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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That whole thing with the subscription service really blurs things. I'm not really familiar with their other shows beyond Better Call Saul, so I don't know how many people are really flocking to that service. It doesn't feel like they produce their shows quickly enough to make it worthwhile.
  2. The only thing I didn't like was how quickly everyone from Alexandria got there. They've never really established the distance between Oceanside and Alexandria, but this one made it seem like they're right on top of each other. Maybe I would have liked a different reason for the fire, something a bit more common, but at least it wasn't a beer bottle shaped hot air balloon or an army of children building a functional airplane.
  3. I'll be curious to see what they do with Montour when he is back. They're obviously not touching the blue line of that first PP unit. Maybe they swap out Olofsson for a defender in a late game spot where they want to avoid any shorthanded breaks. After that, you've got a pretty solid combo on unit 2 with Risto-Miller. No obvious choices stand out to me, especially while Olofsson is producing. I'm already looking forward to any comment he makes right after they show that horrible graphic for the Instigators. That thing could not be any more awkward. He looked gassed on that last shift on the PP. I'm not sure I would have thrown him back out there after one quick shift off. They've got enough talent for those 3-on-3 situations that I don't think it would hurt to throw a different center out there with Olofsson, whether it's Johansson (who has been fun to watch so far) or MIttelstadt. As for the game itself. This is the first real test for this team. In the past, they seemed to give up pretty quickly if they fell behind early. That didn't happen last night and that's an obvious plus. I hate to say that I need to see more of that, since that involves giving up early goals, but I do want to see a solid bounce back like this more often. And now after the loss (gotta love taking a point in a game where they're badly outplayed), I want to see how they bounce back. That was much like the early deficits in recent years, they were very slow to recover and things snowballed from there. They're going to lose games, but the strong teams avoid those losing streaks.
  4. That and they now have 5 incredibly accurate shots on that first PP unit. They should finally get back to the first year or two of Eichel where the PP unit was near the top of the league. They obviously fit that description on saturday.
  5. I ballpark it at 10 years in my head, but I'm sure I'm round up a bit. Judith's a good measuring stick for this. Some quick googling actually lists her as 10 years old, which surprises me a bit. So I guess they're right around 11-12 years into the zombie apocalypse. I never really paid too much attention to the timeline, but since the show is in season 10, I guess that means all of this is happening right around present day for us, which is a nice little coincidence with the time jumps. Would that make it roughly at least 30 years old satellite since it's Soviet?
  6. If he sticks on that line all year, it will pretty much make him a Calder finalist by default. I can't picture 70+ games with Eichel leading to anything less than that.
  7. It's funny that you mention Grier because he was one of the first guys to come to mind after I posted that. I'm a big fan of the defensive forwards, so I have no intention of trashing Girgensons. I think that 4th line is one player away from being a very solid lock down line. Hell, I regularly wear a Grier jersey And now you have me thinking of the odd and short period of time where Moore was a Sabres. Looking up the stats now, I had no idea he actually got into 18 games. All I remember is missing time due to immediately getting injured.
  8. No more reanimation, but the blood will still kill you.
  9. The point is clear, but it's worded about as gracefully as as a crayonz post. It drives me crazy how badly twitter has dumbed down just about everything. You don't have to agree with me, but at least acknowledge that I'm right.
  10. So question analytics but then acknowledge where they place Sobotka as a player? That's some fine logic for you.
  11. You're removing 105 regular season games off the schedule and replacing them with at most 4 extra playoff games. That's a lot of revenue spread out across all of the teams, which is why it will never happen. You're also leaving teams with an odd number of games, so an unequal number at home and on the road.
  12. Once she learns to bank back handers of the back wall the way she does with the front wall, she'll destroy all of her top scores.
  13. What is there to leak though, especially since it all happens over one day? Someone from the team is not going to leak out these roster moves, making people think Olofsson didn't make the team.
  14. Every now and then life smacks you in the face, reminding you to stick to starting threads about sitting on your balls at the toilet.
  15. Long story short, they need to be below the cap before they can LTIR Hunwick. If you're $1 million below the cap when you place a $5 million guy on LTIR, you are allowed to exceed the cap by $4 million. So you want to be as close to the cap as possible when you place a guy on LTIR in order to maximize your allowance. Honestly, I'm surprised they even put out the public announcement of the moves. It only serves to confuse.
  16. This thread is a good reminder that when these things happen, you should know that you're not alone. It's understandable to want to close up and deal with it on your own, but you should know that many others have gone through it and the help is out there if you're willing to look.
  17. They took Ginny's costume directly from Tracy Morgan's Brian Fellows skits. In fact, if they want to swap those two at the start of next season, I'd be all for it.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted out. That's really the only reason to kill him. You don't completely rebrand a show so that he can be the lead and then kill him off so quickly. That said, he is a very good actor, but where they've taken the character has completely ruined both him and the show. With these writers, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they completely ignore the cliff hanger, have another time jump, and start out the next season with everyone back together.
  19. Wasn't there one other name, either in between those two or right after Jubilee? Quality Markets is coming to mind, but maybe that was a different chain all together. And what's the point of the stupid spelling in this place's name?
  20. Thank god it's over and we're back to the main show now. There were way too many "what the hell are the writers thinking" moments out of this season. It looks like I was on the right track with my last post, using this to bridge into the Rick movies. It's a shame they had to trash what was a pretty good show in order to do that.
  21. And that's the wonder of a thread like this. I'm more than willing to try some new methods on a steak and there's more than enough inspiration here. In fact, I think I need to stop and pick one up on the way home tonight.
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