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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And that pretty much sums up the show. So incredibly repetitive, exactly what I was hoping it wouldn't be. Thank god the ticket was free.
  2. I just hope an entire show of his stuff isn't a bit much. I've never listened to more than one or two of his songs at a time.
  3. I'm going to see his show tonight and I'd like to get an idea of what I can expect. Obviously its going to be a far different show than anything I've ever to in the past (mostly Pearl Jam shows).
  4. I'm sure we'll know within days of the movie's release, but I think the aftermath of the whole Heath Ledger situation will bring big time money to the Dark Knight. I don't know if it can beat out Hancock, but I bet it'll be close.
  5. One doctor does the initial check up at the hospital. Another one stitches her up. There you go. Two is several.
  6. They closed their Bonaroo set with All Along the Watchtower. I'm sure that was a good time.
  7. Care to refresh my memory on this one? I'm sure I had the usual "hey, its Stan Lee" thought when I saw it, but I can't remember what his cameo was.
  8. Those two teams brawl at least once every year. Crisp didn't start it.
  9. I made a point of counting 77 twice but forgot about the rest of the 70's.
  10. Yeah, I was at that one too. My god that went on forever and it was awesome. I love how they now list Boom as a regular band member. He's earned it. If you really want to see a good Boom moment, they put out a dvd in the past year of their tour to Italy. They have a scene where he plays a pipe organ in one of those old churches. I guess it was the town where most of those organs are built. He was in tears after playing it, a really cool scene.
  11. Why does it say Punisher 3 on that site. I know Dolph Lundgren did a movie a while back, but the Thomas Jane movie obviously wasn't a follow up to anything else.
  12. Do you mean "Love, Reign O'er Me"? That's one I've been curious about seeing live. If they're playing it on the tour, I'm sure I'll see it at one of the Boston shows (and Boom gets to have some fun on that one!).
  13. 26, but I cheated on the jumble ones out of pure laziness. I'm kicking myself over missing the question about the 7s. I did enjoy the number pattern questions though.
  14. I'll be at the two Boston shows. They're also the end of the tour, so its going to be even better than usual. I can't wait. I've dropped quite a bit of money for the two shows, but its worth every penny.
  15. Aren't they still trying to cast the Captain America role for that movie? Would this just be some random guy dressed up for the part?
  16. They could very easily do that in this one. I'm really hoping they do.
  17. Watanabe and Hauer probably combined for about 5 minutes of screen time, so its no real loss. Fichtner's screen time will probably be non-existant (if the trailer scene they released is indeed the start of the movie) and I really don't expect much screen time for Hall either. I think pretty much anything is a step up form Holmes. She added nothing to the first one and if nothing else, it removes that craziness from any potential marketing plans.
  18. Yeah, you really should be a bit more realistic with these lists. Throw in the random local tv personality or something. You could actually run into that person, making the game that much more fun.
  19. That was one that came to mind immediately when I saw this thread. The loss of Neeson hurts a bit, but the Dark Knight looks to have an equally solid cast, especially with Holmes out of the picture. I watched that last night. I had forgotten about the rest beyond the first 3.
  20. And with the success of that movie, showing him in the commercials for this movie is a very smart marketing plan. I'm sure a few more people will give the movie a chance now because of that.
  21. It was a conditional pick in the 2003. I looked it up a few weeks back when this came up on the other board. I forget exactly who it was, but it turned into nothing. Looking over the 2003 draft, I want to say Denis Yehzov, but don't quote me on that one. edit: That's the Hasek trade. editX2: Looking over that draft again, we had a 5th round pick that wasn't our usual spot. That might be the Woolley pick. They used it on Tom Morrow and my god was he a worthless hockey player.
  22. If you follow it through to see who that malcontent and the pick (and some other spare parts going either way in trades) were moved for a 1st round pick (Paille) and Jochen Hecht. At least they got something out of all of that.
  23. I bolded the key part of that statement. If nothing is worked out before July 1, that statement is going to be put to the test. Its a lot harder to turn down those bigger offers when they actually exist.
  24. I figured they'd end up being a part of the movie, but I hadn't heard that there were plans for their own movie. That should be interesting.
  25. Marvel wants to make an Avengers movie. They're putting together a bunch of movies to lead up to that. Iron Man, Hulk, Thor... its all going to lead up to a Captain America movie and then an Avengers movie.
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