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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Thanks. I couldn't remember the results of that shootout or the other one the Sabres won.
  2. I know I wasn't getting GWGs for my fantasy lineups over the last two seasons, so I'm pretty sure they don't count. It could end up creating the strange situation where a guy has 0 goals but 1 GWG. I'm sure they don't want any part of that. I couldn't tell from your link. Any idea how they decide that GDG in the scenario I listed earlier? Based on the name, I'd guess that it goes to the final scorer.
  3. Except for the fact that Brickley played for UNH and occasionally has done color for their games and for games involving their big rivals in BC, BU, and Maine.
  4. They don't get a GWG added for a shootout win. I don't think they even keep track of game winning shoot out goals separately. It's tough to figure out exactly who would get the winner in some situations. Say one team scores on their first two and the other team is stuffed both times. Which of those guys would you give the GWG to? By regular standards its the first guy, but that second guy's goal is the one that ended the game.
  5. And yet when he has done college games on NESN (without Edwards), he's fine. It's when you introduce the bias into the games that things are different. I don't know which games you've watched, but there are many times each season where Brickley has to correct one of Edwards' idiotic statements/complaints and you can hear that "Jack, you're a complete f'n idiot" tone in his voice. That right there is enough for me to give him a pass on working with that fool.
  6. The stats do count, they're just kept separately.
  7. But didn't you just say as much? He's solid without Edwards and horrible with him. You do the math.
  8. And if she has problems, just think of her sister. How many years is she ahead of Britney on that downward spiral?
  9. Brickley is fine. He just gets dragged down by having to work with Edwards. He has to constantly cover Edwards' tracks thanks to all his idiotic comments. When he does color commentary on Vs games or college games, he's actually pretty good.
  10. The first season episode where they introduced Cotton was great. I could listen to that war story about how he lost his shins over and over. After that, nothing really sticks out in my mind other than how annoying Bobby and Peggy are.
  11. Someone remind Trent Edwards that James Hardy is 6'6.
  12. I really hope they don't fill the slot with another MacFarland show.
  13. Since my dad is about to have work done on his knee, I probably shouldn't comment on what I think about this situation. But really, the choice to go out to California doesn't seem like the best of moves. They've got some of the best out here in Boston. There wasn't going to be any question of the quality of the work out here.
  14. I just assumed that glacier was some crazy british pronunciation. The one thing he says all the time that drives me crazy is "disorientated". I'll add Monk and Psych to the list whenever they come out of their hiatus.
  15. I'm tempted to say that they haven't even made the playoffs during his life.
  16. I don't know. Toronto might respond well to a team that is actually capable of making the playoffs.
  17. The Abrams thing is probably the best thing it has going. You obviously know more about it than most of us, but they're definitely pushing his work hard. I can't help but wonder though if this one will eventually get the "Another Star Trek move? Who cares?" when it is released just like the last 15 movies in the franchise have. I couldn't help but laugh though when I read your comment about it getting hype before it actually gets any hype. I'm sure it will though.
  18. Well they are supposed to be younger. There's pre-emptive hype now?
  19. I don't know if this factors in at all, but with a 6 point lead, you still have a chance of the Chargers failing on a PAT, leaving the game tied. With a 5 point lead, a San Diego TD is an automatic lead.
  20. Is there anything better than watching your team take a knee 3 plays in a row like that? Maybe the lack of wins in recent years influences that feeling though.
  21. Monday's at 10 this year. I can't remember a show that had better chemistry than the Shatner-Spader pairing. Those two are absolutely incredible in their roles.
  22. Yeah, they need to wait into the 2nd round instead, maybe the 2nd pick.
  23. Didn't know that. Wow, it's even dumber than I originally thought.
  24. So it's an incomplete pass, great. But didn't that ball go backwards yesterday?
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