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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Since my dad is about to have work done on his knee, I probably shouldn't comment on what I think about this situation. But really, the choice to go out to California doesn't seem like the best of moves. They've got some of the best out here in Boston. There wasn't going to be any question of the quality of the work out here.
  2. I just assumed that glacier was some crazy british pronunciation. The one thing he says all the time that drives me crazy is "disorientated". I'll add Monk and Psych to the list whenever they come out of their hiatus.
  3. I'm tempted to say that they haven't even made the playoffs during his life.
  4. I don't know. Toronto might respond well to a team that is actually capable of making the playoffs.
  5. The Abrams thing is probably the best thing it has going. You obviously know more about it than most of us, but they're definitely pushing his work hard. I can't help but wonder though if this one will eventually get the "Another Star Trek move? Who cares?" when it is released just like the last 15 movies in the franchise have. I couldn't help but laugh though when I read your comment about it getting hype before it actually gets any hype. I'm sure it will though.
  6. Well they are supposed to be younger. There's pre-emptive hype now?
  7. I don't know if this factors in at all, but with a 6 point lead, you still have a chance of the Chargers failing on a PAT, leaving the game tied. With a 5 point lead, a San Diego TD is an automatic lead.
  8. Is there anything better than watching your team take a knee 3 plays in a row like that? Maybe the lack of wins in recent years influences that feeling though.
  9. I hope Murph charged his phone this morning.
  10. Monday's at 10 this year. I can't remember a show that had better chemistry than the Shatner-Spader pairing. Those two are absolutely incredible in their roles.
  11. Yeah, they need to wait into the 2nd round instead, maybe the 2nd pick.
  12. Didn't know that. Wow, it's even dumber than I originally thought.
  13. So it's an incomplete pass, great. But didn't that ball go backwards yesterday?
  14. I'm surprised at the complaints about the parallelogram. That was the easiest one for me. I was under 2 each time.
  15. 7.95 I wish I had read the instructions for the triangle one. After my third try I finally noticed that it was asking for the point equadistant to the edges. I kept getting huge scores because I was going with the point equadistant to the corners. edit: And now 3.08 after fixing that problem
  16. I saw this poll a few days ago and it wasn't blurred out yet. I'm sure the league saw it and wasn't very happy about it.
  17. I found out just the other day that I sent a bunch of texts to meet up somewhere with this one girl after I watched the Oakland game (damn victory shots). Luckily I must have passed out before I told her where to go. Putting these things on email is great and all, but I'll wait until they figure out something for phones.
  18. I wonder why #5 was deleted. Anyone remember what that one looked like? I may have to vote for that one just for the hell of it.
  19. They need some sort of rule where the mother should actually care about the game. She should at least know how to hold a hockey stick.
  20. What the hell was #25 thinking? edit: And I love how they had to edit out the West Seneca logos for #17.
  21. I like the guy that said "can we pour on points like other teams have?". 63 points over 4 games is pouring on the points now?
  22. I can't even count how many times I've seen him in tv and movies over the years. How did he finally get a lead role in something?
  23. So wait, does this mean that JP has been replaced by his evil twin or does that only work for goaties?
  24. Can I type a short paragraph insulting a bills draft pick? It can be anyone really, that's not the important part. I just want to get people riled up. It's always best to pick one random player who isn't actually playing right now. Then I'll follow it up by hitting the enter key six times. Then I'll hit the enter key 4 more times. Then I'll talk about how I was right all along. I would hit the enter key a few more times here, but this block in my post isn't long enough. I guess I'll comment about how I was right about every player I talked about in the draft. Enter key three more times. See, it's all about spacing my post out in the strangest way possible. If the ideas themselves weren't almost unreadable, the spacing is my next method of attack.
  25. His Gallo joke might have actually been funny if he said the Goo Goo Dolls instead.
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