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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was thinking about this yesterday. Is JP playing the best of the 2004 first round QBs right now? That would be pretty good considering the fact that the media constantly forgets about him being a part of that draft class.
  2. Underground hit? People were talking about that movie non-stop about a year ago.
  3. Long shot or not, I love being able to talk about this at this time of the year.
  4. What's scary is that it seemed like Comedy Central was trying to make that their flagship show.
  5. But the Harp also has my hat. That alone is worth the one hour drive.
  6. I loved the emotion from the D after every single stop in the 3rd quarter yesterday. I can't remember the last time I saw that from a Bills team. They wanted it badly, but it's a shame that they couldn't keep playing at that level through the entire half.
  7. I agree on the over compensating thing too. I always get that impression anytime I watch him call a game. I've never actually watched any non-Bills game that he called, so I don't know whether or not there's more to it.
  8. Did anyone ever figure this one out?
  9. It's pretty obvious that whoever put that list together doesn't like hockey. There are way too many NHL jerseys in there. Yes, most of those ones do suck, but not enough to be on any list like that. The Coyotes jerseys don't belong at all. Those are really good jerseys. They moved away from the crappy old ones and went simple. Jerseys with only two colors always look better to me.
  10. Except I don't talk like someone from NYC. I don't mind though. I've never been a fan of these online quizes, so at least I didn't have to answer about 75 questions this time.
  11. So why did this thing tell me what my accent is without even asking me a single question?
  12. I say it every time people B word about these things. Until they start using power rankings to seed for the playoffs, they're completely pointless and I won't care about them. Actually, even if they did use them for playoff seedings, we'd still get our #1 spot.
  13. It depends on where your friend is playing. If he's in the Boston area, he's easily going to pick up on something like. With one of the biggest bandwagon mentalities in the country, the fans around here don't care about the NHL right now. If your friend's playing in the Minnesota area, there's no way he'd ever pick up on something like that.
  14. If this doesn't result in a billion dollar bribe, I'll be very upset.
  15. Well since I was talking specifically about the home jersey, the white one really doesn't matter here. That jersey is a good example of how the general public can see things much differently than the so called hardcore fans. I've never heard anyone say that they actually like that thing, yet it was obviously selling really well since Atlanta has now made it their home jersey. Could the slugs actually have an appeal to the NHL fans as a whole like the powder blue jersey has? We won't know that for a while, but it's possible. I actually heard a good number of positive comments (and no negative comments) last week at the game in Boston.
  16. Perfectly clean. He was in the middle of those extra strides because he's actually trying to play defense. He saw the puck about to go around the net so he went to cut off the play. For anyone who thinks it was dirty, is he supposed to avoid the hit and possibly allow a scoring chance for Detroit? Of course not. These people need to whine about the rock hard shoulder pads before they go after these hits. Oh, and yesterday someone on another board was trying to compare the Williams mess to the Malarchuk incident. There are idiots everywhere.
  17. I'm really sick of reading random comments around the internet calling them the uggliest jerseys in hockey. Has anyone ever seen those monstrosities that Atlanta calls a home jersey?
  18. The main problem there was that they were including OTL's in both the loss column and the OTL column (pre-shootout days). The numbers added up to more games than the teams actually played. That would've been easy enough to fix though.
  19. I was just about to post that. That could easily ruin my day here at work.
  20. I was actually shaking after the tying goal. It was absolutely amazing watching the crowd go silent so quickly after our 3rd goal. As one person I was probably making more noise than the entire Bruins crowd (all 27 of them).
  21. Exactly. You have 3 columns: 1 that counts as 2 points, 0 points, and 1 point. Adding anything more will only confuse people.
  22. I'll be there tonight. Luckily my new Pominville jersey was delievered today so I get to debut that tonight.
  23. Actually, now that I think about it, the punch was at a college hockey game. I just happened to be walking down a stairwell (wearing my team's jersey) as the entire student section of the other school was walking up the stairs. Wrong place, wrong time. They were all pretty harmless, taunting me nonstop, but then one idiot decided to try to punch me. Since I have a lot of common sense, I just kept walking because yeah, that would've gotten ugly really fast. But anyway, the death threats did happen at a Sabres-Bruins game, and yes, I was wearing a Sabres jersey. I'm not an !@#$ during these games, so I'm safe. The ones who end up getting attacked are the ones who go out of their way to gain attention.
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