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Everything posted by shrader

  1. They both did a very good job with the part they were given. Not everyone can be entertaining when being forced to dance around to Prince music. The big thing that stands out to me is how no one expected all that much when Ledger was originally chosen. I'm too young to know what people expected from Jack, but his people's expectations of him in that role had to have been pretty high. The Ledger selection was a bit of a head scratcher, but my god did he deliver way beyond anyone would have expected.
  2. So this has now turned into the Metal Gear video game series. edit: And I wonder when Karen Hayes shows up. It's hard to cut her out of this storyline since she and Bill are married.
  3. Yeah, he would be too obvious, but I can't get past that comment about the 3 confirmed dead. I would hope that wasn't just a crappy editing issue. Unless there's some obscure background character, yes, they're the only ones to appear in each season. Hell, as far as I can remember, Jack, Aaron Pierce, Tony, Kim, and Mike Novick are the only people who have had key roles and have survived since day one.
  4. Or they reveal that he's working with the good guys now, only to have him stab them in the back around hour 12 or so.
  5. Maybe I completely missed something, but after the sniper killed the guy in front of Jack and the new agent, a couple minutes later the boss (forget his name) said that there were 3 people killed. Where did that come from? I never saw anyone else in that room other than the main guy and his body guard. That's why I suspected the boss right away. Oh, that and I'm completely expecting something like CTU is still up and running as some secret black op with Bill Buchanon and Chloe supporting Tony.
  6. That guy in charge at the FBI office is dirty.
  7. And just for the curious, above 200 mg/dL is the cutoff for diabetes on an OGTT. 140-199 is considered impaired (IFG).
  8. I've seen plenty of cases where they never bother to ask. Did you fast before the blood test?
  9. Those people seem to be the ultimate head scratchers for a lot of doctors. If you go out and make even a few changes, you can cut back on the chances of developing those complications quite a bit. It may be difficult, but it's worth it.
  10. At least it sounds like you won't have to modify your physical activity very much. If you've been working on that mile time, stick with it. That will go a long way.
  11. I get a good laugh at how he sounds like Batman most of the time in the ads on tv, but yeah, hopefully I'll get to check this one out. I almost never make it to theaters anymore, but this one has caught my attention.
  12. The defense as a whole is going to see quite a facelift over the next 2-4 years. They've reloaded the system on the blueline in recent years. Sure, some will be moved or won't pan out, but there is some decent prospect depth on defense.
  13. That has to be the strangest group of people I've ever seen. I can understand why you'd list Ferrell and Black, but where did you pull Whoopi from? Has she done anything of value in the last 15 years? If you ask me, I feel like blaming Joe Piscopo and Judge Reinhold for the state of today's movies.
  14. I catch the occasional Fresh Prince rerun on some nickelodeon station. I'm sure they're on other networks too though (not that I have Time Warner).
  15. Would it really be so bad to live there? It can't be all that different than Buffalo anyway.
  16. Where's Dr. Cox when you need him? Anyway, I'll probably check out that movie just for Deadpool.
  17. Now maybe I'm remembering things wrong, but going into the season, weren't they saying that Johnson played in a much more organized offense that would make his transition to the pro game go much more smoothly than Hardy? The big shame here might be that Hardy won't have the chance to have a typical off season. So many times in professional sports you'll see that guy who works his ass off in the offseason, working on his game and getting into much better shape. Now he might have to do that in rehab instead.
  18. I always joke that if they ever did a spinoff, I would want it to be about Ted and the Janitor.
  19. Hermie survived again.
  20. Hermie sounds right, but I try to block just about everything related to that character out of my head.
  21. Rudolph tomorrow? I'm all over that. Maybe this time Yukon Cornelius Bennett will finally send that gay little dentist elf over the cliff instead of the bumble.
  22. I really wish people would leave that stuff up after Christmas. Winter is so boring and gray. Would anyone really mind seeing something like that throughout the winter?
  23. I'd have no problem kicking him down the stairs for "eyeballing me".
  24. Well one soundbite is perfect. "The world will look up and shout 'save us' and I'll whisper 'no'."
  25. Wow, they've actually found a new tactic for these things. Usually they just show the worst possible picture for everyone, but this time, they mixed in some decent pictures just to make the other ones look that much worse.
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