-2003. 82 games in 2003-2004. 78 games counts in my book. That's 3 full seasons he's played.
  5. Wasn't there a B with a buffalo jumping out of it?
  6. What does this have to do with my pointing out that McKee's contract does not have any influence on Lydman's arbitration hearing?
  7. Contracts signed by UFA's cannot be used in an arbitration hearing.
  8. Campbell is already taken care of. Connolly's concussion history is going to hurt him badly in his hearing. Lydman already makes a big salary and he won't get too much of an increase. Kalinin's poor season will probably hurt him. Guastad will get a decent raise, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him stay below the $1 million mark. I have no idea what to expect for Afinogenov, Pominville, and Dumont. I just pray that no one else gets the same arbitrator that Briere had.
  9. Sure, whatever you say Briere. Tallinder probably doesn't agree with that comment.
  10. No one is worse than that "Sporscenter starts... RIGHT NOW" assclown.
  11. So we get a few extra episodes before the MLB playoffs start up? I'll take it. Last season's cliff hanger really pissed me off, but thank god the show will be back soon. It may just be me, but does anyone else think that monday night tv has been severely lacking since Prison Break and 24 ended their seasons?
  12. But since they're on in the afternoon, they're going to have to start playing music again (unless they've already done that in the past few years that I've been gone). That will badly cut into their time, which can't be a good thing.
  13. I went with the steak burrito and it was damn good.
  14. Either a steak burrito or a sandwich from quiznos. Right now I'm leaning towards the burrito.
  15. I bet that would make a great musical.
  16. If I had to take a guess at what the most recognizable logos in hockey are, I'd say it's the original 6. Other than a few slight modifications, these logos have stayed the same for a long time. It's interesting how the expansion era teams have gone through so many more major logo/jersey changes in just under 40 years than the original 6 have over their entire existance (other than those 1910-1930 jerseys, which where... different).
  17. http://www.anaheimducks.com/ You don't know what it is? It says Anaheim Ducks, and the D is a webbed foot. I guess they technically don't even have a logo. They're not the best jerseys, but I think they're better than the originals. They took a much more simple approach. When will all these sports teams realize that most of this modernized crap is pure garbage? Simple is usually better.
  18. That's a fairly common name. It's not like people throwing names like Tom Golisano or Hugh Jass out there. But yeah, I've never found these online petitions to have anything but comedic value.
  19. The ring came off my pudding can.
  20. I love the poster for the movie. It has Borat standing there and doesn't say anything. I've also seen a lifesize cardboard cutout in a theater. They're hilarious. I'm sure a ton of people have no clue what it is, since the posters/cutouts don't have a single word on them.
  21. Does that mean that he turned gay?
  22. It looks like you guys need some help figuring out what this thread is about. Oh, and blame the people who supplied my computer here at work for being cheap.
  23. The picture of my parents' house is about 5 years old. They had an extra room added on to the back of the house a few years back, but it's not there yet. I guess this should be expected when you're looking at pictures of a small town like Boston.
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