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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't know if its my best ever, but I'm a big fan of the St. Francis shirt with the sleeves cut off that I wear during every single hockey game I play. I think it dates back to around 95 or 96, but its only been a part of my hockey gear for about 5 years now. There are so many blood stains on that thing, especially from when I had a gash over my left eye and I used it instead of the jersey for pressure.
  2. Ahhhh, I haven't seen the original movies in a very long time. I should find some time for that.
  3. But where do we draw the line? Can we start shooting people who are fighting in the street? Can we shoot drunk drivers? Can we shoot the random guy going 20 miles over the speed limit? How many people are there that were convicted of burglary, have since served their time and are now making an honest living? Were they vile filth too?
  4. I may have completely lost my mind, but I thought he fires his gun and then the movie ends.
  5. So I'm confused. If the "burglary doesn't justify death" argument doesn't hold water, why don't convicted burglars face the death penalty?
  6. I'll go ahead and mention that this could be a spoiler in case people never saw that movie, but I was under the impression that he killed him at the end. Yeah, I guess it would hurt the story going forward, but I think killing him makes for a better ending.
  7. You're post seemed to imply the exact opposite, that the decision was made, so it must be right. I've heard these tapes several times now and it almost sounds like there's an excitement in his voice, a "yes, I get to go do something" tone. Whether or not the actions were justified, in my opinion, hearing that tone takes things to a whole new level. Maybe it wasn't anything illegal, but its wasn't the right thing to do.
  8. The guy that Bond and M are interrogating, is that the guy Bond goes after at the end of Casino Royale?
  9. And a jury has never been wrong before.
  10. Yeah, that one is way out there. Good for a few laughs, nothing more.
  11. There are no top defensemen in this year's crop of free agents. This is the same kind of market that had Carlos Silva as one of the top starting pitchers available in MLB this past offseason. Also, as for Campbell, I see him more as a complementary piece on the blue line. He's an asset to a team, but he's not the guy you build your blueline around. That kind of money should be going to that kind of player, not Campbell.
  12. And then there's the "your dead" that he said before firing the gun.
  13. Yeah, the tapes pretty much make it sound like cold blooded murder. He put on just enough of a "oh, I was scared" act afterwards and I'm sure that is what kept him out of jail.
  14. 17 days. Don't make me think I have to wait any longer than I actually have to.
  15. Given how they were cut short on both shows, it was a bit disappointing that they repeated so many songs from saturday night (not a problem for you though). That show was definitely geared a bit more towards the hardcore fans, but I'm sure they added in some of the repeats to satisfy others and it makes perfect sense to do so. A certain two repeats (Alive and Once) made me very happy though. Those and Footsteps are the mamasan trilogy in case you didn't get that reference. They're the first three songs the band recorded. Yeah, the opener was Wash and was a bit of a surprise to me. I can't believe that I've actually managed to see a different opener at all 4 shows I've been to. There really wasn't too much politics last night, but I wish he hadn't mentioned the marine recruiting center (he mentioned it saturday too). I don't think it crossed any line, but the poison apple comment was just plain idiotic. At least he followed it up with Glorified G.
  16. The mamasan trilogy? Footsteps was easily the highlight of my night. Oh, and Glorified G, Satan's Bed, Whipping, and Bee Girl (now that was a surprise) were all songs I never thought I'd see live.
  17. They played it again in DC last sunday. I really hope they'll break it out again tonight. They're going to be in a very giving mood for the fans tonight after the way the venue cut them off on saturday. I'm expecting heavy fines and a giant "f you" to the Comcast Center. I can't wait.
  18. I've read two reviews of the Dark Knight so far and both pushed for the Oscar for Ledger. I can't wait. 19 more days.
  19. I'm sure I've seen some of those episodes multiple times, but I'm always catching something different from their comments each time. I would've loved to sit in on one of the production meetings where they came up with all that stuff.
  20. Its actually Fresno, the AAA affiliate of the Giants. I know someone who actually had to field one of those calls. I bet he had some fun with that.
  21. Do people actually think that's real?
  22. Well it is soccer... I like the quote in the clip from one of the players "it's totally unsportsmanlike". You think?
  23. I wish they had been a little more consistent. In some scenes Dwight is the Joker, but in others Michael is.
  24. Two incidents = an offseason of distractions?
  25. It seems like Bale is quickly climbing up the ranks in hollywood. It should be interesting to see where he is in about 5 years.
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