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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Mr. Unreasonable, entertain my curiousity here. Which school did you go to in Boston? One specific school is coming to mind based off of your comments here.
  2. Exiled, are you trying to say that these taco places are trying to pass themselves off as authentic mexican food? Of course they're not. You're better of comparing any NHL team to the Maple Leafs.
  3. Who cares? You were born on the greatest day on the calendar. Oh, and I should probably thank everybody too.
  4. I'm curious about how any trade might effect us moving forward. What is Stroud's contract status?
  5. Is it just the combination of women and pot? Maybe I can create my own rookie symposium with blackjack and hookers.
  6. Kawika Mitchell will play all 3 positions at the same time. That's why we signed him.
  7. I'd say that 2-2 start, including an opening day slaughtering in 2003 ended pretty well for New England. God that brings back bad memories. Thanks for making me think of that season again.
  8. What if its the only time of the day that you can get to the store?
  9. Even with all that new information, I'll still stick by my comment that the kids had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Stupid parents need to stop interfering with everything.
  10. Ok, this is some strange timing. I just came here to post basically the same exact thing. I always get those groups of people on the sidewalk. They see you walking the opposite direction but don't bother to move. I'm at the point now where if the closest person is a guy, I walk right through him. If its a woman, I have no clue how to respond to that one.
  11. Its different than what you're getting at, but this one happens to me all the time. I was waiting at a crosswalk yesterday at a road with two lanes of traffic going the same direction. A cab stopped and waived at me to go. He had a mad look on his face when I didn't walk out. A car in the next lane then immediately went flying by. If I actually listen to that cab driver, the second car flattens me. Luckily I'm smarter than so many other people who just blindly walk across. Yeah, its the law to stop for people in a crosswalk, but I'd rather not take that chance and just walk out there. Here's another one that bugs me. I'll be waiting to cross a street and car after car will be driving by. The last car in the group will stop and let me cross. Now I know the driver's just trying to be nice, but you're the last car and there isn't another one in sight behind you, so I would've crossed right away after the car passed me. It just seems like a waste to me. That car would've been out of my way much quicker than I would be out of his way.
  12. And there's no way that any player on that team that walked off and forfeited their game had anything to do with that decision.
  13. I've got a similar one. People who stand in front of the subway gate things (I hate that I can't call them turnstiles anymore) and dig through their pockets in search of change or their pass. 5 people are behind you ready to walk through, step to the side.
  14. And then they get on the elevator to go up one floor. Speaking of those people here's one that drives me crazy. There's a weight management center on the 2nd floor of the building I work in. You know, if you took the stairs more often, you might not have to go to that weight management center as often.
  15. But its not just sitting in an MRI all day, its sitting there all day for 20+ years. I have no idea how they ever test something like that. I didn't read the link at first, but originally, I was picturing some kind of power transfer on a large scale, not just inside a house, covering a small range. After reading it, my question doesn't seem like as big of a deal as I first thought.
  16. All I could think of while watching that was Bill Gramatica.
  17. And I'd have to imagine that any testing for whether or not widespread use of anything like this and exposure to it would be safe/healthy will be very hard to do, especially the longterm exposure.
  18. And then there's equestrian. Do the horses get medals too?
  19. Throwing at LaPorta's head seemed like a perfectly reasonable response.
  20. Is it too much to ask to get a replay of that?
  21. I'm about 400 miles away from my PS3, so I'll have to wait to pick it up. This will be my first madden gamein probably around 5 years, but I have to get it now that I'm on the new machine.
  22. Yeah, they definitely said there will be a group at the Sports Depot. I'll be back in Buffalo on vacation, but I would've been there if I was in town.
  23. That's because he has no backstory/origin. The Joker has told mulitple origin stories in the comics. I loved how they pulled in that aspect of the character by having him tell those two stories (and he started to tell a third one).
  24. apus, you've actually got that backwards. At some point the comics Joker may have been more like Nicholson, but that was probably only around the time of the tv show. The darker Ledger version is far more similar to what the Joker has been most of the time. A lot of people don't realize this because the two most popular versions of the character were the tv show and Burton's movie. edit: And as for all those people always whining about reality, why have I not seen anyone comment about the fact that Batman's actions probably should have triggered World War 3 in this movie?
  25. Nicholson and Ledger were both great in the role that was given to them, but yeah, it all comes down to the writing. This one was written so much better and its everything that character should be. But then again, Hollywood like the Nicholson version so much that they decided to make the Riddler and Two-Face be the same exact character in Batman Forever.
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