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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You know what throws me off the most in that shot? He's wearing the mask. They've pretty much completely moved away from that thing at this point. Anyway, that trailer gives me a sibling vibe for those two.
  2. It's an incredibly minor thing, but I'll point out that the +14 does include the fake goal awarded for winning that one shootout. It doesn't change your point one bit, but I really wish the NHL wouldn't include those in their official stats. Anyway, I wanted to say that the number of OT wins gives me a little doubt, but looking over the schedule, there's actually been less of those than I thought. I guess that's the problem when they play 3 west coast games that I can't watch, all I remember is the three consecutive OT games just prior to that trip. So far, they're different than last year. I don't see that quit that I was so worried about, particularly in a game like last night after falling behind 2-0 early. Speaking of OT, that one last night was great. They lost control of the puck just once during the entire 3 minutes. Granted that one loss of control lead to a rush the other way, but they completely controlled the entire OT.
  3. I was waiting for her to turn, but I must have looked away before the eyes opened. But yeah, alpha’s got some scouts on them and Carol probably did see a few in the woods. She’s crazy but not that crazy I guess. yeah, he’s the only new one so far this season. I’d love to know where he came from. Some highway men tie in maybe?
  4. So it seems like Alpha has someone inside the communities. Lydia would be too obvious. It makes me wonder about Siddiq, but all the PTSD doesn't really mesh well with him being a mole... unless its guilt. After that, the only meaningful options would be someone from Magna's group since they're still new to the community. If it winds up being some no namer, that feels like weak storytelling to me: "oh yeah, you know this person we've shown once lurking in the background? Mole." Edit: I guess your last line probably hits on it. There are single whispers hidden in various places, reporting back. I just don't know how any of them would have been able to survive that storm unnoticed, and then able to report back. Did the eyes open on the dead one? I wasn't really paying attention.
  5. The oh so common home-and-home series with the Sharks. I can't say I've seen one of those before. Thank god they're back to start times I can actually watch.
  6. I've had trouble with the site recently too. I can access things on my phone, but anything I've tried on the laptop has not worked.
  7. There's only one piece that is going to get that return and it's Ristolainen. Even then, I'm not so sure you get it with a one-for-one deal anyway. So I don't think the possibility of additional pieces in any deal was ever out of the picture.
  8. It has to be Scandella. McCabe will have move value, but having just given him the A, you'd think he's a guy they want to keep around. He's also getting top pair minutes right now. It doesn't seem like they want Dahlin to fill that role just yet, so I don't think you really have a good option to fill those minutes.
  9. I wonder how much the early start on monday might help with that. There's at least a little extra time between the games. But then again, there's added travel time here. It's an odd set of circumstances that has to mess with their internal clocks.
  10. And just look at the kind of deal Hall will wind up getting. I can't picture any team spending $18+ million on two wings. Marner/Nylander is the only one I can think of, and that will be a very interesting one to watch since their entire blueline other than Rielly hit UFA after the season. I'm still under the impression that they'd take back that Nylander deal if they could.
  11. It's a shame Chiarelli isn't there. We could offer him Larsson and hope he gets confused.
  12. The next one needs to be an accurate re-creation of Pee-wee's Playhouse. Please spare us from the obvious jokes about the little theater area where he shows the cartoons.
  13. That's exactly why I think there will be a bit of an explosion once either he or Vesey scores. I feel like I've seen this scenario play out 100 times before.
  14. I love Carol, but there's no chance in hell I'm leaving my kids under her protection.
  15. If they can ever get Mittelstadt's line going, look out. It will come eventually. One thing I find interesting about that group is that people were whining after the trade about Vesey being a defensive liability. But look who is out there on the 2nd PK unit with Sobotka.
  16. I was calling the one of the scariest movies I've seen right after I left the theater because it felt so real. Everything right down to any of the violent moments, there's no special effects, no massive explosions... each of those moments was so real. I'll spoiler tag the next part because it's as spoilery as possible: They worked in one really cool homage to Ledger's Joker later in the film. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It's quick, but I saw it as a nice tribute. edit: And speaking of great Joker performances, we now have 3. It's a shame that Leto trainwreck actually made it to theaters.
  17. Dan Aykroyd will show up in this one instead. I can't name a single sequel that failed after replacing Murray with Aykroyd. And Joker was great. They need to hand all the awards to Phoenix right now because he was amazing. It's chilling how real that movie felt.
  18. I worry a bit that this is all a bunch of fools gold right now. It's been 3 consecutive OT games now and that's pretty much exactly what was happening in the streak last year. I could really use a definitive victory today (god I hate these early starts). They're playing a different game than last year, but I worry that it's still the same brains playing that different game. Until I see that more resilient group that doesn't buckle under the pressure and quit, that possibility is going to remain in my mind. And John, they can't buy out Sobotka at this point. So unless they were to convince someone to take on part of his contract, he's here he the rest of the way. I can't imagine there's much to be saved money-wise by the Arizonas of the world to make that deal since he's in the last year of a contract. At least he actually plays though and doesn't wind up as the complete cap albatross that Bogosian is. That's the contract this is going to limit them a bit if they want to make some deadline deals. He's going to find a way to get healthy for about 3 weeks, blocking the chance of LTIRing him at some point.
  19. I wish we could get a sense for how many of them there really are. Any shots so far have made it look like a small group. So even with the herd, I wonder how they can take on 3 communities at once. Then again, it looks like Beta might as well be a one man army.
  20. That was the impression I got from him, that he didn't really know who a few these wrestlers are. It's not a great way to sell a new product. I hope it is just that and not a health thing. Booting the arena name makes me wonder though. I'm sure I'm in a very small minority that actually noticed that since I was a season ticket holder in that building for about 10 years, but he wasn't even close.
  21. I'd also add that he probably wasn't expecting the shot. Three defenders surrounding Eichel and he gets a shot off completely untouched. I'm not going to give the goalie a free pass, but there's plenty of blame to go around on that one.
  22. I haven't watched this stuff in probably ten years, but I caught the opening of that AEW show late last night after watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2. My god, Jim Ross has gotten old and horrible. From his very first words where he didn't even know the name of the arena, it seemed like he had no idea who most of the wrestlers were, booting names left and right. I can't picture him lasting long if he stays like that.
  23. I think it's a bit harsh when it comes to Housley. He was a good coach at the high school level and developmental levels. Some guys are made for that level. I hope that's what he is and he finds his way back there. He still has a contribution to be made as a head coach.
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