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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Do the Nuggets own the arena. If that's the case and I'm Vince McMahon, I wouldn't be going back to that arena anytime soon.
  2. Didn't she have another health issue a few years back, maybe a difficult pregnancy?
  3. I was under the impression that the NY thing has been confirmed, complete with a restart for CTU.
  4. Come on comcast. Get me the NHL network next.
  5. Not only that, she went over and checked on one of them. How did she not grab his gun and/or radio? I like how Tony yelled "what about Terri" to Jack as he was being dragged off. Ummm, Tony, Jack murdered Nina in cold blood. He got his revenge.
  6. I was really hoping for zombie Edgar, but I was happy with that show yesterday. The wrap up on the Tony storyline seemed fair. It fit in pretty well with some of his reckless actions in the past attempting to save Michelle. I'm glad Jack didn't kill him at the end, because there are so few links remaining from the original season. They need to hold on to as much as they can. I'm sure we'll see him again in season 8, but who knows how they'll bring him back. I really wish they had sorted out the whole deal with the first family earlier in the show. I didn't want to deal with that crap in the final 15 minutes. But anyway, it was good to see a little David Palmer in the president.
  7. I can't say I've ever seen a show go with a cliff hanger ending that was so intentionally obvious. Sure, there's some question as to what Renee did and whether or not Jack will live, but we all know what happened. She tortured him and he'll live. I like it.
  8. My feed was a bit choppy so I wasn't sure I heard it correctly. At the start, did he say he was throwing a ball around with James Hardy? I hope that's the case because those two need to be kept together as much as possible.
  9. They've come a long way since the days of Laura Davies.
  10. Was it Al Bundy that said "Women. Can't live with 'em" and then just stopped right there?
  11. Actually, it happens all the time when I open what I think is an unused locker. I do wonder what would happen though if that person just happened to walk in at that moment.
  12. I'll never understand the people who throw their stuff in a locker but don't put a lock on it. I wish the thieves would just go after them instead. And yes, I've seen phones and wallets in these unlocked lockers in the past, so some of these people are complete idiots.
  13. What happens if the black owned store has a white or hispanic running the cash register? What if the milk they buy at that store is produced by a white owned dairy? What about the other way around where it's a white owned store selling milk from a black owned dairy? I have no problem with the idea, but that last example seems like a major problem to me.
  14. Granted, we haven't heard every detail of this conversation, but everything I've seen so far in the moments leading up to the crash, they were talking about events on that plane. The comment about the ice build up seems relevant to me. I can understand either point of view on the rest of the comments about their experience, but to me, it seems relevant to the flight. I guess it all comes down to whether or not they could've done things in advance to avoid that stick shaker stall warning. The big thing that sticks out more than anything is that these two had no clue what to do in the icing conditions. With or without the conversation, that doesn't change. Yes, I can understand the potential problems of random conversations in the cockpit, but here, this whole issue seems like it is trying to distract us from the fact that not enough is being done to train certain pilots.
  15. I don't really see how the fact that they're carrying on a conversation is that big of a deal. Yes, it's a rule, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen all the time. It's the comments pointing out their lack of any experience that is the huge issue here. It doesn't getting any more damning for the Colgan Air than that. I've always assumed these pilots have a good idea of exactly what they're doing, but I'm sure I'll think twice next winter when I fly home for Christmas. I'm sure I'll be dishing out the extra cash for a flight without a layover where there tends to be less of these regional carriers.
  16. Please shock us all and kill him.
  17. I'm surprised no one has made and Gibran Hamden comments yet.
  18. But isn't that the whole point of this thread?
  19. You don't even have to throw in your post since both of those quotes start by asking if anyone mentioned so and so. Obviously they weren't reading.
  20. "Follow me. Follow me to freedom!" -Charlie Steiner "Sometimes the best team doesn't win." -An incredibly bitter Brendan Morrison during his Hobey Baker acceptance speech, the day after his Michigan team was eliminated from the NCAA semi-finals. "No you can't" -Me in response to Miami of Ohio fans chanting "Yes we can" after their team went up 3-1 late in the finals of the NCAA hockey tourney last month
  21. So how long does it take for the window to close on this being Marv's team? Once that happens, then we can really compare the two. We know exactly where Donahoe's team took us, but was Marv around long enough for this to be a fair question? Ultimately, fair or not, it's going to come down to Edwards vs. Losman.
  22. I can understand that point of view, but any responsibility of the fans is far outweighed by that of the league and the union.
  23. I love how we have now reached the point of speculating over who DIDN'T use steroids. Way to go MLB and the players union.
  24. Sales are going so well for the same reason that they're projecting a huge year for movies. This stuff is entertainment and people use it as an escape.
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