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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He could at least create a mini remote control robot Jack that would go through his body destroying every trace of the bio-toxin. It would be just like a mini-Ditka.
  2. I had trouble keeping interest in last night's episode. These transition hours can be a bit rough sometimes. It must be the near death thing with Jack. It just doesn't feel right at all.
  3. Your 3rd point was the big issue sticking out in my mind when I was tying that up. I guess they could claim that the US has the right to protect US based ships, but I don't know how these things work and whether or not that's a legit claim. As for whether or not it would fall under the Navy's mandate, I would think that protecting American's at sea would be an appropriate task for the Navy. Getting involved with any private shipping industry definitely has it's issues, but it might be worth some thought for any type of ship involved with humanitarian aid.
  4. How realistic would it be for the Navy to assign people to random ships as protection? They could stay on the ships with the rest of the crew as a part of their service to the Navy. The only cost to the shipping company would be the one or two spots on the ship. I can see how giving up space for a non-working member of a crew might be a major expense though. If a soldier just happens to end a couple attempted hijackings, it's going to make the pirates think twice about going after ships. I guess a big part of this would be the number of pirates generally involved in a typical hijacking.
  5. So Tony and Voight work for someone higher up than Starkwood. This better pay off.
  6. Scored the game winner too. Well that was unreal. A fitting end to the most incredible NCAA tournament I've ever seen, one last ridiculous come from behind victory. That was easily the most fun I've ever had in a single day.
  7. Less human, more transformers and I'll be fine with it. I like how they've turned Soundwave into a satellite. I remember seeing a lot of arguments over how to include him. This one fits perfectly. The part at the end of the article about Megatron seems pretty obvious to me. He won't be in the movie until the very end where they tease his return.
  8. I take it that you think the play should be stopped immediately?
  9. That's how it would go in any hockey game. They don't just stop play because they need a review. They have to wait for a whistle. If Air Force had scored, it would have been no different, but obviously that much more painful for them. I've seen it before, but never in a situation like this one. Of course, given everything that has happened in this tourney, I'm surprised that the first whistle wasn't a result of an Air Force goal. That would've fit right in with all the other craziness.
  10. You'll appreciate this. Ok, maybe not 2/3rds of it. But wow, that is amazing. All 3 from the same conference and two from the same school? Unreal. I'm pulling for Gilroy. What an incredible story he has been. Bullpen, I wanted Air Force to win too, but that was no screw job.
  11. "Screw BU, BU suck!" It just doesn't have that same ring to it.
  12. I forgot to listen to it last year in NYC. What do they say when they actually play BU?
  13. Only one team in that frozen four didn't fly under the radar. This has been, by far, the craziest tournament the NCAA has ever seen. Sure, Holy Cross over Minnesota was one thing, but this one was full of upsets and insanity: -Two 4 seeds playing each other in the semis -8 goals scored in the last minute of a game or OT -Three 1 seeds falling in the first round -UMD score 2 in the last 40 seconds and then wins in OT over Princeton -UNH scores with 0.1 seconds left to force OT with North Dakota, winning it 45 seconds in -Vermont scoring a goal in 2OT against Air Force, but no one realizing it until a review 10 minutes later This tournament blows away the basketball tourney. Now if only ESPN could get their heads out of their asses and make it more readily available to the public, instead of burying it on ESPNU. Us college hockey fans don't ask for much. We can live with ESPN2. I was fortunate enough to be there for the BU-North Dakota-UNH-Ohio State regional, so I saw some incredible hockey. Thanks to ESPN though, most people missed out on most of what I listed above, plus so much more. Anyway, I'm there for DC. This will be my 4th frozen four and they're always a great time. This is my superbowl.
  14. You just know that Renee's first thought was whether or not the bioweapon is sexually transmitted.
  15. I'm sure it wasn't his intention, but reading that story now, it almost looks like a "there's nothing I can do, you have to do it yourself" type comment. It probably wasn't, but hey, it appears to have worked out pretty well.
  16. This tournament will be remembered for a very long time.
  17. Well there's your problem right there.
  18. Why not go back a little further. What exactly did Jim Kelly accomplish after leaving the Bills? He never started a game again, let alone make it to the playoffs.
  19. Did the kid write that article too? I have a hard time believing that anyone over the age of 16 could've written something that was basically unreadable.
  20. Those temporary respiratory symptoms are called "holding your breath too long while trying to seal of the leak in the biochemicial weapon tank".
  21. The bioweapon was created and tested by some rogue African wannabe dictator on the run. It'll probably end up being the flu or something. But anyway, didn't Jack at some point in the last episode mention something about seeing a whole town stricken with dimentia thanks to Juma's testing? That could lead to a very strange 8th and final season next year for Jack.
  22. He's got the super AIDS.
  23. Well at least we won't have to worry about the team blowing a 4-0 start this year.
  24. Immediately after the game ended, this BC guy in front of me storms out whining "we never win here!". Where has this kid been? I guess those last two HE championships slipped his mind. Anyway, those 44 seconds are exactly why it has been so fun to be a BU fan this year (and really, for the first time in 10+ years). And on to Cornell. They may have drawn one of the worst matchups for them. Being as offensively challenged as that team is, Thiessen could give them fits. He's right up there in the top 2-3 goalies in the nation. But then again, Northeastern has been struggling lately.
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