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Everything posted by shrader

  1. They'd typically have a 3rd goalie up with the team for the playoffs anyway. By the time Miller is back, we may be talking about 5 or so games. There's no harm in keep Tellqvist around at that point. Also, if he was solid enough to go for a 4th round draft pick, he could easily be claimed, especially if any potential playoff team has a depth situation similar to ours.
  2. I don't think that will happen. There is no roster limit now, so they probably wouldn't risk waivers on Tellqvist just in case Miller isn't completely healthy.
  3. So why is being on a 5th team in 4 years a shot against Moore but it isn't for Guerin (Dallas, St. Louis, San Jose, Islanders, Pittsburgh)?
  4. Maybe if they had positioned the picture so that you'd have to walk between her legs to get on the plane.
  5. I'm just glad that for once there is no guarantee that John Connor will survive. Yeah, of course he will, but it's not vital to the story anymore.
  6. Bill needs to live, at least long enough to pass along a message. It seemed like he reacted a bit when Juma metioned Hodges name on the phone call. Sure, any of the hostages could pass along the name at some point (except Aaron and the daughter), but Bill would make more sense.
  7. It's also bringing us to the 12th hour of the season, so it's right about time for a turning point in this season.
  8. I'll list it as a spoiler just in case, but in relation to an earlier discussion in here about John Voight:
  9. Yeah, immediately after posting that, I realized that I did need photographic evidence before making that judgement. But still, he was willing to take on the "challenge", so there had to be some interest there.
  10. Is is even possible to lose the bet he made? Oh no, I didn't even come close to the 12 hours. I guess we'll just have to try again tomorrow.
  11. Because they don't always play 18 holes. The match stops once it becomes impossible for the losing golfer to tie it up. Would you just give all those remaining holes to the winner? Also, not every hole is won. What happens to the holes that are split? This scoring system paints a pretty clear picture of exactly how the match went.
  12. I can't even imagine what it would take to win a match that quickly. Even the crappiest of pros should be able to half a few holes with a par. It had to have been one of Tiger's strongest rounds paired up with one of Ames worst. Even a fired up Tiger needs more than a little help to win that quickly.
  13. And didn't Tiger take one of his matches a few years back 10 & 8?
  14. It'll be the same ending, minus the alien space squid. Everyone will face the same outcome, but in a way that will be far more realisitic. Other than Dr. Manhattan, this story has a good feel of realism to it... well, everything but the squid.
  15. Yeah, but who is that? Is he just some big business man looking out for that diamond trade in Sengala or is he a big shot politician, tying in to the whole corruption story.
  16. It's no rumor. The director has confirmed it. I won't bother searching for the link, but it shouldn't be that hard to find.
  17. In Redemption, that guy who went to the president's son for help said he knew Voight was some big shot, but didn't know his name. So he can't be the VP. Lennox worked on the staff for Wayne Palmer and Daniels. The exchange in Redemption made it look like President Taylor beat Daniels in the election, so that would rule out Lennox, well, that and the fact that Lennox was also there for the exchange of power. That also makes him from a different party, but then again, that didn't stop Mike Novick from working on the staff for both David Palmer and Logan, who were from different parties (Logan replaced Keeler, who was running against Palmer in season 3). Heller has to be out of the picture. They've effectively cut Jack off completely from his entire past. Bringing him back would re-open the Audrey door, which I can't see them going anywhere near. He should be in the same party as President Taylor though, so I guess anything's possible. Maybe I'm overanalyzing the whole political party thing, but the whole Mike Novick situation always bugged me. Being the top advisor for two presidents from different parties?
  18. On another board I post at, we have an agreement ahead of time that we won't discuss the previews. So it's a bit of a force of habit, but I'll stick with it for now. koolaid, we already know who the evil genius is. Jon Voight will have to show up at some point. The only thing we really don't know is who exactly he is.
  19. I've got a new complaint after watching the preview for next week. I'll throw it under a spoiler tag just in case people try to avoid those (and they do generally show too much):
  20. And I'm sure it has a lot to do with the writers strike. From what I read last week, these last two episodes were the first ones completed after the strike ended. It really shows.
  21. Tony definitely sent that text to Red Foreman's assistant. All I could think though is that if they have to kill off Red, can he at least call the assistant a dumbass as he's dying?
  22. And Edgar was only on for 2 seasons, right? Anyway, I hate how they list the actors at the start of the episode.
  23. Speaking of Aaron Pierce, out of random curiousity, I just checked out the IMDB cast page for the show. It's amazing how far down the list (sorted by total episodes) he appears even though he's the only other character to appear in every season. Last year's one episode really didn't help, I'm sure.
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