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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Mac used the nickname all throughout the movie. He was the one character I really didn't like. He didn't seem like the kind of guy that Indy would ever have as a friend. Too much of a money grubber. I really missed Marcus Brody in this one, but there's not much they could do about that since the actor is dead.
  2. I wish they hadn't gone where they went, but I enjoyed it. Pretty much all of the search right up until the city was right along the same lines as any of the other movies. From there, is the supernatural stuff really all that different from the ends or Raiders and Last Crusade?
  3. I'd say this one is pretty picky: The location change goes along with the other towns better than NC does. The timeline change probably goes along with the location change, but also it makes Moonlight younger than Shoeless Joe and the other players.
  4. But, but, but.... everyone does it, so its ok. Ok, that defense is off the list, so I guess New England fans now fall back on the "everyone is out to get us" complaint. This does make you wonder about that whole Ted Johnson situation.
  5. I don't know how much kids at 7 and 9 see on tv/movies, but how did your kids react to the endings for Raiders and Last Crusade? Compared to all the crazy effects in today's movies, the nazis melting and Donovan's rapid aging look pretty cheesey.
  6. Now if only they could've added in a scene where Karen Allen kicks the crap out of Kate Capshaw. Its not like they had to search very far for Capshaw.
  7. But its slowly becoming more and more like myspace.
  8. Is there really much talk of the Bills moving to LA anymore? I thought it was all about Toronto at this point.
  9. Where did you get that they're going to make this out of the first 2 hours filmed before the strike? I don't see that in the article at all. In fact, if you read this link that was mentioned in that article, it says that they are currently looking for actors to take part in the filming of the 2 hour movie.
  10. But then there's shows like Frasier, most of the stuff that was a spinoff of Happy Days, the Jeffersons, SVU...
  11. They can actually break up each lie into separate charges? That seems like a cheap move to me, just a way to increase the odds of getting someone.
  12. I'm sure it has been talked about at some point, but if he actually assualted his infant son, wouldn't there be some obvious medical signs? The guy has some major red flags, but that doesn't mean that you give up on him immediately. Put him in better situations. Try to keep him around the right guys on the team. They can never fully correct the problem, but the team can set him on the right track if he's willing.
  13. And how many teams can claim they've won 2 championships in the last 20 years? Sure, its been a while, but look at all the teams who have never even come close to that.
  14. Along those same lines. If it doesn't give a competitive advantage, why bother doing it?
  15. 12 out of 20. I'm just glad I got all the answers for shows I actually watched.
  16. I can't even imagine what kind of taunting it would take for someone to say "that's it, I'm running you down". Everyone involved is an idiot, but this woman is the biggest of them all.
  17. I still can't believe I didn't catch that when watching the bootleg version. Harvey Dent holding a gun should've raised a red flag.
  18. The bootleg copies didn't do it justice. Pav close attention to any scenes of Harvey Dent in this trailer. http://www.whysoserious.com/happytrails/trailer.htm
  19. Buy them. They're worth every penny, just like my Die Hard marathon last summer.
  20. What, you're too good for caps lock? You had to hold down the shift key as you typed all of that?
  21. I've always enjoyed it too, probably because it was on HBO almost every day back when I was younger.
  22. I've been planning on watching all 3 movies (yes, even Temple) over the next couple weeks. That just might have to start this weekend.
  23. Did I hear things on sportscenter correctly? Did the guy that was shot at have a ridiculously colorful criminal record? It sounded like he's the kind of guy who is a bit more likely to be shot at. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy laid out some very serious threats.
  24. I can't believe it has been 19 years since Last Crusade. I'm only 26 but I remember being so excited and seeing that in theaters twice. I'll be there opening night for this one. Other than that, Iron Man is the only other movie on this list I plan on seeing. I do look forward to my roommate saying he wants to see the Sex and the City movie though. That will fuel a neverending supply of "you're gay" jokes, which is never a bad thing. Why is it that they had to take the most annoying and overused tourism slogan and turn it into a movie title?
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