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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I've never actually seen a 71 year old drive a car fast enough to flip it. Anyway, I hope he bounces back quickly. He still has a few movies left in him.
  2. Well, considering the fact that Jim Gordon was driving Dent's transport vehicle, I'd say that at least one cop knew what was going on.
  3. They may have enhanced it a bit, but that was makeup for Two-Face. This production staff likes to stay away from CGI as much as possible.
  4. Isn't that 34 days?
  5. The Dark Knight held on to the top spot again and should hit $400 million tomorrow or tuesday. Looking at the rest of this month, maybe Tropic Thunder has a shot to take over number 1, but if not, only time is going to knock the Dark Knight off of the throne.
  6. I like the one with Youboty and Parrish. How far off the ground is he?
  7. The chicken fajitas are good. Sure, they should be called chicken tacos, but whatever, they're good.
  8. So which movie will be the one to knock the Dark Knight out of the #1 spot?
  9. Please explain the buffito to me. I'll be back in the area next week and I'll be making at least one stop at Mighty. I never tried the BBQ beef though, so I have absolutely no input on this subject.
  10. What, are there pictures of teenage girls on it or something?
  11. From those options, I'm leaning towards Whitner. I usually like to stay away from the jersey that everyone's buying and his is probably the weakest seller on that list. You know what, ignore this advice. Buy one of the other ones so I can buy a Whitner.
  12. I love how people randomly throwing names out there officially makes them rumors. These guys, especially Depp, do not fit Nolan's casting style at all. Nolan doesn't go for the big names for those major roles. He goes for the guy that best fits the part (and on that note, there was talk last year that Nolan doesn't want to use the Penquin in a movie). He has put the big names in supporting roles and used young breakout talents for the main roles. That won't change whenever the 3rd movie is made. This would be the studio taking over, which would make it Batman Forever and Batman and Robin all over again. If that ever happens, it will be under a new director.
  13. Go out of your way to do whatever they tell you to in rehab/PT. Shoulders are pretty complex so there are probably going to be lingering effects for quite a while. I messed mine up back in December, nothing anywhere near what you did, and even after finishing PT a while back, it still has its random quirks. I'm assuming that will last for quite a while, but I've got more than enough time before I find that out for sure. Mine was supposedly a rotator cuff injury, but I have my doubts since I don't feel like they checked up on things as well as they should have. But anyway, with all the muscles coming together in that general area, there are bound to be plenty of minor issues.
  14. Now I now this current front office has little to do with it, but I'm not going to bash any other front office until the number 1999 has no meaning around here anymore. This front office won't mean a thing to me until they get us back into the playoffs.
  15. The coin came up heads for Ramirez, so all he did was punch/pistol whip her.
  16. I had a hockey game so I couldn't watch. How many extra scenes are there?
  17. Ok, poor choice in words. Batman and the Joker are locked into their roles. They can't be broken. They are what they are. Dent and Gordon are stuck in between, trapped in a world of corruption and could easily go either direction.
  18. Dent and Gordon are probably the main characters in the whole thing. You have your over the top good and evil in Batman and the Joker, then Dent and Gordon are the true human element in the movie. The story is definitely about Dent more than anyone else. I never really paid attention to much of the marketing beyond the viral internet campaign and the trailers/tv spots. How did they market it to kids? My guess is that the studio was probably the big ones behind that if it did happen. I saw couple interviews where Bale and Nolan both were shying away from letting kids see this movie.
  19. And that was when St Louis changed to those really ugly jerseys that they had for about 5 years. A white Bills #4 would fit in perfectly with those #99's.
  20. And Dent was right there in plain sight.
  21. I just got back from seeing it again. Maybe someone can answer this question. At the end, Gordon says to Batman that Dent was responsible for 5 deaths, 2 of which were cops. Who was there other than Wertz, Maroni's driver, and presumably Maroni in that crash? He didn't kill Ramirez.
  22. And that right there is the post of the day. Nice work.
  23. Its funny that you mention it. I was thinking Empire as I walked out of the theater. The good guys don't walk away feeling too well after either movie. But with a 3rd being lighter and more uplifting, does that mean nipples on the Batsuit and Robin? Actually, given what Nolan and company have done, I think they could actually string together a decent story involving Robin, even though I never want to see it. I know there's one story out there that I actually liked that invovled Robin, so it can be done.
  24. I'll plead ignorance in regards to their market and the team they've put together right now, but how attractive an option would it be to play in Minnesota? That's a team that gets mentioned non-stop, even if King shot down that idea.
  25. And hasn't the league been very open about the fact that they want each team to play one game a year (or every 3-4 years) in a foreign city? Toronto's obviously the a big target in that. Who else would they send up there, Pittsburgh?
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