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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I missed last week's episode. How did T-Bag get the money?
  2. Is it too late for me to get the Buffalo News to write a story about the death threats and the punch to the neck that I got while walking out of the Fleet Center after a Sabres-Bruins game last year? Yes, it sucks that this happened to him, but these kind of things don't generally happen unprovoked. If it was one person, maybe, but to set off an entire group of people, the guy had to have done/said something. Call me crazy, but if I'm surrounded by a large number of drunken rival fans, I'm going to cover up my jersey and not draw attention if at all possible, especially if I'm there with a pregnant woman. I realize that some people think that I may be trying to make excuses here. I'm not. The people who beat the guy are a bunch of idiots who should be banned from the Ralph and the HSBC. I just hate that some people will end up associating the entire fanbase with these idiots.
  3. Hitler dressed up as the Verizon "can you hear me now" guy was hilarious.
  4. The worst part is that the joke wasn't even a shot at the Croc Hunter. It was a shot at all the people who have been brining up that costume idea over the last few days. These idiot writers still think of South Park as nothing more than fart jokes. Maybe if they opened their eyes and actually watched any episode from the last 5 or so years, they'd realize what the show has become.
  5. See, that's the thing. We have raffles for those tickets too, but the emails don't say "World Series Champion Boston Red Sox". Both teams are one season removed from their championship. Why do they use that billing for one and not the other? People will go see the Sox no matter what, but they have to throw that label out there for the Pats so that they look important around here.
  6. I thought the Bruins one I listed earlier would be good, but then I remembered that I'm in the middle of bandwagon nation and they don't care about hockey anymore.
  7. So each week here at work, they always send out this email about entering in a raffle to win tickets for the "Superbowl Champion New England Patriots". I am beyond sick of this at this point. The raffle itself is fine, but they're not the superbowl champions. Each time I've received the email this season, I've sent a different reply. Here's what I've said so far: 1. They're not the Superbowl champions. 2. You're giving away Steeler tickets? How should I respond this week? My only idea so far: "I'm not interested, but if you have any tickets for the Stanley Cup Champion Boston Bruins, please let me know."
  8. I was barely paying attention this past week, but wasn't Reyes out with an injury?
  9. The Bruins fans wanted to kill us. It was amazing.
  10. This game is next to impossible with a ridiculously dirty mouse. At least it convinced me to finally clean the mouse up a bit.
  11. But where's the convenience factor in that solution?
  12. Move
  13. We never got to do that at my school, but we did get some good tackle football games going. The teachers told us not to tackle each other, but they never really seemed to mind when we did.
  14. Wouldn't the occasional peanut knock that knife off course? Would that be the equivalent of the random Spikes or Fletcher tackle, or a quick cutback by Maroney?
  15. If he did become a coach, would he have to step down as the PA president?
  16. I like Cartman's speech at the sperm bank better, but that line is easier to remember. Anyway, the internet is a powerful thing: "Frances, let's talk. I don't want a bunch of bullcrap from you and you don't a bunch of bullcrap from me, right? Where does that get us? Nowhere. The truth is, I'm completely certified to handle sea men, and though I may appear young, I'm one of the leading sea men authorities of the Midwest. Up and comer, you know what I'm saying? I'll have my own business soon and I'll need people to run it. I'm talkin' about you, Frances. And I'm talkin' about a six-figure income. How does that sound?"
  17. "Close your eyes and suck it out of a hose?"
  18. Could all the press about how well tickets are selling actually scare off potential buyers? If they're assuming that games are already sold out, why bother trying to buy tickets?
  19. It's really tough to top watching the movie on opening night in a packed theater. Even better, for some reason my brother talks like a canadian, so the "pick on the prime minister because he keeps saying aboot" scene had our entire group laughing and pointing at my brother for a few minutes.
  20. I always thought that movie was far more anti-jackass know-it-all celebrity than it was anti-republican. Anyway, no matter which side they're on, does it really matter? They've shown that they'll take shots at all sides equally.
  21. I don't understand how anyone could not like Butters. His innocence (or naivety, whatever you want to call it) is the perfect combo for the way all the other kids act.
  22. I was hoping that either Randy or Butters would end up killing that which has no life, but still, it was a really good episode. I've never played that game, but that didn't hurt the show at all.
  23. I'm 25 and I think that you stole this rant from me, word for word. You missed one thing though, the idiots who leave the damn size sticker on the outside of their fitted hats.
  24. The ending of "Scott Tenorman must die" is way up there on my list. The second Tom Cruise walked into Stan's closet is up there too.
  25. It seems strange that he calls out Buffalo fans for not giving Donahoe and credit, even after you gave him some credit in your question. For the most part, it seems like the fans have moved on from this whole deal. I wish Mort would do the same.
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