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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Another confusing thing about the article. Since Roscoe only does punts, how does using McKelvin for kickoffs limit Parrish's role with the team? He's returned 18 kickoffs over his career, only 8 in the last two years. McKelvin doesn't limit his role any more than McGee did.
  2. Well that answers my question perfectly. Thanks. The unavoidable storm must be one hell of an uncomfortable sight, especially for any passengers who have never seen anything like that. The furthest I've ever flown is Texas, so I have no clue what a storm like this would feel like.
  3. I'll admit right up front that I know absolutely nothing about flying or weather conditions. How high up are these storms anyway? Is going over them an option?
  4. Would a mayor have any say in that at all? That has to be completely a state thing. Anyway, was anyone else expecting the old fairy link when they saw this thread?
  5. I like that he actually checked out the foundation before donating. It just sounds like the right way to go about things.
  6. I just saw it and liked it. I lack of a story talk annoys me a bit because there's as much story to this as there is the others: kill John Connor. I think they could've gone a bit further with the whole idea of not losing their humanity in the battle against skynet.
  7. I'm assuming they'll be doing the split season like they have been lately, so hopefully the last season will last a little longer than just the summer.
  8. I love how there's a big explosion on the plane, but no damage at all.
  9. Yeah, I'm surprised by Earl. It was a very entertaining show. Unfortunately I missed it most weeks because I always wound up with things to do on a Thrusday night. I guess a show can't succeed if it has a positive message behind it.
  10. NBC is going to be spending next to nothing in production costs thanks to that Leno move. What are they going to have left, about 4 scripted non-reality shows? Network tv has become such a joke over the last 5+ years.
  11. The school has to say that though. They've got a kiddie porn issue on their hands if they don't.
  12. Do the Nuggets own the arena. If that's the case and I'm Vince McMahon, I wouldn't be going back to that arena anytime soon.
  13. Didn't she have another health issue a few years back, maybe a difficult pregnancy?
  14. I was under the impression that the NY thing has been confirmed, complete with a restart for CTU.
  15. Come on comcast. Get me the NHL network next.
  16. Not only that, she went over and checked on one of them. How did she not grab his gun and/or radio? I like how Tony yelled "what about Terri" to Jack as he was being dragged off. Ummm, Tony, Jack murdered Nina in cold blood. He got his revenge.
  17. I was really hoping for zombie Edgar, but I was happy with that show yesterday. The wrap up on the Tony storyline seemed fair. It fit in pretty well with some of his reckless actions in the past attempting to save Michelle. I'm glad Jack didn't kill him at the end, because there are so few links remaining from the original season. They need to hold on to as much as they can. I'm sure we'll see him again in season 8, but who knows how they'll bring him back. I really wish they had sorted out the whole deal with the first family earlier in the show. I didn't want to deal with that crap in the final 15 minutes. But anyway, it was good to see a little David Palmer in the president.
  18. I can't say I've ever seen a show go with a cliff hanger ending that was so intentionally obvious. Sure, there's some question as to what Renee did and whether or not Jack will live, but we all know what happened. She tortured him and he'll live. I like it.
  19. My feed was a bit choppy so I wasn't sure I heard it correctly. At the start, did he say he was throwing a ball around with James Hardy? I hope that's the case because those two need to be kept together as much as possible.
  20. They've come a long way since the days of Laura Davies.
  21. Was it Al Bundy that said "Women. Can't live with 'em" and then just stopped right there?
  22. Actually, it happens all the time when I open what I think is an unused locker. I do wonder what would happen though if that person just happened to walk in at that moment.
  23. I'll never understand the people who throw their stuff in a locker but don't put a lock on it. I wish the thieves would just go after them instead. And yes, I've seen phones and wallets in these unlocked lockers in the past, so some of these people are complete idiots.
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