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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Well it's still better than poker, darts, or paintball.
  2. I hated the ending of last season, but at least we'll get to see that resolved before the show takes it's long World Series break.
  3. What the hell is the point of this? Does reebok expect fans to go out and buy ref jerseys now too?
  4. I would like to see this smiley. I think the pirate is probably the closest thing we have right now.
  5. And it's important to note that the new arm is even more powerful than the old one.
  6. I live less than a mile away from one of their locations and I haven't even been there since hockey season. I know, I'm pathetic. You know what, screw it and go to Legal Seafoods. My roommate is a waiter there. By going their, you can partially fund my NHL Center Ice Package this year.
  7. What, are you one of those people looking for nipples on the bat suit?
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing the true comic book version of the joker. Jack was awesome on the role, but that wasn't what the Joker is supposed to be like. Less comedy and more insane, pointless killings will make me happy. I have no idea if Ledger can pull off this role though.
  9. I don't know if this is what you're talking about, but I've heard from a few people that the MGH cafeteria is supposed to be great. People stop in if they just happen to be in the area, yet for some reason, I've never been there even though I work for MGH.
  10. Granted, it wasn't as big of a game, but I loved the shorty he scored against Atlanta earlier in the year. The play where Kovalchuk took his time skating down the puck in front of his own net.
  11. I need to watch that movie again sometime because I don't remember that at all.
  12. Ahhh, ok. I never even thought about 58. I think he'd gladly settle for a 59, but it looks like that's not going to happen. Still, that front 9 is video game quality.
  13. Actually, if that link is up to date, he only needs 3 birdies. Par is 70 and he's 8 under.
  14. And it was announced a whole 6 hours ahead of time too. If they are actually unveiling them today, they might as well just come out and say "we realize they're crap, but we have to get this out of the way now". Then they follow that up by quickly abandoning the jerseys whenever that becomes possible.
  15. At some point, someone on here suggested that the Kryptonite triggered the development of his powers.
  16. Superman can shake a human's hand without crushing it. He can control the amount of force he uses. Maybe he could do a similar thing when he ejaculates. Yeah, I can't believe I just typed that. As for Superman flying all the way to Krypton, he built a ship. Remember when he crashed back on Earth near his mother's place? Superman can only fly a certain distance in space. He needs to breath too (I get bored at work and read wikipedia crap a lot).
  17. How about the first New England game?
  18. And he was Lance Armstrong's teammate. Let the speculation begin (continue?).
  19. I've never gotten that from Kruk, but I did from Reynolds. He was always able to explain bunting technique, baserunning, fielding, and other things. I don't remember ever seeing anything of value from Kruk. As for the predictions, its an instant credibility killer. I don't see any reason to listen to the guy after hearing him say those things. The only thing worse was a few years back when Larry Bowa was on the show. Whenever they'd make their NL picks, he'd always go with the Phillies.
  20. Kruk is ok? Let's see, last year he predicted 30 wins for Randy Johnson. This year he predicted 130 wins for the Yankees... finishing 2nd in the AL East. I won't even mention the fact that he's a bumbling idiot (wait, I just did). If this is the kind of analysis you're looking for from Baseball Tonight, then I guess he would be ok. A little change of subject here, does anyone else hate the fact that they now do a countdown for the webgems. It was so much better when they would argue over which play was the best. Unfortunately, espn had to go and take a great show and turn it into "Sportscenter: Baseball".
  21. Music has a calming influence on a lot of people. For me, its my escape from that marketing department, who just happen to be the most annoying people on the face of the earth. I'm easily annoyed by people, so a screaming little kid in what is usually a much more quiet office is going to drive me crazy
  22. Great, more John Kruk. Thanks a lot espn.
  23. The walls are paper thin. I did have my ipod going for most of the day though. I could still hear the kid clearly over the headphones. But hey, it looks like they're gone now.
  24. Actually, I would never throw a baby out a window. I draw the line at 3 years old.
  25. This entire floor is all research people, except for the small corner outside my office which has the hospital's marketing department. Since they're a completely different department, I have no idea who I could possibly complain too, other than the mother herself. She has brought her kid in a couple times in the past, but never for more than maybe 10 minutes. Today he's been here all day. I would joke about harming the mother, but that wouldn't really solve my problem, would it?
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