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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think you can take "probably" out of that sentence. I can't come up with anything that would bump them out of that 2 seed if they win. All the teams just below them in the PWR are already done.
  2. Denzel Washington #1? He's done a lot of good stuff, but that doesn't seem right to me.
  3. I know I wanted the deathbed "dumbass" from Red.
  4. I've never really thought about it by network, but here we go: NBC: My Name is Earl, The Office, 30 Rock, the occasional episode of Law & Order and SVU ABC: Scrubs CBS: only Letterman, but rarely FOX: 24, the Simpsons, House Anything else is from random cable channels (especially Monk and Psych, like sullim mentioned). I've always been amazed that CBS gets the most viewers since I can't remember watching a single show on that channel other than Letterman or football over the past 15 years. It looks like I watch more shows from NBC than any of the other networks, more proof to the fact that people in this country have no idea what they're doing.
  5. Well this year's seniors were freshmen back then, so maybe that will be in the back of their minds somewhere.
  6. This post brings back happy memories of UNO's last NCAA appearance. The next day wasn't so happy though. I hate you BC Bills Fan.
  7. Yeah, I know the history, but it's funny to see how the ECAC history has essentially disappeared for all the teams that left for the forming of Hockey East. I don't know why, but I tend to hear "Clarkson too" from the fans more often than any version, even though they change it for whoever that night's opponent is. I wish I could remember what they said last year at MSG when they actually played BU. I bet a lot of somewhat drunk college kids who have no idea why they actually chant it were very confused as to what to say that night.
  8. I'm so sick of the word "sucks" being used in ever single college hockey chant. It's so played out and uncreative. I'd even go as far as to say that the majority of the chants are anti-opposing team instead of being pro-home team. I've never understood that. But anyway, I do get a good laugh out of the fact that Cornell still mentions BU even though they really haven't played us all that much in a long time (Red Hot Hockey 2 at MSG this year though ).
  9. I was starting to think that Red was going to be president by season 8.
  10. I just hope I'll be able to walk straight by the time the game starts.
  11. No doubt, I just think very highly of Yale. I haven't been all that impressed the the few times I saw SLUT, but it has been over a month since I last watched them. Senator, I asked because I have a friend who covers the ECAC. I was curious to see if his name would come up at all. It didn't, which is a good thing. He doesn't need the ego boost.
  12. Jack kills Quinn with a screwdriver and then uses the same screwdriver to hotwire the truck. Beautiful.
  13. Story of the year? A nice upset, but Cornell hasn't exactly been playing all that well lately. If they can somehow get past Princeton, they're going to have serious trouble with Yale. And shouldn't you be talking about a certain team playing for their season on friday? That's going to be a fun game, as usual. I just picked up my tickets today and they're some amazing seats. Hey Senator, just out of curiousity, do you follow the hockey team closely at all? I'm kind of curious about where people go for ECAC news, other than a site like elynah.
  14. I would've swore that it has happened more than twice, but it's definitely rare now.
  15. No, he was gone for a little while. Sure, he was still around because Cartman drank his ashes thinking it was a hot chocolate mix, but he didn't appear for a while. They had that whole season where Butters and then Tweak took his place as the 4th friend.
  16. I saw a beggar wearing a pirate hat near my office one time. I was disappointed that the guy didn't go the whole 9 yards, saying arrrrr all the time and stealing from other beggars. Still, a pirate beggar was pretty cool. I've never seen a ninja beggar though. I'd have to imagine that a ninja beggar would be stealthy and near impossible to spot.
  17. If there was a tunnel through the center of the earth all the way to the other side of the planet, what would happen if you dropped something in it? Would it slingshot back and forth for a little while until it eventually came to rest, hovering at the center of the earth?
  18. Yeah, I know. But a first term president choosing not to run for re-election in the middle of election season isn't exactly a normal circumstance.
  19. And then do the ear waving thing to the hostages as they cheer while being rescued? "Whatca gonne do General Juma..."
  20. We appreciate good football? Well then why have the Bills been able to sell any tickets over the last decade?
  21. I've never seen the point of the whole "that could never happen" thought to this show. We're talking about a world where two nukes have gone off on American soil, where a president hasn't actually completed a term in at least 12 years (Palmer, Keeler, Logan, Palmer). The realm of reality has been stretched well beyond the breaking point a long time ago.
  22. Well, it looks like I was on the right track with this one. And now Renee knows that Jack is in fact human. I really hope they don't end up pushing for a happy ending to the series with her and Jack. Sure, Jack probably deserves something, but it should never happen with everything he has gone through. Whenever this series ends, Jack needs to be seen as a tragic figure, whether he's alive or dead. The episode where Mason died is still my favorite one of the whole series. I almost want to break out the dvd right now just to watch that one hour.
  23. George Mason's death was better.
  24. It all depends on whether or not Tellqvist has a two way contract. If he doesn't, they'd be paying him the same amount regardless of where he's playing (unless claimed off waivers).
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