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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I really don't care too much about the Wales and Campbell names, but they definitely have to bring back the Adams, Patrick, Norris, and Smyth divisions.
  2. Actually, the salaries for suspended players do not count against the cap during the suspension. The cap isn't an issue here. But yeah, anything leading to massive suspensions would be a horrible move.
  3. The Nashville broadcast showed a great angle of Marty. He was on his way to take out Nichol before he even landed the punch. Two players were already on top of Nichol, one of them being a goalie. Hecht did the right thing. He turned around so he could keep any Nashville players from joining in. Remember, Spacek is out cold on the ground. You don't want anyone else jumping in on that fight in that situation.
  4. At least Marty got to pummel that little B word Nichol. What I want to know is how the hell did Nichol not get a match penalty?
  5. Everytime I read/hear the whole football/hockey town argument, I can't help but get the feeling that people are trying to claim that people are some kind of second class fan because they like one sport over the other. Personally, I'll always be a hockey fan first, and I could care less what anyone else in the city/town thinks.
  6. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the winner of this game will make the playoffs (I have what would need to happen for Tennessee to get in... not that it matters ). The last time I made a prediction between these two was back in '99 when I said the winner would go to the Superbowl.
  7. Go at midnight. That should cover you.
  8. I see this constant talk about needing a DT. Can McGargo be that guy when he's back next year? I don't even know how big this guy is, so I have no idea if he can be that big run stuffer.
  9. The division winning % only applies if the teams are in the same division. edit: Beat me to it.
  10. After the JP fumble in the 2nd half, the guy sitting next to me said something along the lines of "eh, no big deal, it's Harrington". One play later...
  11. But JP told Roscoe to run backwards on that punt return. That kind of crazy thinking can't be allowed. Bench him!
  12. I was thinking about this yesterday. Is JP playing the best of the 2004 first round QBs right now? That would be pretty good considering the fact that the media constantly forgets about him being a part of that draft class.
  13. Underground hit? People were talking about that movie non-stop about a year ago.
  14. Long shot or not, I love being able to talk about this at this time of the year.
  15. What's scary is that it seemed like Comedy Central was trying to make that their flagship show.
  16. But the Harp also has my hat. That alone is worth the one hour drive.
  17. I loved the emotion from the D after every single stop in the 3rd quarter yesterday. I can't remember the last time I saw that from a Bills team. They wanted it badly, but it's a shame that they couldn't keep playing at that level through the entire half.
  18. I agree on the over compensating thing too. I always get that impression anytime I watch him call a game. I've never actually watched any non-Bills game that he called, so I don't know whether or not there's more to it.
  19. Did anyone ever figure this one out?
  20. It's pretty obvious that whoever put that list together doesn't like hockey. There are way too many NHL jerseys in there. Yes, most of those ones do suck, but not enough to be on any list like that. The Coyotes jerseys don't belong at all. Those are really good jerseys. They moved away from the crappy old ones and went simple. Jerseys with only two colors always look better to me.
  21. Except I don't talk like someone from NYC. I don't mind though. I've never been a fan of these online quizes, so at least I didn't have to answer about 75 questions this time.
  22. So why did this thing tell me what my accent is without even asking me a single question?
  23. I say it every time people B word about these things. Until they start using power rankings to seed for the playoffs, they're completely pointless and I won't care about them. Actually, even if they did use them for playoff seedings, we'd still get our #1 spot.
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