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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Nice. Now I can't wait until his stay in Baltimore goes up in flames.
  2. But remember, when Bellichek goes off the board, its brilliant.
  3. The B2 would work if the show was called 72.
  4. I wouldn't call it complicated as much as I would call it annoying. Weaving back and forth on that path through the water 3 or 4 times was a pain. I can't even count the number of times I tried to turn too early.
  5. This is where I'm hung up right now. Maybe lunch will help me figure it out.
  6. www.uscho.com I spend way too much time over there, mostly for the college hockey board.
  7. I ordered a hockey jersey earlier today and then paid for it. The code worked at that point. Afterwards, I decided to look around a bit longer. All the initial 30% off deals weren't appearing anymore. Maybe it's a one time only thing for each computer?
  8. This reminds me of a story from the gym yesterday. I'm talking to a friend in the locker room about the Bills. One random guy chimes in and says "well we all know QB is their biggest hole". After I shot that one down quickly, the guy says "yeah, but Losman had one of the worst QB ratings in the league last year, didn't he?". I wonder what that says about the essentially equal QB rating that Tom Brady had last year. Anyway, all these "great" signings in New England and their WR corp reminds me of ours... minus Lee Evans. Unfortunately, they'll find a way to make it work.
  9. So both Palmers would go down to assassinations. I hope the writers are working on introducing their alcoholic senator brother for next season.
  10. So in the Africa one, it would only accept Democratic Republic of the Congo, but in this one it would only accept Democratic Republic of Congo? Screw that, I'm adding one to my score.
  11. So wait, you're saying that a show where two nukes have gone off in America over 4-8 years, where three presidents were nearly assassinated (left near death) within those same 4-8 years, and where 2 ex-presidents were assassinated within 2 years.. that show is not realisitc?
  12. Can someone start posting pictures of shiny objects?
  13. Exiled, please tell me that's a typo. There's a Republic of the Congo AND a Democratic Republic of the Congo?
  14. One problem, Palmer is in DC and Logan's corpse is in LA.
  15. How many different names has Congo/Zaire had in the last 5 years?
  16. I'm on another board that has seen some major unexpected increases in traffic lately too. Obviously I'm the connection between the two boards, so feel free to blame me.
  17. Mine is taped to my monitor here at work. I don't know it, but I had to answer yes to that one.
  18. Getting right around 10 of them before giving up has to be some kind of accomplishment, right?
  19. 2% I went through and changed the planet answer from 8 to 9 and it went down to 1%. Stupid quiz doesn't even have the right answers.
  20. Those British "news" sources have a reputation for making up a lot of this stuff. I'm declaring shenanigans on this story.
  21. But if he was born in 1987 like Crosby, could he take it?
  22. The laugh track made me turn it off after a couple minutes. Do those things ever actually help a show?
  23. Bang your head all you want, but I gave you how it's calculated. Why would a game where you gain 1 point be considered the same as a game where you get nothing? Anyway, in the end it really doesn't matter at all since all anyone cares about is the point totals. This "winning" percentage is just another way of quantifying that point total.
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