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Everything posted by shrader

  1. At least 5 times during the movie last night you could hear beer bottles get knocked over on the floor, so you can imagine what this theater was like.
  2. Why not buy about 10 of them and sell the extras on ebay?
  3. Only if you see it in a packed theater. The movie itself sucked beyond belief, but the drunk 20-somethings in the theater I saw it in last night made it a blast. Hell, this theater was even mentioned in the review of the movie that's on cnn.com right now. If you do go see this movie, I suggest a few (6+) pre-movie beers.
  4. London Fletcher-Baker?
  5. Earlier in the summer, Tom Petty and Pearl Jam were touring together in the midwest. Those must have been some fun shows.
  6. Colorado and Wyoming are absolutely brutal on that hard level.
  7. Funny, that's the first thing I tested when I took that quiz.
  8. When did they do this? I'm flying in on friday night for the first time in a while so I guess I'll get to see what they've done so far.
  9. I'm sure he walked the good kid just to give cancer boy a shot at being a hero. That had to be what was going through his mind.
  10. Here's an equally screwed up story that I just read at another message board. There was a link, but it required a login, so I didn't bother to post that:
  11. My only problem with the whole thing is where the one coach said that the other would do the same exact thing (which by the way, isn't actually quoted in the article). I hate when people play that card. It's the equivalent of a 5 year old and his "no, you're stupid" reply.
  12. I'm not suggesting any of that. All I'm saying is that I don't remember seeing that level of competition at that age. For that coach, being as competitive as he is, he was in a tough spot no matter what he decided to do.
  13. The one thing that's not clear in that article is whether or not they are still sending out scouts. My guess is that they're using the video to initially narrow down a list of teams/games that they will send someone to. I can see some use for a system like that, but who knows if that's actually what they're doing or not. A better written article would help clear that up.
  14. You never said it. That's not the point at all. If this kind of thing is happening ridiculously early in a game full of 10 year olds, what you have is an overly competitive jackass coach. That kind of stuff was not happening when I was that age. 10 year olds don't care about baseball strategy enough to be walking power hitters in the 3rd inning.
  15. It's not like he set the lineup at that very instant when the team was down 1 run with 1 out left. The lineup was set at the start of the game. In those leagues where everyone bats, you have to mix up the batting order to avoid the situation where the game is on the line and you've got your 5 worst players all lined up.
  16. In the end, the team with the cancer survivor is going to win. Some local professional team will end up inviting them to a game where they'll meet all the players and be given the best seats in the park. They'll remember that day longer than any of the kids from the other team will remember their championship.
  17. Then there's all that blood in the human body. Have to get rid of that too. Oh, and what percentage of the human body is water?
  18. We've been using this link over at the Sabres Report board and it breaks down the Sabres payroll/cap situation really well. It may not be perfect, but it's close. http://members.shaw.ca/cdelosreyes/
  19. Each player's cap hit is their average salary over the life of the contract. A lot of the new contracts they just signed escalate each year. Campbell's is a simple example. He's making 1.25 million this year and 1.75 million next year. That makes his cap hit 1.5 million.
  20. Sounds like poker over here. At least there's some throwing in darts, which makes it fit in on espn far better than poker does.
  21. The only real purpose that I see to it is that it cuts back on long contract hold outs like the Peca situation a few years back.
  22. It's such a complex document. It's hard to keep track of all the rules. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that they are allowed to re-sign him now. Obviously there are some obstacles, but in theory, I team could reject the arbitration results in order to work around that rule where they can't renegotiate/extend the contract until January.
  23. I just did a quick look through the CBA and there is nothing about this, so I guess I was thinking about MLB. The one interesting thing I did read is that the teams are only allowed to walk away from a certain number of contracts. It really had no effect on the Sabres, but since they had 3 contracts awarded in arbitration, they could only walk away from two of them at most.
  24. I'm sure dave will chime in, but I'm pretty sure they are not allowed to re-sign him.
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